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Welcome back to the show! I have my buddy, Brad Woodall on the show today and we have an exciting topic to talk about, something near and dear to my heart. It’s about the importance of building up cash flow. When you’re a real estate investor, depending on where you are in your business or your level of business maturity, we all start off wholesaling, fix and flipping, or some combination of those things. They give us some nice paydays, it’s all great. But at some point, you’ll realize that if you’re not keeping rentals and if the deal flow stops right now, you have nothing to show for all those efforts. So today, we are going to talk about the importance of building up residual cash flow. Let’s get started!

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Mike: Hey, everybody, welcome back to the show. I’ve got an exciting topic to talk about today. Something that’s kind of near and dear to my heart and I’m talking to my buddy Brad Woodall today about the importance of building up cash flow. And when you’re a real estate investor, depending on where you are in your kind of business, your kind of level of business maturity, we all start off wholesaling and/or fix and flipping, some combination of those things and getting some nice paydays. It’s all great. But then at some point, if you’re not keeping rentals, you look up and you say, “Hey, if my deal flow stops right now, I have nothing to show for all those efforts.” So we’re going to be talking about the importance of building up residual cash flow.
Professional real estate investors know that it’s not really about the real estate. In fact, real estate is just a vehicle to freedom. A group of over a hundred of the nation’s leading real estate investors from across the country meet several times a year at the Investor Fuel Real Estate Mastermind to share ideas on how to strengthen each other’s businesses but also to come together as friends and build more fulfilling lives for all of those around us. On today’s show, we’re going to continue our conversation of fueling our businesses and fueling our lives. I’m glad you’re here.
Hey, Brad, welcome to the show.
Brad: Hey, Mike. Thanks for having me again.
Mike: Yeah. Great to see you. Great to see you. Excited to see you here coming up in Investor Fuel in a couple more weeks.
Brad: Yeah, I get to drive up there this time. I don’t have to [inaudible 00:01:36] plane.
Mike: Yeah. That’s not too far. How far of a drive is that from . . . ?
Brad: Four hours.
Mike: Okay. Our event is in Nashville and Brad lives in Atlanta, so that’s cool. So, yeah. Brad, how about you introduce yourself. Tell us a little bit about your background and we’re going to talk a little bit about, you know, I think you’ve been investing for a few years now and your volume’s starting to ramp up and all that stuff and you’re kind of sensing the same thing of like, “Hey, I need to be keeping some more of these.” Right? I want to basically have some cash flow down the line instead of just these good paydays, but nothing residual. But tell us a little bit about your background and how you found your way into real estate investing.
Brad: Yeah. So I’m like you said, I’m in Atlanta. I am a corporate refugee. Just hit my . . . what’s today? Today’s the ninth. So in three days is my two-year anniversary of quitting corporate America. Quit corporate America two years ago. And I started kind of doing the investing game in, let’s call it 2015-ish and then started really seriously like doing direct seller marketing 2016. I was just kind of dabbling in 2015. So I’ve been doing that since then. Primarily wholesale, I’d say my business model is more of a marketing machine, generate leads, cherry pick the ones I want to keep or the ones I want to flip and wholesale the rest. So that’s what we do. I’ve got a team now that I’ve built out, have a full-time leads manager, have an acquisitions manager, and then I’ve virtual assistant in the Philippines and then me. I’m probably more involved than I should be, but you know, I get bored easily.
Mike: Yeah. Well, you kind of have an engineering mindset too, so it’s hard to not get your hands dirty all the time and constantly be tinkering with stuff.
Brad: Right. For sure. So that’s me. Yeah. So built up the good . . . So, last year, we just closed out 2019. We had 35 deals on the books. We closed 31 of them, some of them carrying over to this week, closing afterwards. So I’ve doubled my business every year. We did 7 and 17, then 30, we’ll call it 35 and basically, doubled revenue every year too. So, you know, that’s kind of the business there.
