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Welcome back to the Investor Fuel Show! I’m happy to be here today and excited to talk to my guest, Brandon Richards! Brandon and I know each other, he used to live here in Dallas, he’s a wholesaler, and we cross paths a lot. He has since moved to Arizona and is now doing commercial stuff and multi-family investments. He recently joined our Investor Fuel Cash Flow Group, which is the multi-family side of our mastermind. Today, we will discuss his journey from single-family to commercial properties. Let’s get rolling!

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Mike: [00:00:00] Hey everybody, welcome back to the show. Excited to be with you here today and excited to, to talk to, uh, Brandon Richards, who’s gonna be my guest today. Now Brandon is actually, uh, we know each other, we cross paths a lot because he used to live in Dallas and was a wholesaler here. He’s since moved away to Arizona and is doing some commercial, uh, stuff and some multi-family investments.

Mike: And actually recently joined our, what we call our cashflow group, which is the apartment group inside. Of investor fuel. So really excited to, uh, have him here with us talk about his journey of transitioning from single family into more of commercial properties.

Mike: Professional real estate investors know that it’s not really about the real estate. In fact, real estate is just a vehicle of freedom. A group of over a hundred of a nation’s leading real estate investors from across the country meets several times a year at the Investor Fuel Real Estate Mastermind to share ideas on how to strengthen each [00:01:00] other’s businesses, but also to come together as friends.

Mike: And build more fulfilling lives For all of those around us on today’s show, we’re gonna continue our conversation of fueling our businesses and fueling our lives. I’m glad you’re here,

Mike: Brandon. What’s up my friend?

Brandon: Not much. I appreciate you having me on.

Mike: Yeah. Yeah. And I, and you also have a podcast too. I a long, I was on your podcast a long time ago. Have you been in on any of my shows before?

Brandon: Uh, this will be the first time I’ve been on your show.

Mike: Yeah. Okay. Okay. Uh, that’s a weird question.

Mike: I know, but I’ve been doing the podcast for 10 years, so sometimes you forget of like who all’s been on. I know that like, it wouldn’t have been uncommon that you were, but you, I guess you just haven’t, so anyway, glad to have you here now. Yeah.

Brandon: Yeah. So my, my show is, uh, the fearless pursuit of freedom. And, uh, originally started out as interviewing real estate people only, cuz that’s primarily who I hang around with.[00:02:00]

Brandon: Yeah. Um, over the years I’ve done interviews with, um, um, philanthropists, uh, personal coaching business coaches, um, fitness trainers, kind of all over the place. Um, probably moving forward, I’ll niche that down back to real estate primarily, but I just like, I like learning from everybody so. You know, people that, uh, had an interesting, uh, path of business, uh, just invited ’em on and we just talked about it and so, yeah.

Mike: Yeah, and I love the, I love the general theme that, you know, real estate is a vehicle to get to build the lifestyle that you want, right. Right. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. I know you loved, I know you, you’re an avid traveler too, so we’ve got that in common as well, so, yeah. Right, right. Yeah. So tell us a little bit about your, your background.

Mike: I know you’ve been a real estate investor for a long time, and we used to run in some of the same circles here in Dallas. And just maybe tell us a little bit about your background on what you do today.

Brandon: Um, a long story short, about eight years ago, um, [00:03:00] Uh, I was a, nobody owned a carpet cleaning company, carpet cleaning company, and I was just cleaning carpets, but I knew real estate was something I wanted to do, but I didn’t know a single thing about it.

Brandon: Um, I thought, uh, and it worked out well, but I thought, you know, the, the obvious avenue to get in the real estate was get the realtor license. So I got that first. Um, messed around with that for. 12, 18 months or something like that. Then, um, started wholesaling. I joined a brokerage out there with, uh, Tim Herridge and, um, learned a bunch of stuff from him.

Brandon: It was a loved working there. And then, um, you know, started branching out on my own, started wholesaling, started flipping, and then, um, over the years, just, uh, I guess it, I guess it’d be all primarily just wholesale flipping and then, uh, moved back to Texas. Got a broker’s license and started transitioning into finding larger deals.

Brandon: And so this past year, um, has been that [00:04:00] journey of finding and, and wholesaling larger deals. Yeah.

Mike: Yep. And I think, you know, I, I’ve made that transition as well. I’m primarily doing larger multi-family syndications now, and that’s, Not everybody does, but that’s a fairly natural evolution of transitioning from single family into multi-family.

