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Hey everybody, I’m really excited to have my friend Jason Pritchard on the show today!

Today, we are going to talk about the ‘Success Roadmap’. We will talk about the key components that you need on your roadmap to reach success! Lots of golden nuggets on today’s show. Let’s get started!

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[00:00:00] Mike: Hey everybody. Welcome back to the show. Really excited to have my friend Jason Pritchard on today. We’re going to be talking about the success roadmap, some really key components that you need on your roadmap to reach success.

Professional real estate investors know that it’s not really about the real estate. Back real estate is just a vehicle to freedom. A group of over a hundred of a nation’s leading real estate investors from across the country. Meet several times a year at the investor fuel real estate mastermind to share ideas on how to strengthen each other’s businesses, but also to come together as friends.

And there’s more fulfilling lives for all of those around us. We’re going to continue our conversation, fueling our businesses and our lives. I’m glad you’re here.

[00:01:00] Hey Jason. Welcome to the show. Thanks for having

Jason: Hey Mike, I’m excited, man. I’ve been following your guys’ stuff forever and it’s, uh, it’s great to finally be able to participate with you and get on one of the shows, man.

Mike: Glad you’re here. And then of course, you’re a member of industry fuel now. So really excited to have you in, you got, you just have a ton of energy, um, in your business right now in your momentum and stuff like that.

And I love that’s. One of the, a lot of people have that in our investor. Fuel group they’re on the upward trajectory. They’re willing to invest in themselves. They’re willing to open up and share everything they know, which really kind of launches you forward. Right. Which is an amazing thing about investor fuel.

And I appreciate you for bringing the, bring in the heat as they say, in terms of, uh, helping participate with that. So I

Jason: love giving back. I love being a resource to other investors. I feel like, you know, there’s always people that helped us along the way, and that’s true of myself, man. There were people that.

Kind of steered me in the right direction when I was at the beginning of my journey. So, um, yeah, I love to give back and, uh, like I said, there’s, I always say there’s no secrets, you know, I think, you know, anybody can be successful in this business if they, if they’re willing to put in the work and [00:02:00] follow some of the things that we’re going to talk about today, man.

So I’m excited for sure.

Mike: And if they’re willing to give, cause I think you just hit the nail on the head there. That’s kind of the foundation of our investor fuel mastermind is, is giving a culture of giving because yeah. You just said it there, I mean, you couldn’t, we couldn’t have scripted it better is that when you get to a point where you’re having the level of success and you feel the need to give back, because, you know, you got so much in the past and it’s just this flywheel of like, I keep giving, I keep getting more.

Right. And so it’s a cool place to be

Jason: interesting, man. We hear these things like that, where if you can positively impact other people, it always comes back full circle. And I think, you know, I’ve just, it’s been proven to be so many times over and over again. I think it’s, it’s hard at the beginning because people sometimes play.

With the cards close to their chest. But yeah, that, that Go-Giver mentality, man is just, it’s had such a profound impact on my life and my business. And if I can push that forward and, and, and help other people see how it can, how impactful it can be for them, uh, then, then just the better for them. And so I’m excited man, to,

Mike: uh, to share.

And then we’re going to share some good stuff [00:03:00] today before we jump into it. Tell us a little bit about how, how you found your way to where you’re at today.

Jason: Sure. Yeah. So I’ll give you the condensed version. I started in corporate America, just all through college. And after I graduated college, I spent 15 years working at two different companies.

Um, I cut my teeth in sales and sales management. So I found that I was just really good at that. And, you know, they just, you know, that’s kinda how they suck me in. I think at the beginning, at the first company I was in, you know, they, they paid me a good salary. I excelled in the position and I started kind of climbing the corporate ladder.

And I saw that, I thought anyways, that was going to be the vision for like, you know, my career and my future. And, uh, you know, I just went through this seven-year cycle at the first place where I got really burnt out. And I thought it was because of the company I was at. I jumped over to another company and I went through almost an identical seven-year cycle at the second place.