Mike: That’s great. That’s great. Yeah. And I recall the declaration. You were one of our first members, you were at the very first at Investor Fuel meeting, which was a little over two years ago that you kind of declared there, “I am leaving my job by January 1st,” or whatever. I guess, it wasn’t quite January 1st. It was second week of January, something like that, right? And then I remember when you did it, so that was exciting and scary as hell too, right?
Brad: Yeah. Oh my God. I still get scared to this day. Yeah.
Mike: Yeah. But kind of exhilarating because you’re in control of your own destiny, right?
Brad: Oh, my time. My time. It’s really the whole reason, I didn’t join this business to make a bazillion bucks. I joined this business to have freedom.
Mike: Right. Yeah. Yep. Awesome. Well, let’s talk a little bit about I know recently you started realizing that you should be keeping more of these as rentals and we’ll kind of talk about, you know, kind of how other people can do that too depending on where they are in their cycle. But talk a little about why you’re kind of realizing now that, hey, I have been wholesaling. You talked about your average wholesale fee recently, which is pretty respectable, but how you start to realize or why you’re realizing that, “Hey, I need to keep some of these as rentals.”
Brad: Well, when you pay Uncle Sam a lot of money, that hurts for one thing. I’m about to send them a check next week first in my quarterly . . .
Mike:Painful. Yeah.
Brad: But, so for one thing, but I always said when I got into this, I’m going to flip and I’m going to buy rentals, right? But you get in the midst of doing your deals, like, “Okay, I’ll buy a rental on the next one, I’ll buy rental . . . I’ll wholesale this one and I’ll keep the next one.” And you just don’t do it. And then you don’t hold yourself accountable. I actually recently joined like a small coaching program to do that. To have them hold me accountable to like keeping more rentals. And you know, I just realized like this is a transactional business, right? I mean, we had great months last year. You know, October was my best month ever.
We might hit six figures in January this year. So, like, it’s great, but you’re only as good as your next deal and things slow down during the holidays and things are, you know, it does this. Real estate, no matter how hard we try to even it out, it’s always like this, you know. So that’s really why. And then I also realized like, this is about passive income eventually. And you know, my kids are young now and if I need to start this now and I need to do it, so by the time, you know, I have a five-year-old and a two and a half-year-old. Like, I want to be able to enjoy the time with them when like really, you know, we can do a lot of stuff together and we can now, but obviously as I get older there’s more and more we can do together.
Mike: Yeah, yeah. I can tell you, you know, and it’s painful because you’re usually the way it works if you’re doing it right, like some people keep rentals by default or they keep the low equity ones because there’s a small spread and they’ll make money. You know, it’s more of a long-term bet. But if you’re doing it right and you’re foregoing some of those $10,000, $15,000, $20,000 wholesale fees that you might get otherwise, then you’re locking in a bunch of equity upfront. I mean, that’s really kind of basically an investment in your long-term future, right? That’s part of your retirement plan or your kid’s college fund, whatever you need it for, you know, you’re not losing that equity. You’re just locking it away for a later date.
Brad: Right. I mean, literally, I’m buying two rentals next week and the amount of equity I’ll have in those right off the bat is the equivalent to what I had in my 401(k) like when I left corporate America, right? It’s just two properties in a matter of like two deals. My net worth just increased, like boom. Just like that, right?
Mike: And there’s some people actually that actually disagree with what I just said. I mean, I’m more of the type of, I want to get them paid off or paid down. There’s some people that are like lever them forever and maximize your cash flow right now. But I’ve always used that as kind of more my long-term nest egg. And the truth is most of my wealth now is tied up in rental properties. And so I have some debt equity out there, which is, I understand some challenges but that’s not necessarily ideal, but my rental properties are cash flow more now and you know, that’s what it’s all about for me.
Brad: Absolutely.
Mike: Yeah. So talk a little bit about, you know, one of the challenges with keeping rentals or deciding to keep more, it’s like back, you said a couple of years ago when you did seven in a year, you couldn’t keep any, right? You needed to ring the register on those. You really have to scale your business up to be able to pick and choose some or make sure that you have enough money coming in every month to cover your overhead. Talk about that a little bit and how you really have to scale to be able to . . .