Mike: And I think people just get to a point to where they, you know, they see bigger deals being done. Some of it, which I think we’re gonna talk about is a confidence issue. Some of it is not really knowing what to do, but you know, what are some of the reasons why, why you transitioned or why, and you’re still transitioning, I mean, When I say you transitioned from into commercial, I know you still do single family stuff, you’re doing some development stuff.

Mike: I think what happens for a lot of, a lot of real estate investors is they just kind of broaden out what they do. Like you, you probably never be completely out of single family stuff. Like there’ll always be something going on. It’s really what is your primary focus, right? So yeah. Why, why have you shifted focus and, and tell us a little bit about your, your kind of [00:05:00] like your big why there as to why you’re moving into more commercial type deals.

Mike: Yeah. I’d say it’s

Brandon: a variety of reasons. You know, the, the, the average entrepreneur is kind of squirrel minded, you know, you just want to see what’s out there. And real estate is so vast, you just kind of wanna learn it all and see which one you like. Right. Um, and then there’s cash flow, you know, guiding, guiding me towards there.

Brandon: Yeah. Um, I’ve had single family rentals, duplexes, and they’ve all worked out, but, you know, grabbing a little bit of equity in a couple hundred bucks a month and cash flow is cool. Um, but it wasn’t getting me where I wanted, um, quick enough. So, and then, um, you know, I think, uh, the commercial space that I’ve learned so far is just in general talking to these types of sellers and, um, having these more professional conversations is, Is, um, not as, um, I don’t wanna say stressful, but it’s not as annoying.

Brandon: You know, if you’re cold calling pre foreclosure all day, you’re getting yelled at in 90% of the day, whereas you start calling some [00:06:00] RV guys or some multi-family guys, either they won’t answer or they pick up and you end up having a 30, 45 minute conversation with them about. Everything in real estate.

Brandon: And then at the end they’re like, oh, by the way, I don’t really wanna sell. But it was cool talking to you. And so it’s always, it was, it was fun to, to experience that as I was started cold calling the bigger stuff.

Mike: Yeah. Yeah. It’s more of a B2B conversation than b2c, right? You’re talking to other people like you that may or may not want sell, but Right.

Mike: It’s not, it’s, it’s, it’s more of, it’s less of a emotional, uh, process or discussion. Right. Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, and so, and then of course there, there’s the potential for bigger numbers too, right? I mean, I think a lot of single family folks, and, and that’s why I made the transition is like, hey, If I wanted to double my cash flow or double my net worth or whatever, I have to go buy 50 more of these little single families.

Mike: That took me eight years to get to this point. Right? And it’s like, do I have that enemy to do that? Of course, there’s other ways to do it [00:07:00] faster in single family, but sometimes you’re like, Hey, you know what happened with me is we did a, a multi-family deal. Corey Peterson and I, he’s in Investor Fuel as well, and it was a, you know, it was a deal.

Mike: We ended up selling for 20, we bought it for 10 and we sold it for 20 a few years later, and it was like, Holy cow. That was like so much easier than right. All these little, little red houses like a monopoly, right? It’s like, wow, one big deal moves the needle way faster. And that was what it was for me.

Brandon: Yeah. And you can go pursue those portfolios. Um, sure. But you know, in, in my mind, eight out of 10 of those large portfolio owners don’t necessarily. Want to sell as a portfolio cuz they know they’re getting a discount. So they, I, from what I’ve experienced is a lot of those 20, 30, 40, 50 portfolio owners in the single family space will end up selling ’em off one by one as retails.

Brandon: Yeah. Um, whereas, you know, one and done and I, yeah. I would assume, and I don’t know actually firsthand, but I would assume those types of, that type of financing would be more difficult [00:08:00] than a commercial. Um, Loan for a multi-family.

Mike: Yeah. Yeah. I, I thought like if I could snap my fingers and sell my, uh, my portfolio of rental properties here in Dallas, which has a lot of equity at this point, I would to upgrade into multi-family.

Mike: But, you know, I guess in my mind, and this might not be, uh, the case, but. You know, I, if to sell it as a package, I’m probably gonna sell it at a discount or they’re gonna wanna pick through it. Like, well I don’t want these, I only want those. Like I, no, I don’t wanna do that. If I could do a 10 31 into a bigger deal and it was that easy.

