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Hey everybody, welcome back to the show! I’m excited to have my buddy, Trevor Shettron, here with us today. He runs a sizable business in the Oklahoma City market. Today, we are going to talk about how to scale your business and build it in a way where you can overcome adversity that we are all going to face. Adversity like changes in the market, COVID, and things that you can’t even really predict and just pop up. It’s going to be insightful information for you to apply to your business!

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    [00:00:00] Mike: [00:00:00] Hey everybody. Welcome back to the show. Excited to have my buddy Trevor Chevron here with us today, he’s going to talk about, he runs a sizable business in Oklahoma city market. Uh, there’s some TV advertising, some skill has a scaled up operations. You can talk about kind of going through COVID and other issues, really just how to scale your business and build it in a way where you can overcome adversity that we’re all gonna face changes in the market.

    COVID things like things that you can’t even really predict. It just things that kind of pop up. I think it’s going to be some insightful information for you to apply to your business.

    Professional real estate investors know that it’s not really about the real estate. Real estate is just a vehicle to freedom. A group of over a hundred of a nation’s leading real estate investors from across the country meets several times a year at the investor fuel real estate mastermind. To share ideas on how to strengthen each other’s businesses, but also to come together as friends [00:01:00] and build more fulfilling lives or all of those around us on today’s show, we’re going to continue our conversations of fueling our businesses and our lives.

    I’m glad you’re here.

    Hey Trevor. Welcome to the show.

    Trevor: [00:01:22] Thanks for having me. It’s been big, exciting to, uh, have a little time here with you. Yeah.

    Mike: [00:01:27] Excited to have you on. I know you’re, you’re in transit, uh, going, uh, from, uh, Oklahoma to Colorado. So glad you could join us, uh, remotely, everything we do these days is remote. Right. So it doesn’t really matter.

    What, so it’s great. Honestly, I love, uh, I love the topic we’re gonna talk about today. Cause I think a lot of people.

    They have built businesses. A lot of real estate investors are, are, you know, especially when you’re a small shop. Um, your business is so fragile, it’s kind of dependent upon you. If you get sick or something [00:02:00] happens or things happen in your business, you lose a key person.

    It can wreck havoc on our businesses. And I know that’s even true for you too, or even bigger businesses. But I think the discussion is it’s perfect timing to talk about how do you build, you know, not so much a bullet proof business, but a business that can overcome adversity, the types of things that we’ve had going on here lately, who knows?

    I kind of joke about the, uh, The alien spider monkeys are coming next. I don’t know what’s going to happen for us and there’s maybe some aliens later in the year, but, um, anyway, why don’t you before we kind of jumped into that. Um, and I’ve got some great information to share with us. Maybe you just take a moment and just tell us your background, how you got into real estate investing.

    Trevor: [00:02:38] Okay. You bet. Yeah. Thanks. Um, well I, how did I get in the real estate business by by accident? A little bit. Um, I, when I got out of college and looking for a job, I got into financial planning and insurance sales and that kind of stuff. And, and it was just miserable. It wasn’t me at [00:03:00] all. Um, and I went back to school to work on my masters and I got into coaching and, and actually coached some college football.

    Mmm. Found the girl that I ended up, uh, Chasing down, Oklahoma from Colorado and, uh, married, um, got down there and I got in the mortgage business a little bit. Um, and then I found myself, uh, somehow I had, you know, quite a bit of food, food service experience I got into managing. Convenience stores. And I was doing that and I was just like, you know, this didn’t go anywhere.

    I, you know, I don’t like this, whatever she started thinking about, you know, just growing up people that I admire, people that were well off and, uh, seem to have the kind of life that I wanted to. And most of those people were involved in real estate somehow. So, uh, in 1999, I got my real estate line and became a, uh, just an agent.

    Um, Back then, uh, [00:04:00] maybe had had a cell phone for a year and didn’t have a computer, nothing, you know, so yellow pad and, uh, you know, a lot of hard work. So, um, you could really, you know, I think it still applies, but it’s different today. The activities back then you could pick up the phone and you could really grind it out and really out work people.