Brad: Yeah. Like, last year there were some times where there were some properties that I had and like, “Man, I need keep this, I really need to keep this.” But it’s like well, crap, American Express is knocking on the door and I’ve got to pay for marketing for the month and I really shouldn’t keep this one because I need to always keep the revenue bucket going because I got payroll to pay and all that stuff. And then so now when I’ve got some excess ones, I’m like, okay, we’ll keep those, you know, but you got to have a steady flow of leads and a good lead funnel to do that. And now I have that. So, and then also being able to buy them right. You got to buy them right. So my acquisitions manager, my newest guy, I’m on my third one now. Like is he’s good, like, he buys them deep and . . .
Mike: Yeah. Yeah. Everybody has to kind of come up with their own mixes. Your kind of exit strategy mix, right? Like some people wholesale by default everything unless it’s a good rental. Some people retail everything. I was more of the type of I’ll retail everything unless it’s a real dog, then I’m going to wholesale it and it could be a good rental and I can afford one that month, then I’ll keep one. But I think that’s part of the key is you have to be able to afford it. You have to be able to pay your overhead, make a respectable profit if that’s what you need that month. And then anything on top of that is extra and I can keep it as a rental, right? You have to cover your foundation first.
Brad: Sure. And I pay my, you know, when I keep a rental, I have a sort of a flat fee that I’ve negotiated with my acquisitions guy because he’s taken it down, right? And I just pay him a flat fee on the rental. He kind of gets upset about it because he knows we can make more on a wholesale but it’s like, “No, I want to keep it as a rental, this is what I’m paying you on it, man.”
Mike: Yeah. Yep. Yep. So, and you got to pick a choose too, like you don’t want to like . . . you know, one of the things I’ve learned, like everybody will learn this over time probably after you already have some rentals that don’t quite fit your criteria anymore because your criteria changes like . . .
Brad: Oh, sure.
Mike: I can tell you that I was kind of a B-class type guy where for a few first few rentals and then because I had a mentor that owned a ton of rental properties and he was more of a C and possibly borderline D-class guy, then I moved in that direction because they seem to cash flow more but the turnover and the maintenance stuff is higher on those for sure. And that just took time to kind of realize that. And so and I look back now and from an appreciation standpoint, my B-class properties have definitely, they might not have cash flowed as much, or at least they weren’t believed to cash flow as much, but the appreciation has far outpaced the C-class property. So you just kind of have to find your way and say, “This is the type of property I want.” Right?
Brad: Right. And I’m such a laid back guy too. Like, I don’t like lots of stress in my life. I’m like easygoing. Like, I want them with as little headache as possible, right? I’ll take less cash flow if I don’t have to deal with it as much. Like, I’m okay with that.
Mike: Yeah. Well, that is true. I would say a lower-level property C-class properties, there’s more drama associated with. Or just, the type of tenant is just more transient. They’re more likely to have to be chased for payment.
Brad: Sure.
Mike: You know, they don’t stay as long. We actually have kind of a B-class property that I’ll talk about right now. We just finished the rehab, the remodel on it yesterday. And we’ve had a tenant there for eight years now. That’s not typical, but it was like, it’s awesome. And it’s back to the appreciation. I’ll just kind of tell you the numbers on it. So I don’t really trust the Zillow numbers per se, but the Zillow value just for what it is because we’re not looking to sell it so I didn’t go run comps or they say it’s worth like 170 something and we bought it for 30 and it was like 2011 I think. So we’ve owned it for nine years. Probably had one tenant in there for a year, which is more typical and then another tenant for eight years. And so, you know, it needed a fair bit of, you know, like a $15,000 rehab. But the value has just gone up tremendously over this past nine years. And that’s more typical of the B-class properties that we have. Some of the C-class properties, you know, they’ve gone up in value a little bit, but they’re still kind of turds.
Brad: Well, you can also . . . so we’ll do a plug for Investor Fuel here. You remember the first meeting when our buddy Todd in Birmingham came and was so stressed out and Joe said, “Dude, you need to sell the dogs off.”
Mike: Yeah.