Mike: But problem is, it’s not that easy. One is I probably have to discount, especially right now where rates are and stuff, probably have to discount the portfolio. And then the second is, you know, you gotta have a bigger deal, uh, to jump into that. You can apply that, uh, capital to right away. So, Anyway, first world, first of all, problems we’re dealing with here, but, uh, real problems is why.

Brandon: That’s why guys like you and other large single family guys make the transition because it’s just, it’s not easy to get outta those portfolios, and you might as always get into [00:09:00] something much larger. Yeah. But, uh, yeah, larger paydays, that’s, that’s obviously a good guiding factor of why, why, uh, we started moving this route.

Brandon: Yep.

Mike: And so we just said you’ll always probably dabble. I mean, at the end of the day, I’ve said this before, guys like us or people like us are in the opportunity business, right? And so you’re looking for different things to arbitrage, but talk about kind of that transition or you know, why you didn’t do it sooner.

Mike: I think there’s a lot of mindset issues that people just think, well, that deal’s too big. I can’t do that. Especially people that started in single family. It’s kind of hard, um, to think about moving from, you know, you, you’ve probably bought houses for. Five, 10 grand before in Dallas. Right. Over, over the years.

Mike: I mean, I know I bought some for cheaper than that. Um, and then going to properties that are the last multi-family deal that I was a GP in was a 42 million purchase price. Right. And so in your mind, you’re just like, that seems unfathomable for some people. Right. So talk about some of the obstacles you kind of face of mo making that transition.[00:10:00]

Brandon: Yeah. So for me, um, I bought my first small apartment complex. Three years ago is now, and it was just me in my mind it was okay, I don’t really know lingo. I can, I understand a p and l and I can get to a cap rate and I’m just gonna go for it. So, um, I discarded the marketing, um, direct mail marketing and just, just to see where it would go.

Brandon: So, yeah. Um, Yeah, I just picked, uh, some, uh, tertiary markets around the DFW area that were less competition, and I just started mailing all the apartment buildings and, um, storage facilities I could find. And that’s how Landed landed the one. And, um, you know, it went, um, not the way I planned in the end, but the, the, the initiation with the seller was, you know, you know, like it was the, like we said [00:11:00] before, it was, it was not as, Um, cumbersome of a conversation when you’re trying to buy somebody’s house and they, or they’re, you know, have, uh, two mortgages or they’re back on taxes or foreclosure or whatever it is.

Brandon: There’s always these little emotions that are involved versus, you know, it’s, it’s a numbers game in commercial and so, right. Um, you know, I got that guy to owner finance it with very little down and, um, it ended up being, you know, a fairly decent property for a while. Um, but it was, yeah, it was just me.

Brandon: The marketing was the easy part cuz I knew if I get the marketing out, it forces the calls to come in and it forces me to have the conversations that I didn’t necessarily want to do or knew how to do. I forced myself into action by just direct mail marketing. I mean, so, you know, I just built the list and, uh, that just forced the incoming calls to, to, to move me into the, in the direction I wanted to go in my mind, but I couldn’t, you know, get over that hurdle.

Brandon: Um, and then when, when I finally got it closed, I [00:12:00] was just thinking, man, that was just as easy as buying a house. I mean, why didn’t I start that before? Yeah. And um, and imagine management’s a little bit different. You only got more doors and more leases and all those things, but overall, the, the financing and, and the marketing to find it was

Mike: easy.

Mike: I don’t think that, I think that there’s this misconception to, for people that do single family, to think that multi-families are this like fa owned by faceless organizations that don’t also have reasons to sell at some point. Right. And I just think that’s not true. It’s, it’s owned by people just like me and you and people that are listening right now.

Mike: Sometimes they’re inside a syndications with multiple people, but there are. Lots of reasons to sell. Like some you and you just assume, they’re like, well, why would they ever sell it? It’s like, well, some of ’em are at a place in their life where they wanna sell it. Some of ’em, it’s a year where their income is maybe down and it’s a, it’s an opportune time for tax purposes to sell it.

Mike: Some of ’em pass away and the family wants [00:13:00] to sell it. It’s like, it’s honestly a lot of the same issues. Right. Probably. Less dis general distress than just the timing is right. Like when you get to a certain age and you’re just like, I want to simplify, I wanna move up into a bigger property. There’s lots of reasons why somebody would sell and, and I think they tend to be generally, like we talked about, less around emotion, uh, than just a business decision.

Mike: Right. Right. Yeah. So marketing to people, you know, networking with people to find those deals. You know, it’s kind of crazy to think that it’s a big company that owns this. They, they probably will never sell it. And it’s like, no, they have lots of reasons why they would sell it too. Why not have the conversation?