And I found myself in my early thirties, just in this position where I hated my job. I was unhappy with my life. My marriage was not doing well. And I just said, you know, what, if I don’t [00:04:00] try something different, I feel like this is just going to be what the rest of my life was gonna look like. And, um, you know, fortunately for me, my wife was very supportive.

Six years ago. I, you know, I quit my job. I went all in to this, uh, real estate investing and, uh, we bought our first project and we haven’t looked back since then.

Mike: That’s awesome. That’s awesome. Yeah. I think it has, you know, being, self-employed having your own business, it gives you a chance to. You know, you can spice things up.

Most companies, they kind of get stale and you get there for a while. And I’ve kind of found that I’m the type of guy that I’m like, uh, I’m really good at starting things or fixing things. But then when it comes to just maintaining stuff, I get a little bit bored. Um, but when you’re working for a company, you know, that’s kind of how you go fix it and then you have to manage it now after a while, you’re like, I like the idea of fixing something or building something new.

I’m not really a

Jason: maintenance guy.

Mike: Um, and I think in our business, you know, what I’ve tended to do is I just starting businesses, right. Break something that I think needs to be fixed, or, you know, you can kind of add your own spice in there if you need it.

Jason: That’s what I tell my team all the time. It’s like, [00:05:00] uh, you know, we’re, we’re building the airplane while we’re in the air.

You know what I mean? And I think it does add a layer of excitement because. Corporate jobs can get mundane and just, you know, they just get boring after a while, like you said, and just, uh, right now for me, I wake up everyday. I’m charged up, I’m energized. I love coming in to the office. It doesn’t feel like work.

I haven’t felt like I’ve worked a day in the last six years, you know? And so as long as I can keep that kind of momentum going, I can probably, we just keep doing this

Mike: for the rest of my life, man. That’s great. That’s great. So we’re going to talk kind of about what we call on call the success roadmap.

And it’s basically just a kind of pillars of things that you and I talked about ahead of time that are really important too. There’s a lot of things that need to fill in the gaps, right. But it kind of three big pillars, which are really mindset, be in sales and marketing focus first and then kind of the power of your network.

And so I wanted to kind of get into those. So let’s kind of jump into the mindset stuff. Just like you said, I know we talked about a little ahead of time. Until you get your mind, right. You’re just not ready to do anything else. And you’ll probably kind of just flounder at best if you don’t have the right mindset.

So what [00:06:00] does, what does the right mindset mean

Jason: to you? I think for me, it starts with having a positive self image and developing the belief that you can accomplish whatever goal it is that you set out to do. Right. And I think most people derail themselves right from the beginning, because deep down they’re struggling with like fear and self-doubt.

And all of these negative, other influences from friends and family members and people that they don’t even know or conditioning them and programming the way that they’re thinking and feeling. And I think that is one of the biggest obstacles that people have to overcome at the beginning is learning how to keep your head screwed on straight every day.

Because the real estate part for me, I found is the easy part, right? When you just show up every single day and you do the things that you’re supposed to be doing the real estate. Stuff will come, but it’s what do you do when you don’t feel like getting up? Right? What do you do when everything in your body and your mind is telling you to sleep in and not get up and do the thing that you need to do, and you can develop the self mastery to be able to say, no, I’m in control.

I’m going to do these things. And [00:07:00] I frankly might like, we’ve talked about like, I spend more time focused and energy focusing on self development and developing the proper mindset because I know that’s, what’s going to help keep me on the trajectory that I’m on. Right. Regardless of whatever the market does.

Yeah. And it’s interesting.

Mike: Cause I think for a lot of people you probably would agree with this is like, it’s maybe like 10% more work than you would do otherwise. It’s not like there’s a fine line between like just getting by and having a crappy mindset and having like a awesome mindset that really motivates you to kind of move forward.

It’s not like it’s 10 times more work.