Brad: “Do you really need that many properties?” And he said, “No, it was just ego-driven.” And he came back to the next meeting three months later and he’d sold off 30 properties and he’s like, “I’m the happiest man alive.”
Mike: Yeah, yeah. You’ve got to call the dogs every once in a while.
Brad: So that’s a great strategy.
Mike: Let’s talk about the financing piece. So, you know, when you’re just wholesaling even maybe doing some rehabs, if you’re using hard money or other types of like rental financing is a different animal than, you know, rehab great financing typically. And if you’re just wholesaling, a lot of times wholesalers are like, well, I don’t even need money because, you know, I’m just wholesaling everything. But, so what happens is when you start to decide, “Hey, I need to start keeping more rentals.” There’s a process for that, right? You have to find lenders. You have to start kind of building those relationships. Let’s talk about the importance of kind of building up financing for your rentals.
Brad: Well, you know, it’s through private capital, right? The deals I’m buying this week, I’m buying two this week and then next week. They’re both from self-directed IRAs, from other investors that I know that just have self-directed IRA money. And I’ve built that up through relationships and over time. But I guess one difference for me, as you said with the wholesaling, like I still take properties down because I’m of the mindset and you know, some people say maybe I’m leaving money on the table. I don’t contract on a property unless I’m comfortable buying that property myself, right? Because my reputation is more important to me than a buck. So, if I tell a seller I’m buying their house, now I’ve backed out of some during due diligence, right? But if I’m buying your house, I’m buying your house.
And I had one at the end of last year, I had to stress out the last second because one of my lenders was out of money and I had to go find another lender to be able to fund this deal and buy it. But it was a good deal. So I bought it and I took it down and we’re going to wholetail on it. So one of my goals this year is to raise more private capital and get more people, like just maybe have 100 to 150 grand that can lend and then I’ll just keep turning their money. And if I can have one person and I turn their money three times in a year and they’re making a good return and I just refinance them out every few months, right? If I can keep turning their money three times, okay, so I get one of them and I get one of them and I get one of them. That means I can buy, you know, how many properties in a year. I’d love to get people at really low interest long-term debt, but I got to build some relationships with, you know, Grandma Susie that, you know, has half a million, but for now we’ll just refinance [amount 00:15:47] into bank debt.
Mike: Yeah. Local banks are pretty, I mean, that’s a lot of our rental stuff has been through local . . . like our fix and flip stuff has been through private lenders and you could do it however you want, but of course, you’re right. You’re always looking for, you know, rate matters a lot more with long-term money. Like if you’re using hard money, you know, it’s sometimes a necessary evil, but it’s not that big of a deal because you’re turning it pretty fast usually. But if, you know, over like going from 10% down to 6% over a 15-year term or more is a huge difference.
Brad: Huge cash flow. For sure.
Mike: Yeah. For sure. Yeah. So what have you done to kind of build some of those personal relationships for long-term financing?
Brad: So through networking, right? One of the lenders that’s funded me on one of my rentals this week is someone who’s funded some deals for a friend of mine and he was like, “Oh, we should connect you guys.” And I mean all of my lenders that I use now for private lending, I’ve just built through relationships and they see what I’m doing and through that, like one of the hotels we just bought, me and this guy have known each other for years and I’ve never borrowed money from him. But then I was like, “Hey, you want to fund this deal?” And he said, “Yeah, sure.” You know, because he knew I’m in the game. I know what I’m doing. I’m not some newbie that has no idea what I’m doing, right? And I’ve just built a track record and one of my strategies this year is to from social media and YouTube perspective, from a kind of intent-based type stuff to recruit people that way. Obviously, you got to be careful with the SEC rules, but ultimately, I will get lenders out of the information I’m providing. You know, they’ll, [inaudible 00:17:41], right?