Mike: Right, right. Well, yeah,

Brandon: and you’ll learn that. I mean, the, the typical syndication is, um, three to six year olds. Yeah. So you might be catch ’em at the right time. Yeah. And I learned, um, back at the investor fuel cashflow event that. There’s just a lot of bad operators. Yeah, bad operators, bad management. So year [00:14:00] two, they’re like, oh shit, we, you know, bid off more than we can chew.

Brandon: We should probably get rid of this thing. And, you know, all the, the, um, adjustable rates that those guys were getting into. And there’s a lot of reasons that just force these big guys to, to, to unload these properties that you, like you were saying, would you, in your mind, would think. Why would they ever sell if it’s cash fund, but they’ve got the investor money for three to five years and they’ve got a refi.

Brandon: Or figure out, you know, a new place to, to bring money in to, to refinance it and keep a long term and it’s just, it’s not doable in a lot of these big ones. Yeah.

Mike: And that’s what’s gonna happen. I think that is what’s starting to happen now is some of these bigger commercial deals is it was just way too easy for people to raise money, but they weren’t great operators.

Mike: And with the change in the market here with interest rates changing and it’s pretty common to buy. Uh, we, we’ve done several like this where we bought ’em and we have like a three year bridge loan, and if you got caught at the wrong time, and we, we did on a couple deals. I mean, it still has worked out and we pivoted because, you [00:15:00] know, we’re good operators, but there are plenty of deals out there where the person wasn’t a good operator.

Mike: Then they ha they have to, the bridge line’s up, so they have to refinance and that lender is looking at them and they know if they’re a good operator or not. They’re like, yeah. Your, your vacancy is up. Like you didn’t get the rets up as much as you thought you would. And so now either we’re not willing to refinance you or your interest rate’s gonna go way up because we see this as more risky now.

Mike: And that’s, that’s, you know, for those folks, it’s creates a lot of, uh, uh, drama and issues for folks like us. It might create opportunities that’ll come our way because those folks are gonna be in a position where they’re forced to sell. Yeah.


Brandon: Yeah. And frankly, up to 8,000 units, there’s quite a few mom and pop owners still.

Brandon: Yeah. And you can find for sure listening and for sure skipping down or skip tracing the owners in N LLC is as easy as a 32nd endeavor. And it’s, yeah. You can call these guys and they’ll talk to you.

Mike: Yeah, for sure. For sure. And the cool thing is, is like there’s some people that will even tell you [00:16:00] like, look, I’m not looking to sell right now, but I’m gonna sell probably about 18 months.

Mike: And like, you know, because they have in their mind, I mean, again, like you said, with syndications, we go into it with generally a five to six year horizon. And we tell our investors that because, you know, they wanna know when am I gonna get my money back? And we’re like, well, and if this is a five year project or this is a six year project.

Mike: And, um, so they’re. Some don’t want their money back, they wanna keep it busy. Some are expecting that because they’re at a certain age where they just wanna move on. And so, um, it’s natural for more of the business owner type that’s not the mom and pop maybe, and maybe even mom and pops too, but certainly the larger folks to have a target end date of the project.

Mike: Like if or if they hit certain milestones. You know, I’ve seen and, well, I was a part of one of these what. We sold the deal after three years, even though we said it was five years, but we doubled the value of the property, so we kinda hit the milestone and it’s like, Hey, it’s time to exit. It’s in the best interest of our investors to exit now because we, we’ve surpassed our milestones in three years instead of five.

Mike: Right. [00:17:00] So, uh, that type of, you know, that type of stuff is happening when you’re talking to, uh, commercial investors. So let’s talk about different types of commercial. We’ve really been talking about single family and, and multi-family now. Yeah. But I know you’ve, uh, you’ve done a number of different things, RV parks and self storage, and we do a little bit of self storage too.

Mike: Let’s talk about, then, of course, there’s office space and lots of stuff too. But let’s just talk about the stuff that you’ve done and maybe some of the things that you like or don’t like about each of those asset classes. Sure.

Brandon: So I’ve only owned multi-family and storage at this point, but I’ve wholesaled, um, a variety of asset classes and, um, and I’ve seen the operation of them from, from those purchasers.