Jason: It’s just, Oh, it’s not. And it’s, it’s what I found is just constantly. Keeping being self-aware enough and auditing the way that you’re thinking and feeling and not living up to the effect of all the things that are happening in your life and kind of being like that pinball that’s getting bounced around every day because this happened or that happens.

Right. I think most people don’t realize that we’re in a hundred percent control of the way that we think and feel every day and we make a conscious choice to respond or not respond to those things that come [00:08:00] up. Right. And when I’ve learned to kind of like. Not be emotionally attached to the outcomes that are happening in my business.

Right. And just knowing that, you know, if I just come up and I trust this process and I, and, and do the process that is proven to work, the outcome is inevitable. Whether we win today or we take a loss today or whatever, it doesn’t matter because in the long run we’re going to be fine. Right. And I think that takes a lot of work here.

And, uh, that’s what, you know, I think most people. Really, really discount that they want to know, you know, how do I raise money and where do we do deals? And those things are important to a certain extent, but you know, when you. You know, once you lose that initial motivation, when you jump into the business, cause everybody’s riding a big wave when they make the decision to get in.

And then they kind of hit this wall where they’re like, wow, this is harder than I thought, how do you do, how do you overcome that? And how do you kind of deal with all the peaks and valleys? Because there’s so many highs and lows in this business, you have to, you have to, you have to fortify the foundation of the way that you’re thinking [00:09:00] every day in order to make it through.


Mike: W what are you, what are your thoughts on, um, like the, you know, I, I just did a video. I was trying to record a video a day, like five a week. At least I’m just like little content. It’s just like a thought I had, I wake up in the morning and I think of something and I’m like, I’m going to just shoot a video on this topic.

And so part of it is, is me getting out of my comfort zone. Cause it’s for as many podcasts as I’ve done, I really don’t like going live and doing stuff like off the cuff, but I’m like forcing myself into it. Uh, which I like. So, you know, we get some good feedback then, so hopefully it’s helping some people too, and it’s helping me like, just get out there more, um, about the size of your, uh, the size of your business, because.

For a lot of people, if they’re doing a deal or two a month, you probably can’t afford if you’re, I mean, you’re in California a little bit different market, but you probably can’t afford a team. Right. So you would get stuck doing everything inevitably like that pinball analogy you just gave, you’re doing everything right.

But once you get up above like three, you start doing night, you can bring in an admin, you can bring in a salesperson and they start to take some stuff off your plate. That gives you the time to work on your mindset because [00:10:00] at least. You may not think you have the time to do it, if you’re doing everything right.

So it kind of get into your business up past that tipping

Jason: point of I can afford a staff

Mike: now helps probably

Jason: would mindset, right? Yeah. A hundred percent. And I think a lot of it is. Is leaning on the people that are around you or just other successful people. They don’t necessarily need to be your personal network, but they can look at people like you and me and see like, Hey, there’s a certain process that you can follow in order to be successful.

Right. You can’t just be a one man show for the rest of your life. And I was on that trajectory at the beginning were scrambling and I did everything. Like I would print the direct mail. Stuff at my house and me and my family would sit there and write all the things out and deliver it at the post office.

Then I would go on the appointments. Then I would meet the contractors and I would be cutting checks to the contractors in the home Depot parking lot. And then I would be selling the houses. And then I would, I mean, it was crazy. Right. And eventually you got to get to the point where you have enough faith.

That that knowing like, Hey, if I bring this other person on, it’s going to [00:11:00] buy back my time to be able to do these other things. And you’re not committing to saying, Hey, I’m going to pay this person 50,000 a year. You’re committing to 3000 a month for 90 days. Right. And just see how that works. Right. And then you just, there’s a quote that I love that I believe in.

I can’t remember who said it, but it’s like, you don’t need to see the whole staircase. Right. You just need to take the first step in faith and then the second step, and then, and I’ve. Just lived by that, right? Like, I don’t know what I’m doing half the time. Right? Every time you don’t know what you’re doing, you know what I mean?