Mike: Yeah. Like another guy said at Investor Fuel, Bob, you know, at one point, I’m not taking any credit for it because he did the work, but I said, why don’t you just put, because he was doing a lot of videos. Why don’t you just do a video that says, “Hey, we’re recruiting for a new position in our team and it’s the position of private lender.” And just do some videos around that and he’s like, he got all this money because he had one lender and kind of like you, he had one lender, they’d been lending to them a lot and then all of a sudden they put the brakes on it because they were doing something else with their money or something was going on with their business. And he’s like, I just lost a bunch of my main lender, you know, for the most part. And he’s like, all of a sudden all these people came to me that, people that I know that I just had never asked them or they didn’t know that I was looking for lending. And you know, I think a lot of us are kind of surprised. And a lot of real estate investors are surprised at how much money really is around them if they just make people aware that it’s a need that you have and there’s a way that everybody can win.
Brad: Sure. And really every time I’ve ever done a Facebook live video where I’ve talked about private lending, inevitably one or two people private message me and like, “Hey, you know, what is this about?” You know.
Mike: Right. How does this work? Yeah.
Brad: How does this work?
Mike: Yeah. Because a lot of people, let’s be honest, there’s a lot of people that interested in real estate investing, but they’re not willing to do the type of work that you and I have had to do over the years, rolling up our sleeves and getting our hands dirty. Because at the end of the day, it’s a harder business most assume. And if you’re like, well, what if you could make a decent return and you don’t even have to get your hands dirty. How does that sound?
Brad: Right. Yeah. And you’re protected because I’m experienced enough that I’m buying these properties right. You know, for my rentals, like I’m buying them at . . . I run my numbers at 75% of the value, right? I buy them at 75% market minus repairs. So, you know, they’re protected there and you know, so . . .
Mike: Yeah. And neither one of us, for those of you listening, you know, that neither Brad or I are attorneys, so you should always talk to an attorney about that. But for sure, for the most part, like if you’re doing it right and you’re not, you know, out to mislead anybody, the way we buy properties, there’s usually a lot of equity in there. So the safest, you know, the lenders should be pretty safe in the deal. The truth is for me, I mean, over the years, we’ve lost money on a couple of deals, but my lenders never even knew it. Like, I would never, you always want to protect your lenders. You don’t ever want to go back and say, “Hey, you know what? I lost money on this deal so you’re going to lose money too.” Like that’s the end of that relationship and probably the beginning of a lawsuit.
Brad: Yeah. Well, one of my main lenders, we lost money on a deal this past year. It was two grand. Like, I lost two grand, right? But they got paid back all their money.
Mike: Yeah. They should. Yeah.
Brad: And I lost . . . I ate the two grand. I mean, it didn’t really sting that much because it was two grand, but still it’s still two grand. It’s still a loss. But you know, I don’t like to brag. It’s not one you write home about.
Mike: Yeah, you know, everybody has to decide it, whether you even need to disclose that. I’m not saying that be dishonest about it. It’s like, don’t let your lender know that you know, on one hand you could say, “Well, hey, I lost money, but I’m still going to make you whole.” You know, I’m not saying to mislead anybody, but I’m saying it’s almost like they don’t even need to know. You’re going to take care of them no matter what and they’re never going to have to worry about it. That’s kind of how it should be. So, you know, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if I ever screwed a lender or anybody. Like, it’s just . . .
Brad:I couldn’t neither. Well, my job for years over a decade in corporate America, I was a fraud investigator, Mike. My brain doesn’t even . . . I can’t even fathom that.
Mike: Yeah, yeah. My point is like, you know, at the end of the day, anybody, any private lender, a seller, anybody that you work with in this business from my perspective, I know you believe the same thing is they’re working with me because they trust me and the last thing I’m going to do is lose my trust in somebody else. They trusted me to get out of either to invest or to get out of a sticky situation.
Brad: Exactly. Yeah.
Mike: So let’s talk about a little bit about you know, managing properties. I know you’re going through the process of starting to, your portfolio’s starting to build up here a little bit. And again, I know you’re kind of the engineering mindset, so you have a tendency sometimes to say it’s kind of like move, I’ll just do it. But, you know, managing properties sucks. I don’t manage mine at all and I never will. But let’s talk about kind of those decisions of how to decide . . . how you’ve processed that, I guess, to see what’s right for you.