    So I made a living. Calling expired listings and for sale by owners and, uh, was doing, doing, you know, I was the superstar of the office, but I was still so, you know, their definition of. Of winning was a little bit different than mine. So, um, about 2003, I had the opportunity to, uh, you know, I was, I started thinking, how could I do this business?

    I love real estate, but I, I knew I didn’t want to chase for sale by owners and expireds and, and keep doing that. So I had the opportunity to go to work for the company, [00:05:00] wanting a hundred to sell homes that I now own, um, uh, was hired just as an acquisitions guy. Um, Uh, I worked for the company almost 10 years.

    Um, I think that it’s a good example of what a lot of people getting into this business skip, and they go right to trying to be the, be the end all, and they don’t take the approach of learning the business from, you know, an experienced person or people or, or getting that, uh, that education. Yup. Yeah.

    Anyway, um, you know, I, I was working for this company, learning everything I could, um, kind of the old, uh, saying of, uh, you know, provide a man, a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and, uh, no, you can eat for life. So I didn’t make a lot of money. I didn’t, I wasn’t building my own portfolio or anything, but I felt [00:06:00] like I was gaining knowledge.

    That was a. No irreplaceable. Um, so fast forward, uh, my partner. So who is you? Most, most of the people that know me know him, uh, Carter is a, is an attorney and. I actually hired him for the prior owner to be his general counsel. So we got to know each other and worked together for a couple years. And then when the opportunity came, we were able to buy the company.

    And, uh, um, that was back in 2015. So we’ve been, been rock and roll. And since then, and, uh, uh, you know, learning. The hard way. And, uh, also, uh, you know, we had, we had learned a lot of the hard mistakes so that we didn’t have to overcome, so

    Mike: [00:06:45] yeah. That’s great. That’s how you learn is through, you know, kind of feeling forward.

    Right? Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. So we’re talking about, you know, um, kind of, COVID brought this up, I guess, and. Lots of other political issues [00:07:00] or just lots of just noise going on in our lives these days that, you know, it’s like some people, it hamstrings them. Some people are moving forward right through it. But I think at any rate, it caused a lot of small businesses to try to figure out.

    Um, how do I move forward? Right? There’s clearly some industries, some restaurants and some small businesses just aren’t coming back from this and our business or real estate. There’s still distressed sellers and people that want to sell plenty of opportunity here, but it always causes us to sit back and say, looking at you differently, how can I do this better?

    Right. And I know we’re going to share some of those lessons today. So one of the things you mentioned ahead of time was you guys have had a brand has been. Being built for a long, long time. Talk a little bit about your importance of a brand, having a brand on getting through a troubled time, if you will.

    Trevor: [00:07:48] Yeah. Well, we, the, as I mentioned in 2003, the brand started and, uh, we’ve done a lot of TV. So in the Oklahoma city market, we’re pretty, [00:08:00] pretty well known household name. Um, and we’ve done some different things over the, our ownership. Um, That didn’t always build on that brand. And we found that, you know, during those times, uh, um, you know, leads got down opportunities where we’re less.

    So we we’ve really tried to lean on that. Um, and it takes time to build a brand and credibility. Uh, consistency’s very important. Um, uh, during this time we found that a lot of people, um, Uh, we’re calling us solely based on, um, knowing that we’re a reputable company that they could call and ask questions and get information from.

    So a lot of our activities going forward here are going to be a focus solely on furthering that and leaning on that. Um, [00:09:00] uh, um, and just, just, you know, really focusing on. Being a, uh, a local, uh, you know, expert and a loyal and trusted the next door neighbor. So yeah,

    Mike: [00:09:17] I know you guys do a lot of TV advertising and so that branding is important.

    I mean, it’s, it’s almost like, I mean, on some level, not that you’re going to do this, but if you just stopped all advertising today, you would be able to eat off of that brand for awhile. You still get deals leads come through. So that, that helps you. If, you know, when you stop advertising it for folks that stopped advertising, like they basically, and they didn’t really have a brand built up kind of.