Like there’s literally like, you just don’t, you don’t know what the end outcome is going to be, but you have to have the self-confidence and it goes back to what I was saying about having this, this positive self image where you believe that you can actually do these things. Right. And you may not know the whole how, but just take that first step.

And then I guarantee you, if you take the first step. The second step will become clear at a certain point. If you just do that. And if you just keep putting one foot in front of the other, eventually you’ll be at the top of the

Mike: staircase. Yeah. I think some of it is just the confidence of [00:12:00] knowing there is another step there.

You’re not going to fall off a cliff. Like just keep going. You know, even though you can’t see around the corner, you maybe can’t see it. It’s it’s there just don’t worry about it. So you get to the level

Jason: below that. Right? What, and what I always say is nothing great happens inside our comfort zone. So if our comfort zone ends here, right.

Then there’s the danger zone over here. So once you get past this point, you’re being too reckless, right? But in here, this is where like I’m trying to live every single day of my life, where you’re pushing and you’re growing and you’re forcing your mind and your body to do these things that are uncomfortable, that are new.

And that’s what creates the growth in our life. Yeah, and, but you’re not so reckless where the wheels are gonna come off any second. Right. And if you can just learn to stay right there. I found that’s where, like the greatest things that I’ve happened in the real growth that I’ve seen personally in my marriage and in my, just my personal life, plus my business and money and finances and all those things.

All the good stuff happens right there in that little sweet spot.

Mike: That’s great. What would [00:13:00] you say to people that are listening right now? And they know they need some help on, on mindset. I mean, some people go listen to Tony Robbins, some people like you do a lot of other things, but what, what are some of your favorites or what are some things that people could go get access to that might help them?

Jason: For me because when I started, I was bootstrapping everything. So I didn’t have, like, I literally, I had a six-figure corporate job and I quit. I didn’t have money. I was the main breadwinner in my family. So we just made a decision that we’re going to live off my wife’s salary for a year. And so I was just trying to put everything together.

So for me, it was podcasts, YouTube videos and being very cautious and understanding what am I actually putting into my brain every single day. Right. Am I getting up and watching the news and watching something negative? That’s just going to send me down some spiral or some rabbit hole or listening to some music when I’m working out that maybe is not a positive uplifting message, right.

Or am I listening to. A motivational video or a podcast that maybe is putting something in my brain. That’s going to help me with my real estate business. Right. And I think number one, [00:14:00] Being cognizant and aware all the time of what we’re actually feeding our mind. And I think most people are not, and I was not right.

Like when I go to the gym, I just listen to whatever music I would listen to and just not have any thought when I was in the car. Like that’s really valuable time that I think people don’t realize when we’re just kind of driving around or we’re working out where we can make a decision to put something that’s going to propel us closer to our goals in our mind and plant those seeds in our mind.

Versus planting seeds that are negative or that are neutral and they’re not going to get us any closer. So I think starting there is a good starting point and you’ll see the way that you start thinking and feeling everyday will start to change. And it’s not going to be like a light switch where you just flip the switch and the lights come on.

It’s like a dimmer switch where slowly but surely, like you’re raising the switch. And then two years later, all of a sudden it’s like, okay, now I can see, you know what I mean? And you’re like, wow, what, how did this happen? And it’s all the work that you’ve been putting in before. And that’s what people have to do is commit to actually [00:15:00] doing that and sticking with the process.

And it, the result is always inevitable. If you do it and you don’t give up. That’s awesome.

Mike: Yeah. And there’s so much free stuff out there these days. I mean, there’s like a million lifetimes of content and you know, one of the things that I’ve done really over the past year is I was so, uh, industry-specific like listening to consuming, creating a real estate investing stuff.

And I started to broaden out to other business stuff and like, uh, I listened to a podcast called business Wars. Yeah. Kind of basically tells to, you know, right now there’s one, that’s like, KFC versus Chick-fil-A and it just tells the backstory, but there’s always a, there’s always like these companies were always on the brink of failure at some point, if not many times.