Brad: You know, I have to think about it for my personality, for one thing. So I’m always bake in management into my numbers when I’m underwriting the deal anyways, right? But I got to think about my personality too. Yeah, I’m very mechanical and I like to sort of figure stuff out, but at the same time I’m kind of a passive sort of guy. Like, I just kind of go with the flow so tenants will walk all over me so . . .
Mike: They will.
Brad: I’m too nice to people sometimes.
Mike: It’s like blood in the water. They’re going to bite. You’re going to get bit.
Brad: Right. So it would behoove me to use a property manager and a good one. And you know, you go through some, some are good, some are bad. There’s a lot of bad property managers out there too. There’s good ones too. So finding that one. But even still, even with the property managers you still got to build systems around owning rentals because you still got to manage the manager.
Mike: You have to manage the manager. That’s right.
Brad: Right? And then you got to figure out a way to get, you know, your accountant in touch with them for . . . there’s other pieces. It’s another business to build out. And then you get to the point like, you know, some of our buddies who have hundred plus doors, well, it makes sense for them to hire a full-time person in-house and pay them a salary because, you know, they’re paying more money to the property manager.
Mike: Oh, it either does or it doesn’t. This is what I think, everybody has a different thought on this. Here’s what I think. The people that try to do it because they’re cheap. Like, I’ll just do it myself. Like they need to look in the mirror and think about how much they value their time because your time should be your most valuable resource. And if you’re doing it to save money on something like that, that is like, you want to prematurely age and get gray hairs faster and . . .
Brad:I’m getting some, yeah.
Mike:. . . live less, sleep less at night, manage your own properties, you know. But this is my general thought, I think property management needs to be run like a business. Like a business that would support itself as a business even if it didn’t have your properties. So, effectively, like if you want to run a property management business, build it in a way where you could manage other people’s properties too. Because you’d be able to scale a lot faster.
Because like you said, at some point if you wanted to bring them back in-house after you’ve outsourced it, you could look and say, “Well, hey, I’m paying my property management company $100,000 a year in property management. Could I build a small team out with that same expense and have more control?” You know, maybe, right? So that’s a decision you have to make. But you don’t want to say, well, 10%, that’s going to save me, you know, my rent’s 1000 bucks a month, so I’m going to save $100 a month by managing a property. It’s like, but there’s no scale. So it’s like you don’t know what the laws are. You’re going to be chasing people for checks. You don’t have any processes in place for checks and turnovers and all that stuff. Like, your money is way better spent hiring somebody that knows what they’re doing.
Brad: Yup, exactly. I’m with you there. But I’m not a super cheap person anyways. Like I’m not like, I would much, I see the value in paying someone else. And that’s been hard for me because I’m very always been much a DIY guy. But as I became an investor and a business owner, I’ve realized that my time is valuable and that since I’ve had kids, my time is even more valuable.
Mike: Yeah, yeah. Well, you know, at the end of the day, so you’re a perfect example. I am too of a corporate refugee. Like we left corporate America to take control of our time. Is it really . . . do you really want to spend that time dealing with tenants? Like, you know, you could do anything in the world. Is that really what you choose?
Brad: Exactly.
Mike: So, Brad, you were one of the first members of Investor Fuel. You were at our very first meeting. I think the meeting we have come up here in Nashville is our 10th meeting. So it’ll effectively be, you know, two and a half years of Investor Fuel. You’ve been in for a long time. Put your trust in us and we definitely appreciate that. Could you maybe just share your thoughts of what Investor Fuel has kind of done for you or a testimonial for those that might hear this and they haven’t joined yet.
Brad: It’s helped me evolve as through my steps in my investing career because when I first started, right, I was just me, just doing it as a solopreneur and then I was still working in a corporate job and then helped me learn to build a team out. And then as I’ve evolved you were talking about switching to cash flow, I’ll still wholesale, I still run a wholesaling business, maybe one day we’ll shut it down like a friend of ours has done with theirs, but it’s taught me how to evolve as an investor and then also just built relationships and there’s so much value in it. It’s totally worth the money and the relationships and the networking and the little tidbits here and there.