Brandon: Um, so my avenue of attack moving forward is any multi-family storage and RV parks. Um, I’ve wholesaled motels, warehouses, you know, variety of things. Restaurants, I’m brokering a business right now, so I’ve seen a lot of different types of [00:18:00] transactions and, and I seem to like, or, or, or gravitate towards RV storage and multi-family.

Brandon: Um, RV is more like, uh, an operational business similar to, um, storage. You know, there’s an onsite manager and, but at the end of the day it all comes down to appraisal and cash flow and it’s just easy to, um, to evaluate and. So, yeah, for whatever reason or another I’ve just gravitate toward, gravitated towards those

Mike: three avenues.

Mike: Yeah. Yeah. We’ve done some self storage, uh, and, and we like those reasons why we like those, right? Which is you don’t have as many tenant, uh, you know, tenant law issues and stuff like that, right. Uh, like you do with single family. In some states that stuff is just terrible. Right? And then, um, For apartments, like I, I guess for most of the apartment deals that we’ve done are they tend to be kind of 20 to 40, 50 million deals.

Mike: So they’re just, they’re just big deals where you can move the [00:19:00] needle a lot faster. And so that’s probably one of the things I like the most about right about that. And I just think, um, we tend to focus on like typically B class type properties and so, you know, there’s a real housing affordability issue in America and yeah.

Mike: Like that is a pretty safe asset class, you know, from my perspective of, uh, it’s, it’s probably the most affordable housing in town. That’s not like, you know, low end stuff that I don’t really want anything to do with, so. Right. Yeah. Um, for folks that are looking, I, I have a question for you. So, uh, knowing what you know now, you’ve been an investor for, you said eight years mm-hmm.

Mike: Or so, And if folks are listening to this, did you have to do, I’m sure there’s, there’s plenty of things you learned and applied, but was it a requirement to do single family first? No. Yeah, and, and, but a lot of people think it is, right?

Brandon: Well, right. So like, there’s some obvious things that would help, like if [00:20:00] you’re, if you’re walking in an apartment complex and you’ve never rehabbed a house, You might think, oh, this is, uh, $1,500 painting carpet.

Brandon: Whereas as a, you know, previous flip, you’re like, nah, it’s not 1500. Right. It’s like six or eight grand right here. Right. And so that is pretty valuable, but you don’t have to know that you can bring in a contractor. Sure. Um, you know, oversight over the contractor’s inputs kind of important in knowing that knowledge, but, At the end of the day, you don’t have to have any of that knowledge.

Brandon: Uh, you can bring in other experts to help you. So, yeah. Yeah.

Mike: Yep. So a, any advice you would give people that are looking to get started, whether they have previous single family experience or not? Let’s, let’s just say you’re talking to the single family person that’s thinking about transitioning into more of a commercial type stuff.

Mike: What, what advice

Brandon: would you give them? Uh, when I’ve been asked that in the past, I always just kind of, uh, tell a little bit of my stories. Like I thought I had to be a realtor. And then I want to be wholesaling. When I did whole my first wholesale, I was like, man, that was easy. And then I did my first flip and I was like, [00:21:00] man, that was easy.

Brandon: And then I went to the first storage and apartment building. I was like, man, that was easy. So every hurdle that I’ve surpassed, I’ve looked back and thought, damn it, I should have done that earlier. That was easy. Yeah. And so that’s just, that’s what I tell people when I’m, when they’re trying to, to get into the next one or, or even if it’s.

Brandon: I guess anything in, in, in life is like, once you finally do it, you’re, you’re most likely gonna look back and think, I should have done that earlier.

Mike: Yeah. Yeah. You, you always think it, well, of course there’s people that think it was way harder. It should have been easier, but Yeah. Yeah, I’m sure. Yeah. But, uh, I think we tend to assume that stuff is harder than it is, and you do it and you’re like, oh.

Mike: That’s not a big, that’s not as bad as I thought it would be. And but the important thing is like everything in life, it’s just like riding a bike, right? Like, you’ve gotta do it. You gotta fall, scrape your knee a little bit. You’ve gotta learn some lessons because that’s a stepping stone to building your confidence to do the next one or a bigger one, right?

Mike: Yep. Yeah. So, uh, the time is now to go do that, right? [00:22:00] Yeah. Don’t wait. There’s no reason to wait, I don’t think. Yeah. I’m sure you’re included in this. There’s nobody looks back and says, you know what? I, I wish I had waited longer to get started. Like, we all wish we had started earlier. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Mike: Yeah. So if you’re gonna do it, let’s do it. It’s time to go, right? Yeah.