And just to kind of hear the stories of like, Then they did this, or they made this relationship where they changed completely or whatever it is. And it always inspires me to hear biographies of how people overcame challenges, because that’s what we’re all trying to do is overcome obstacles.

Jason: One of my favorite books is shoe dog, the Nike story.

And so it’s like Phil Knight’s story on how, [00:16:00] like, I mean, it’s just amazing to hear like all of the things that they overcome and like how many times. A company like Nike, which is a staple, like in our society. Right? Like they were just on the verge of like, well, this is it. We’re shutting the doors and we’re just going to go back and get regular jobs, man.

So stuff like that I think is it’s a combination of motivation, right? Like things that motivate you and charge you up and also like tactical things that you can do to actually. You reprogram the way that you think you have to have a little bit of both, or at least that’s what worked for me. And I think, uh, people focusing on that that can help start the seeds going.

And once it goes, then it’ll just be like a snowball effect and you’ll just gain more momentum and then it starts happening. The things that you want will start happening fast and fast. Right, right, right.

Mike: So the second thing we’re talking about is really kind of being sales and marketing focused, our sales and sales and marketing.

Yeah. Because then I told you that just coincidentally did a video this morning on that. The importance of lead generation lead conversion to the business. And I think a lot of people say the real estate investors and they just, they don’t, they’re not really [00:17:00] generating leads. They’re like, why talk to a couple of people?

And you know, if you, I always compare stuff because I actually have a little bit of background in retail. Uh, retail for retail companies. It’s like, I like in sales and marketing to us as real estate investors, as people walking in our store, right. Some are gonna walk in and just browse around and never buy anything.

And you hope that, you know, if you get 20 people into your store that hopefully half of them buy something and that’s a sales funnel, right. We, we have a sales funnel too. And my argument is typically people aren’t focused on getting enough people to come in the store because that’s what. Kind of feeds our businesses, but let’s give you your take.

I know you came from a sales and marketing background, just how important that is to this business.

Jason: One of the things that I think that helped me the most Mike, was that I spent that time in corporate America that 15, 16 years that I spent, it was all in sales and in sales management. Right. And so I understood the value of what marketing was when the leads came in, how important they were to touch them quickly and get them through our process in an efficient way, because people just lose interest, [00:18:00] especially in this day and age.

Right. And I. I get hit up all the time by different people. And I like to help and I like to give back and people always ask me, Hey, can I pick your brain? What do I need to do to get started? And the advice that idea of almost a hundred percent of the people is the same. And I always tell them if I were starting all over again, knowing exactly what I know now, but no resources, no money, no anything.

And I’m just starting from zero. I would focus all of my time and effort and energy on mode, on marketing to people that are motivated to sell for some other reason, besides money, getting those leads coming in and then putting them through our process, which is qualifying them for motivation. And then going on an appointment, making an offer, and then it’s just a numbers game at that point.

Right? So once I did my first real estate transaction and I understood, and I got over the intimidation of like, you know, how do we buy a house? I took a step back and I was like, this is the same thing I’ve been doing for 15 years. It’s just, I’m speaking a little bit of a different language. And now we just have to reverse engineer.

How many calls do I need to make, to talk to this [00:19:00] many sellers to go on this many appointments, to make this many offers, to get this many accepted contracts. Right? And, and then we just reverse engineer that, and then are you willing to do the work? That’s it? So once you can figure that out, it’s can you show up every day and make a hundred calls and then do that again the next day and do that again the next day.

And most people don’t realize there’s so much of that. At the front end of this business, it doesn’t matter if you have a million dollars there to buy a house. It doesn’t matter if you’re a contractor, your dad’s a contractor. Doesn’t matter what title company you’re going to use. Right? Real estate is a, is a linear process.

So if you don’t get past step one, it doesn’t matter what step two is. And step one is. Marketing and generating leads and getting those leads through your sales system and getting those offers accepted. And then you can move on to step two. Yeah.