    Everything stops, right? Your pipeline just cuts off and it doesn’t just impact you. Then it impacts you for months and years to come. But if you’ve been building up that brand and then building up that pipeline for a long period of time, you’ll continue to have benefit from that for months and years to come.


    Trevor: [00:09:58] Yes. Um, very, [00:10:00] very true. Um, and in fact, we’ve, we’ve done some periods of, uh, some tests periods that we’ve we’ve stopped TV and, um, You know, the, the fact is always, it’s always a delayed effect, um, even, right.

    Mike: [00:10:17] Uh, so we’re talking about also kind of running me, Mike, everybody, you know, in our business, we always have some overhead that is, um, you know,

    Trevor: [00:10:28] we

    Mike: [00:10:28] we’re, we have money going out, whether we’re making it or not, or whether we’re not lights are turned off or not, there’s still especially the pay.

    And so it was an opportunity to kind of move it and say, can I have some opportunities to cut costs? Right.

    Trevor: [00:10:40] Yeah, very, very true. Um, what we found first, when we, when we shut down and, you know, we’re, we’re a porn, Jane and people were working from home. What we found out is that, um, a lot of the activities, um, we’re, uh, we were [00:11:00] doing every day.

    We’re not necessarily critical to the bottom line. We did a lot of reporting, a lot of, uh, uh, Um, basically analyzing of what’s going on, uh, versus, uh, um, actually generating a lead or a, or a sell a buy or sell. So that’s really so, so we did find places where we could cut expenses, um, and overhead a lot of, uh, uh, you know, I’m going to talk more about this, you know, uh, about, you know, your organization is that, um, uh, But we had, you know, thousands of dollars a month, right.

    Subscriptions and just monthly repeat junk. That was just a bunch of noise that, that really. We didn’t even pay attention to most of the time. So we, we started, you know, cutting all that in far part of that was everyone was staying home. I’d, I’d go to the office and [00:12:00] get the mail for the first time in forever.

    And I’m like, what is this? We’re still paying for it. We had that. So, so getting lanes, not only cost, but, but probably more importantly, it was the, uh, um, Time of what our people were doing. And we, you know, that’s so new, we haven’t experienced the effect yet, but I I’m anticipating with, you know, the effects going to be, you know, A big positive in terms of re uh, assessing and redirecting our employees and their activities.

    And, uh, having those activities base be more focused on business generation and, um, the bottom line, uh, versus just, uh, activities that, uh, um, are busy work. That’s one of the things that I was surprised by is that we’ve. Uh, you know, and I’ve, I’ve [00:13:00] been studying a lot of, uh, Jerry’s, uh, grain stuff that, uh, you know, just, uh, uh, putting people on the right, you know, having the right boxes and everything.

    And when we took over the business, we inherited a lot of activities that just aren’t necessary or prudent to today’s today’s situation. So

    Mike: [00:13:22] it’s hard, it’s easy to get. No. We’re like, um, if you could draw like a straight line forward, we tend to like get off track and you know, every once in a while you gotta look and say, okay, what are we is all the stuff we’re doing?

    What is it for? Right. I felt, we obviously do a lot of stuff on social media. And we had a meeting the other day with my team. We’re talking about all this content and all these things we’re doing. And I was

    Trevor: [00:13:45] like,

    Mike: [00:13:46] you know, we find ourselves talking about like how to do it differently, how to do it differently.

    And then finally, every once in a while, you’re like I had to sit back. It was like, Wait, why are you even doing this? Does this what’s the bit, you know, how does this impact us? Like if we just stopped doing it, is it going to cause any problems? And [00:14:00] so, you know, it’s just, I think we all pick up bad habits, especially us as entrepreneurs and real estate investors.