Brandon: Just force yourself into do it like, like me, I just, you know, I was scared to get into it, but I just started putting out mailers and it kind of forced me to take action in a sense, I guess. Yeah.

Mike: Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. Well, uh, Brandon, it’s been awesome.

Mike: So we’ve known each other for a long time. I think we kind of knew of each other for a long time and then gotta know each other a little bit over the past couple years. And then you recently joined, uh, investor Fuel in our Cashflow group, which is the multi-family, uh, group. Um, could you, would you mind just sharing a quick testimonial of your experience, uh, even though it’s limited, but you’ve got a pretty good, um, thought about what investor fuels are like.

Mike: Would you mind sharing your experience? Sure. Yeah,

Brandon: I, uh, I attended the, the, uh, Dallas event, um, at the, was that, that was the Renaissance, correct? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. That was a good, that was a good place. So, great [00:23:00] location. Um, I’ve always known about investor fuel. I’ve had quite a few buddies that have gone to investor fuel and quite a few that are still in.

Brandon: And uh, you know, I’ve always heard great things. Um, but moving from Dallas to tech or from Dallas to Flagstaff, it was kind of, A bit of a, a logistical hurdle in my mind. And so, um, I joined, uh, Corey Peterson’s Kahuna Boardroom. And, um, didn’t realize at the time until you messaged me that you guys had joined up.

Brandon: And I was like, perfect. I think the door, you know, the heavens just opened up and said, all right, it’s time to join Investor Fuel. But it was a great event, um, well organized and um, You know, the quality of speakers and the quality of, um, just the organization and event was, it was great. You know, I’ve been quite a, quite a few events over the years and, um, I just enjoyed it overall.

Brandon: Good people and for me as being an introvert. Normally if I’m going to a networking event, I’m in the [00:24:00] corner over here just trying not to talk. But there was a lot of people like yourself and various other people that would come up to me and or grab my hand. Let’s go talk to this guy, cuz I can tell you don’t like talking to people generally.

Brandon: And so being forced into the networking and having those people there kind enough to do so was, it was awesome. That’s awesome. Well, we’re excited

Mike: to have you be a part of it. Yeah. Um, Brandon, if folks wanna connect with you, you’ve got a podcast, you’re always looking to raise money, you’ve got a lot of different things going on.

Mike: What Yeah. Tell us where to, where to find you at. So the podcast

Brandon: is, uh, the Fearless Pursuit of Freedom podcast. Um, Uh, admittedly, uh, bit, uh, taken a little bit of hiatus, but I’m jumping back into it. But it can be found on YouTube, um, Spotify, iTunes, uh, iHeartRadio, and just about any podcasting platform out there.

Brandon: And then, um, I’m active on Facebook. That’s where I kind of just like update the world on what I’ve got going on in real [00:25:00] estate and, uh, and my other hobbies. And um, yeah, that’s pretty much it. I have an Instagram, but that’s more personal stuff, so if you wanna see me riding dirt, blacks and flying planes, you can go on my Instagram.

Mike: Awesome. We’ll add some links down below in the show notes for everybody. So man, thanks for sharing your story with us. Thanks for sharing some time with us today. Yeah,

Brandon: no, I appreciate

Mike: it, Mike. Thank you. Yeah, always good stuff and everybody, hope you got some value from today if you’re looking to transition, uh, from single family into commercial, hopefully you got some lessons there.

Mike: By the way, if you’re looking to. Transition from single family into, uh, large multi-family syndications, a hundred plus units. You should check out our investor fuel, cash flow group that Brandon is a member of, and I partner with Corey Peterson on, um, because it, we have a lot of folks in there that have made the transition from, um, you know, one asset class to another.

Mike: Or if you’re already doing a ton of, uh, multi-family, we’d love to have you there too. So, Hope you guys got some value from today’s show. If you haven’t yet, check that Investor Fuel. We’d love it if you learn a little bit more about us to see if we’re a fit. We’re looking for active real estate investors that [00:26:00] want a community to come be a part of.

Mike: Give share knowledge. Do life with Travel the world, with invest together. And all sorts of other things, so just go to investor to learn more. Otherwise, we’ll see you on the next show. Take care.

Mike: Are you an active real estate investor? If so, and you want to latch onto the power of surrounding yourself with over a hundred of the nations leading real estate investors. All committed to building stronger businesses and living richer, fuller lives. You should jump on a call with us. To learn more about investor fuel, simply visit investor to get started.[00:27:00]

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