Mike: Yeah. It doesn’t, it doesn’t matter what your business card looks like or what your logo looks like.

And I say, I found myself saying this to somebody the other day. I was like, it’s just math. It is, it’s just math. You’ve got to talk to this many [00:20:00] to go to the next level, which is you need to have some, some interests you make offers and you get contracts. It’s just a sales swamp, right?

Jason: There’s a book called from Augman Dino called the greatest salesman on earth.

And in there he talks about the law of averages and what that is. And that’s just what this is. It’s just, if you just do this enough, the law of averages will always take hold. So it’s. Can you do the work every day. And that goes back to developing the mindset so that you can come in and actually do the work every single day.

And then the result that you want will happen eventually. Yep, exactly. Um, and that’s what I’d say. So most people, a lot of newer people are like, I gotta get a house. I really want

Mike: to get a house. I really want to get a house. What you need is about 20 or 30 leads. Yeah. Cause that’s, that’s the fuel that gets you to, uh, to buy a house.

Right. And it’s the tough thing

Jason: about real estate investing because there’s so many shiny objects, right? So one day you want to learn about wholesaling, then it’s flipping, then it’s creative financing. Then it’s like, how do I raise private money? And then what about hard money lenders, but then how do I calculate HRVs and rehabs?

And so I, I, I see, and I’ve struggled with that too. So it’s, this is not. Anything that I didn’t deal with [00:21:00] at the beginning, you jump around to all these different things. And if you can just get laser focused on sales and marketing and. Especially for people that are working a day job and trying to break into the business, right.

Your time is already very, very limited because you’ve got a time commitment to work. You’ve got a time commitment for your family, that free time that you’re going to spend every day and on the way and doing that, it’s it can only be on marketing and lead gen. That’s it like? Uh, like you said, if you’re sitting there fooling around with your website on a GoDaddy or something, you can’t do that yet.

So yeah, you got to focus on. The things that really move the needle and that’s what moves the needle on this business? Absolutely.

Mike: Absolutely. So the third pillar is a, is your network just the power of your networks of relationships, all that that could bring you. So what, what are your thoughts on, you know, the power, how your network has helped you

Jason: if not the most impactful it’s right up there at the top of the list.

Um, it’s the thing, but one of the things that like fundamentally changed my life and my business and it’s, it’s interesting [00:22:00] because I have spent time around prior to getting into real estate. All of my friends and family were like the same buddies from like elementary, middle school and high school. And it’s so crazy.

All of us, if you look back, did similar things, all of us made about the same money. All of us had the same interests, all of us kind of like plateaued at a certain point. Right. And as soon as I got around people that were doing what I was doing, um, it just opened my mind up to. All these other possibilities.

And I tell this story all the time and I’ll share it right now. I remember after my first year in the business, I think I’d flipped like five or six houses. So I had some positive momentum. Right. And I was still kind of in that imposter syndrome where I was worried, like, when’s the next deal going to come from?

And am I going to have to go get a job later on? Right. And I met this guy who was very impactful in my life. And he wasn’t a mentor as my buddy Allen. He wasn’t a mentor, but he was just a guy that I used as a guiding post for me because he started two years ahead of me. Right. And so I’m always said, like, if I do what Alan’s doing in two years, I’ll be doing [00:23:00] that in the first day I met him.

I met him at a real event and I could just tell that he was different than the other people. So I approached him afterwards and we were talking and I said, Hey man, what are you going to do? What’s your goals this year? And he said, I’m going to buy 16 rentals this year. And it was already like April or something like that.

And I was in my brain. I was like, how is it even possible that you can even do something like that? Right. And so I, I made an attempt to connect with him. I tried my best to provide value with him. I was an open book and just showed him like, here, here’s everything I’m doing. Here’s how I do my direct mail.