    Like we get a little bit of shiny object syndrome or we get involved with something or we subscribed to some tool that we think is gonna help us or whatever. And then you forget about it the next day, because something got in the way


    Trevor: [00:14:17] you know, it’s

    Mike: [00:14:18] just, we pick up some bad habits, right? Every once in a while you gotta go.

    You got to go take a shower and clean that clean off. Yeah.

    Trevor: [00:14:29] Yup.

    Mike: [00:14:32] You know, even though it feels like it’s a weird year, like you’re, you’re busy, like number-wise that your business is doing good. It just, everybody feels like there’s,

    Trevor: [00:14:43] you know, in this mock,

    Mike: [00:14:44] but you know, you personally have not really seen a negative impact on your business.


    Trevor: [00:14:49] Well, what we’ve seen is that our, our numbers are, the percentages are holding. True leads are down. So sales are down, but it’s, [00:15:00] but it’s, but the percentages are, are right on the money. Um, so. Um, as we were distracted and, and I’m not, I’m sure we’re not the only ones with everything going on. You know, where are you at?

    Did you keep your marketing going? Uh, did you panic? Did you pull back, you know, whatever, you know, so, um, and we’ve already seen a, a, a returned and. A returning of normalcy in terms of lead volume and we’re working on some stuff. So, you know, leads were down maybe 40% over these, this period, but our, uh, our buys we’re right in line with where they’ve always been, um, Our income was not off 40%, because one of the things that I, the, the approach that I took or I’ve taken is that I wanted to, [00:16:00] um, hit a bunch of singles.

    I looked at every word, every lead as, as how can I make some money on this? Where maybe other times I’m always looking for bigger, you know, home runs or at least doubles. So. I mean, I’ve, I’ve even assigned, uh, some stuff to other, uh, investors that I normally would have kept as a rental or, or done something with or hung on to.

    And I just was trying to turn as many, uh, thing, uh, you know, to do as many transactions as possible, whether that was buying it. Flipping it over somebody else and signing it, um, or even referring it to realtor. So I’ve, we’ve been able to keep the, you know, the gross profit, not as office that the buys have been.

    Mike: [00:16:52] Did you guys, did you guys pull your advertising down or did you stay steady during that?

    Trevor: [00:16:57] Well, we had, uh, [00:17:00] we. We had moved it around a little bit and, um, had kind of tightened up the TV. We were, um, what was interesting is the ad words, pay-per-click stuff was it’s like it went berserk for a second. And, um, you know, there were things that were going on were like, what in the world we’d wake up and had spent.

    You know, half of the month’s budget in a, in a 24 hour window or something. And I think a lot of people, a lot more people were on the, on the web educating themselves and, uh, Thinking about what might need to be the next move. Right. So traffic was, was way up, um, even though lades might not have been. And so we’re working on some stuff to [00:18:00] make sure, you know, re re targeting, capturing those.

    And the followup is, is, is always important, but it’s never more important because so many people were, uh, um, I think they’re there trying to be prepared for what might come. Um, an example is, and I’ve met with a company and I’m, um, I’m trying to get prepared for, cause I don’t want to do it. I want to take the time, but, uh, I’m partnering with some, we’re partnering with some guys to do short sells.

    Um, I’ve had a tremendous amount of calls, you know, probably 25% of our overall leads are. People that are three to five months behind and you’re heading, you know, even if they can do a modification or something, you know, I mean, it’s, it’s laid and where it’s good, it’s late. And you know, they’re not, I think

    Mike: [00:18:51] there is a lot of things that have people, people that did lose their job or had some financial difficulty it’s hard to see.

    Cause all of this is a bunch of stimulus, like [00:19:00] who knows what that, how that’s going to shake out. But generally it probably means more opportunities for us. They’re just delayed because of all the stimulus and all the noise and probably back half of this year. So I’m going to stop, we’ll start to shake loose, right.