And then also the variety of people in the group too is great because we have some buy and hold guys, right? We have some creative finance guys, we have some wholesale guys, we have fix and flip guys. We have you know, note guys. Like, seeing things through all these different lenses too and how you could or could not see yourself in that seat is great too. So, and then we all essentially have the same struggles. It’s funny because like some of the things that we struggle about and talk about at our meetings, like I see some of the newbies posting about in like some of the Facebook groups and we’re all struggling with the same things, right? What’s the best list, what’s the . . . you know, that sort of thing. But you get so much value out of that.
Mike: Awesome. Awesome. Well, thanks for sharing. We definitely appreciate you.
Brad: Definitely.
Mike: Yeah, it’s funny you go through these life cycle, life cycle? I guess life cycle changes kind of in your level of business maturity too, right? You’re like, like you mentioned just recently here we were talking about age of your kids and you’re kind of anticipating, hey, at different ages of my kids, like I do the same thing. My son, we only have one and you know, our son is 12 now and I think about that, I’m like, wow, I look back and there’s things I regret, like there’s things I missed out on because we were working hard and now it’s like, okay, well, we’ve got six years like how are we going to use that? How are we going to let the business impact that if at all? What experience do we want to have to make sure that, you know, we don’t look back and have regrets on things.
So, but kind of where you are with your business and your family and your personal goals and sometimes people look back and they’re like, I started by doing this and they’re like, never again do I want to do that? Or I leaned into that more because it made more sense or whatever it is. We’re all, like you said, we all go through those same cycles and challenges and kind of find a way to fit it into our lives.
Brad: Well, it’s funny because there’s a lot of people within Investor Fuel that, you know, started out as fix and flippers and have morphed their business into more of a wholesaling business, right? Because they’ve like lost brain cells over dealing with contractors. Or it’s always funny, like on that same note, I might hire him as my accountant, but there’s a local guy who just does investors for accounting in the Atlanta area and he made a Facebook post recently kind of when he finished up taxes last year, I guess it’s been a few, back in October when it was sort of the last deadline. And he said, “Public announcement, my wholesaler clients made more money than my fix and flip clients.” You know?
Mike: Yeah. It’s funny. There’s always an . . . with most of what we do, there’s an asterisk next to it, right? Especially, the financials. So awesome. Well, Brad, if folks want to learn more about you, kind of follow along with what you’re doing or just get to know you better, where can they connect with you?
Brad: So I’m on Facebook, Brad Woodall on Facebook. There’s picture of me with my wife and kids on the beach. And then I’ve got a YouTube channel which I’m sort of starting to put some stuff on, Brad Woodall_REI and then my company YouTube channel, I’ve done a bunch of videos there. They’re obviously more focused towards like long tail keywords for bringing in leads, but still some good content on there for Arbor View Properties, that’s my company. So you can kind of find me there. I’m on Instagram too, Brad K. Woodall. So that’s kind of where you can reach me.
Mike: Awesome. I’ll write all this down. So we’ll add this below the show notes, if you guys find the show on or on, but we’ll add all this stuff down in the show notes as well. All these links. So, well, Brad, I appreciate you spending some time with us today.
Brad: Awesome. I enjoyed it and that was [incredible 00:30:40].
Mike: I’m glad to see you, your business is doubling every year, so, I don’t know what your goals are, you don’t have to say it here publicly, but what your goals are for 2020 as we at the beginning of the year here. So looking forward to hearing more about it at least at Investor Fuel coming up here in a couple of weeks.
Brad: Definitely. Thanks.
Mike: Awesome. Thanks for joining us. Everybody, thanks for joining us for today’s episode. We’re going to keep these coming at you. If you haven’t already subscribed to in the Investor Fuel Mastermind show, please do at anywhere where you’re watching or looking at this now. If you got some value out of this, even maybe take a screenshot and just share it or you’re welcome to tag me if you want to on Facebook or anywhere on social media. So appreciate you guys a ton. We’ll see you on the next show.
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