Here’s how I do my bandit signs. At the time I would go over to his house and I would show him how to do that. And in turn, I was just like, dude, if you have anything positive that can rub off on me, you know, I’ll take it man. And so like I just, by being around him and then being around other people like him, it, it showed me that not only what’s possible, but also this is just a regular guy, you know?

And I never take success away from anything. Right. But my buddy Alan was just a normal person. Right. He wasn’t like, [00:24:00] I never walked away from any of these meetings feeling like. This was like bill Gates or Mark Cuban on the other end of the table. Right? Like this is just regular person that just did what they said that they were going to do.

Right. And so if I do the same things that they tell me to do, I know that I can do that. Right. And you do that enough and you set a goal for yourself and then you hit it. It builds a lot of confidence and then they’re like, all right, let’s set this next goal. Right. And you know, if, if my buddy can do this, I know I can do it.

So let’s set this goal up here and then you hit that goal. And then you just, then you start getting to the point where you realize, like, I can do anything. I set my mind to, as long as I follow this plan in this process. And. Um, that was really what changed my life, getting around other people. And then, you know, just being a part of groups like investor fuel and, you know, being around people where you can just share and collaborate all of the things that are working, it’s like putting rocket fuel into your spaceship and just, you just get, you get to where you want to go fast.

Mike: That’s awesome. Yeah. And once you, once you have a business that’s of [00:25:00] significance, right? Sometimes you hear a little nugget that in the past wouldn’t have meant anything. And it’s like, wow, that’s like that, that little thing right there gonna save me or help me make 50, a hundred thousand dollars a year.

Double my business sometimes. Cause it’s, it’s really just small things that really move the needle for us sometimes. Right. It is

Jason: man. And it, and it, a lot of it’s about the timing and you being ready to until like, actually accept that information. Right. And I think a lot of it is that, like, you hear it legit, like you said, you hear the same thing over and over and over again, but you were not ready to accept that and implement it in your business.

Right. And then you just get around it enough and you’re like, okay, like you said, like for whatever reason today it clicked and then you go and do it and then. It’s compounded by having access to the people that are doing it, because then you can always reach out and the things that you think that are these big obstacles, they’re just little tweaks, right?

They’ll just be like, no, don’t do it like that. Just do this little thing over here. And then it’s like the flood gate opens. Right. And so, you know, you just. You, you have to [00:26:00] have it proven to yourself. I think a couple of times before you can, your mind can really buy into it, but then once you’re bought in, then it’s like, you just keep your foot on the gas and keep going.

Mike: Yeah. I think one thing that helps by getting around other people that are doing this is. You know that those people, we have some great people in investor fuel. For sure. I’m not trying to take anything away from anybody, but none of them came out of the womb, like with rockstar status, right. They had to iterate to get there.

And I think it’s, sometimes you look at somebody you’re like, well, that’s just a really good guy, a regular guy. He figured it out. He just didn’t give up. He just kept trying. I can do that too. And it’s so much easier to apply. It’s like, it just starts to eliminate some of the doubt in your mind of, should I even do that or do I even want to do that?

Jason: It is it’s the network gives you speed and I think is nobody’s going to do the work for you. And, you know, nobody’s gonna hold your hand while you do it. And I don’t think anybody’s expecting that. Right. Like, but. It’s the it’s those little tweaks in the speed to be able to take something where you would normally go this route and just shortcut straight to it because of one or two little tidbits or nuggets that you said that you can just implement and [00:27:00] you’re a lot faster.

Mike: Right. So you talked a little bit about investor dealer. Would you mind just giving a quick kind of testimonial of your experience in the Cusco 100%.

Jason: So I just recently joined at the beginning of the year and I think I’ve actually hamstrung myself a little bit, Mike, frankly. And we talked about that when I was, when I was looking at the group because.

I bootstrapped everything at the beginning. I didn’t pay for coaching at the beginning because I didn’t have, I didn’t have money frankly, to do it right. I never paid to be part of a mastermind event. And I always saw people doing it. I saw people like my buddy, Alan, that were doing it, and I saw the success that they were having, but I had.