    Trevor: [00:19:13] And that’s an incredible opportunity for, for us in the business that are going to be, uh, are doing what we need to do now to build those relationships and, and keep, keep those leads, those, those, uh, contacts warm so that when the time’s right, that, uh, um, because you know that, you know, People don’t, that’s why I never really worry too much about competition because I’m most people aren’t willing to do what, what needs to be done to, uh, um, uh, you know, take advantage of the situation.

    Mike: [00:19:51] Right, right, right. Yeah. And so you kind of spent some effort on trying to monetize more of the leads that maybe you would have liked.

    Trevor: [00:19:58] No, not to agree with [00:20:00] before. And

    Mike: [00:20:00] so I think, honestly, I think a lot of, a lot of people have been doing that, whether it’s realtor referrals or other things. And I think, you know, I think the way that it’s one way you kind of back to the back to kind of get named and tightening things up, it’s like, well, look, I’m not trying to be, I know you guys have a brokerage, but it’s not, it’s not that I want to be in the agent business or listing stuff, but it’s like, Hey, if that helps me offset my marketing costs, then that’s a good thing.

    And so how do I find ways? To do. I’m not saying go do skinnier deals overall, but just find some way to turn, turn lemons into eliminate a little bit here and there

    Trevor: [00:20:34] if I need to. Well, and, and, and I just was real sensitive to people’s. Uh, what, what CA what their comfort level with. Interaction was whether it needed to be a, uh, uh, I agree, watch more videos of homes and I’ve ever watched, you know, in the prior 15 years of people just [00:21:00] walking around, you know, video on their houses, I’ve actually bought a couple, you know, pretty much off video and, uh, um, Uh, which you know, is, you know, I was buying them.

    Right. So it wasn’t, it wasn’t too worried, but, uh, yeah, the other thing are, people are just, uh, I mean, more than ever just being, being able to answer their questions and educate them, uh, um, with, with everything that’s out there, people are overwhelmed with information and they, they really just want somebody to tell them.

    Make it simple. Yeah.

    Mike: [00:21:38] Well, in terms of the kind of, um, you know, building a business, that’s a little more Bulletproof, uh, what would you say, uh, like team-wise anything, any kind of words of wisdom you could share with team? I mean, part of it is like staying lean. You don’t want to be too bloated. Some of it is having.

    People that are more stable, if you can find that. Right. Just any kind of [00:22:00] words of wisdom there.

    Trevor: [00:22:00] Yeah. Um, I think that good people are, are just so hard and they’re so critical. Um, I’ve we’ve been fortunate enough that, uh, we have three admin staff members and all three were with the company before we bought it.

    So I hired a hired them before back when the prior owner and when I, I was the sales manager and running things. Um, so we’ve got a lot of, uh, A lot of time and energy invested in them. Yeah. Um, we cross train them. One of the things you talk about being Bulletproof, and I didn’t mention it. I’ve just lost during this COVID time period.

    I lost my acquisitions guy. And so I’m back to. Out out running [00:23:00] leads and chasing deals, which I love and is great, but, uh, that’s not a sustainable model, uh, for us to be doing what we need to do to grow. Um, so maybe that’s an example of right now, I’ve kind of gotten myself in a corner where I have to do that, where with our staff, we’ve made sure that if we lose somebody, you know, we’re not gonna miss a beat.

    We can pick up the, uh, The Slack and, uh, they, they can, uh, um, uh, do the activities. Now having said that we do make it important that they each stay in their own lane are focused on what they’re needing to do. Um, but, uh, yeah, I think just, uh, you know, making sure that you’re, um, you know, if you don’t be dope, Be dependent on an individual does not you cause cause it will bite you at some point.

    Um, [00:24:00] and you know, right now I’m, uh, I’m looking at how, uh,

    what I think is critical in that is that you hire. Character and, and, and the personality versus the skills necessarily. I know a lot of times in the past I’ve hired somebody to come in and do what I needed to do right now, so I didn’t have to do it, but then that’s all they could do. And they weren’t a good team member.