For whatever reason, a limiting belief about doing it, or I would always say like, Oh, I’ll get to it. I’ll get around to it. I never made it a priority. And just in the three or four months that I’ve been there, just the relationships that I’ve made with the people that I’m going to be involved with, like the coaching that I’m joining and all these other things that it’s just proven to me how impactful the group has been being around other people.

That are not just doing what you’re doing, but also set the bar higher. Right. And I think a lot of times you’re paying for [00:28:00] access, right. Because I don’t. So I run a pretty, a pretty successful Rhea in my market. We get a hundred, 150 people prior to COVID showing up in person, right. And sometimes the attendance can just be all over the board.

Right. It tends to attract a lot of new people, right. And it’s fun, and it’s great to help, help those people and give back and be a resource for them. But other times I want to just be able to, to vent or talk to people that are experiencing the same issues that I’m experiencing. Right. And I think, you know, the, the ability to be around other high-performing people.

Has just changed my business, like fundamentally. And so for me, I I’ve already seen the impact just in the, you know, the short time that had been involved in the group. So I love it now. Awesome.

Mike: Awesome. Appreciate that, buddy. So folks, I know you’ve got a REIA club. Uh, you got a lot of really cool stuff going on.

So everybody, what market you’re in, you’re in,

Jason: yeah, I’m in Fresno, California. It’s a smack dab in the middle of a, of California, the central Valley. So Fresno is home base for us and we do basically anything within a couple mile radius in any direction. So, um, you know, [00:29:00] we started here. Uh, we do a lot of projects here in the Valley and we’re started slowly starting to expand into, into some other markets.

Mike: Okay. If folks wanted to connect with you in any way, w what’s the best way for them to do that? It is

Jason: on my, my social, uh, social media. So Facebook and Instagram, if you just plug my name in there, Jason Pritchard, my handles should just pop right up. Um, I try to be, you know, an open book about everything, man.

And then, so, you know, I share the day-to-day stuff, the ups and downs that we’re struggling with. Um, the wins, the losses when they come about, you know, I want people to know that it’s not just, you know, you’re not just here making a bunch of money and doing everything. There’s, you know, there’s all these things that you deal with on a day-to-day basis.

And so I’ve always felt that that’s got really good engagement and feedback from the people that follow me. And so, um, yeah, I’d love to connect with the people that are viewing the show. Um, pants are all my DMS and stuff like that. So if you want to reach out to me and ask me a question, I’m happy to, I’m happy to

Mike: help.

Fantastic. Well, we’ll add links to your social accounts right down below in the show notes. So thanks for spending some time with us today. Good stuff,

Jason: buddy. Thank you, man. I appreciate it. I love doing stuff like this, man. Uh, [00:30:00] just let me know if I can help with anything

Mike: on your end. Of course. Yeah. Looking forward to seeing you here in just a few more weeks and investor.

Yeah, that’s right. I’m excited, man. Yeah. Yeah. Awesome everybody. Hey, thanks for joining us. I hope you got some good value from this. You should connect with Jason. He’s a great guy. He’s actually creating a bunch of, uh, he’s gonna put some content out. That’s really amazing. Uh, I’ve at least seen him on Facebook.

You might be on Instagram as well, but we’ll add the links down below. Make sure you check that out by the way, our next investor, if you will, meeting is coming up in just a few weeks. If you haven’t talked to us before, if you’re an experienced investor and you’re looking for a new home to be able to kind of give and pour into people and really get a lot back in return.

We have really an amazing family of professional real estate investors. We bumped talk to you about just go to industrial and you can learn more otherwise see you on the next show. Take care.

Jason: Are you an active real estate investor? If so, and you want to latch onto the power of surrounding yourself with over a hundred of the nation’s leading real estate investors. All committed to building stronger businesses and living richer fuller lives. You should jump on a call with us to learn more about Investor Fuel. Simply visit to get started.


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