    They didn’t fit in. They, they, they, they weren’t, uh, you know, good learners or, you know, they did what they did, but that was it. So, so, you know, really hiring good people that are, are, um, I’m able to do a variety of things as is critical. Um,

    Mike: [00:24:48] other people can step in with if they need to. Right. It’s and it’s not necessarily not necessarily you as the owner, it’s just somebody else can step

    Trevor: [00:24:54] up.

    Right. Well, and that’s what we’re learning with. When I mentioned running leaner with the staff [00:25:00] is that we’re in the middle of. Reassessing, um, you know, everything w we’re we’re gonna, we’re having meetings where we’re just a blank whiteboard and we’re, we’re starting from scratch and recreate it. And that’s one of the things this, this time has given us as it’s been a real, you know, there’s some hidden blessings in it that it’s allowed it loud, you know, fearful to really look at what they do and why they do it.

    And, uh, and re you know, not reinvent the wheel, but, uh, But make sure you’re, you’re even in the right car, you know, so yeah, yeah,

    Mike: [00:25:36] yeah, yeah. Awesome. Good stuff. That’s great lessons. I think a lot of people had know, obviously everybody had more time to reflect on things. And so hopefully during that, during that kind of downturn and of the funk, we’ve been going through, people use the opportunity to get better and stronger and appreciate you sharing your insights.

    And you’ve got a ton of experience behind you. To kind of, you know, it’s not your first rodeo in terms of downturns, right. So I know that [00:26:00] if you’re, if you’re investing right now, you know,

    Trevor: [00:26:03] I think

    Mike: [00:26:03] there’s plenty of people that come in in one market and they’re gone and the next, and so, you know, this is a great business, but if you get knocked out of the game, what does that do for you?

    So I think what’s great about this business is once you can build it to a point to where it’s reliable and stable and you’re not up. You’re not a one trick pony. You can, you can stand the test of time. So thanks. Thanks for sharing that

    Trevor: [00:26:26] with us. Oh, you bet ya. Yeah.

    Mike: [00:26:29] He’d been a member of investors for a while now.

    You and Carter, would you mind just kind of share a little bit about how the group is, you know, helped you where you’ve been, you’ve been doing this for a long time. Like he came into the group.

    Trevor: [00:26:40] Yeah, absolutely. There came a point. It’s been a couple of years now. Um, and we’re just sitting there, uh, as a, as owners looking at each other and, and looking at assess and everything.

    And we’re like, you know, we’ve got to go outside our, our normal circles and, and [00:27:00] get in a different room with people that are, are, uh, successful, like minded and doing things, uh, The activities of this business that we’re not, whether it’s, you know, you know, different marketing, different business structures, whatever, um, uh, Just if it’s encouragers, you know, and so we, we really sought out, you know, a couple of different things and we found, found investor Phil and, uh, joined and couldn’t, couldn’t be more excited and happy about our decision.

    Um, and, and what it’s even, you know, it’s been a tremendous asset and, and great value. And I know it’s as I am just really starting to, uh, uh, Develop deeper relationships in the group where, you know, the value’s going to just be exponential as you further those relationships. [00:28:00] Um, I love coming to the, the events.

    Um, I, I really feel like, you know, as we, we all mature and get in our, our, our lives and kids and all that stuff. You know what I really feel that I have more friends than I interact with in investor fuel than the people I’ve known and lived around in my own community for years. Um, just because, uh, you know, my daily interactions, whether it’s social media or, or, uh, conversations, um, uh, Yeah.

    That’s who I, who I’m spend my time with it. Uh, you know, and on top of that, it’s, it’s, uh, my wife’s always telling me I need to get a hobby and I’m like, well, real estate is my hobby. I love it. You know? And, and so. It’s not something that I, that I turn off. Um, so listening to a happy hour or joining a, you know, another call or something, uh, [00:29:00] watching a video it’s that is what I do in my pastime.

    And it’s, it’s all right there. And there’s so many people that, um, are, are, I mean, the, the, the nations. Top people are part of this group, uh, when, uh, whatever it is that you’re, uh, whatever question you have, the person that you need to talk to is in this group. So I would encourage anybody that is, uh, thinking about, uh, um, joining, um, to join.

    Um, it will pay off. I always like to tell the story, my, uh, uh, very first time at the very first meeting in Dallas. I met a guy, um, Michael, uh, pulling her out of New York. We did a deal like within a few weeks together, a referral from him. And I basically paid for my, my year of, uh, membership, uh, off of one conversation I had at the, [00:30:00] uh, you know, now not, you know, not everyone’s going to do it, you know, get a referral, but just the knowledge alone.

    Um, I couldn’t. I couldn’t put a dollar amount on the, uh, the experience and the education. Um, but outside of that, the relationships and just the enjoyment I get from it is, is, uh, um, you know, uh, unmeasurable too. So

    Mike: [00:30:23] awesome. I appreciate that. Thanks for the kind words. It’s a good group. I mean, I think, you know, if you don’t come in and learn tips or make relationships or, or, um, You know, get Ugo videos or somebody or something to pay many times the, what she paid to be a member.

    Um, you know, it’s might not be the right fit, but I think

    Trevor: [00:30:42] there’s so much. Yeah. Well, the thing I was going to add is that we’ve all been a part of groups where. The onion doesn’t get pilled back. The ego doesn’t get checked. And so everyone’s just up there telling their, you know, inflating [00:31:00] their successes and, um, uh, that’s the real unique thing with investor fuel is that the, you know, the real, uh, No situation in the amount of times people have been up there giving their testimony and they’re just crying and they’re like ready to get out of this business.

    I mean, that’s happened a few times and I know it happens. I’m probably pretty sure you guys get phone calls that, you know, we couldn’t even, you can’t even count, but, um, just the, the willingness for people to share and, uh, you know, and there’s not a, uh, Yeah, the competitive nature to it. Um, and I’m even referring to people in my own market that, uh, that I’ve known for years that are, uh, that I’ve got to even know better.

    And, uh, um, uh, you know, since we’ve joined this group, so. That’s

    Mike: [00:31:50] great. Yeah,

    Trevor: [00:31:51] no, you got it.

    Mike: [00:31:52] I think we focused on keeping it real. I mean, there’s, it’s really, if you want to just look at the positive side of stuff, you can just connect people on Facebook and [00:32:00] everything’s always better than it is, but you know, we’re, this is a real estate investing is a good business, but it’s a, it’s a financial roller coaster and it’s an emotional roller coaster.

    There’s probably not many other. Entrepreneurs that, you know, in the morning are ready to 10 exit. And by lunchtime, they’re thinking about shutting it down. So, but when you get around other people that are likeminded, you kind of realize that you’re not the only one that

    Trevor: [00:32:25] well, and I don’t, you know, with me personally, I don’t.

    I, uh, I there’s nothing else I can do. So, uh, so I just keep pressing forward and you know, Clinton’s not an option, so yeah.

    Mike: [00:32:38] Well, try to share some amazing insights. If folks wanted to reach out to you to connect in any way, what was the request for them to go to connect with you?

    Trevor: [00:32:45] Yeah. Um, uh, our company is wanting to sell homes, uh, the website’s one 800 to sell

    My email is [email protected]. [00:33:00] So it’s pretty, pretty easy. Um, number is one 800 to sell homes, pretty easy too, uh, to reach us. So, uh, I would be more than happy to talk to anybody I spend, uh, um, Know a lot of time, uh, uh, you know, talking with other people and, uh, just sharing and, and, uh, uh, trying to help each other out.

    So anytime, uh, I love to help it help anyone else.

    Mike: [00:33:28] Awesome. We’ll ask them some of the stuff down in the notes. Show notes here. So appreciate you joining us today.

    Trevor: [00:33:33] Oh, you bet. Thank you, Mike. Thank you for what you and Stinson are doing there, so, Oh, we

    Mike: [00:33:38] appreciate you buddy. And, uh, everybody. Thanks for joining us.

    I hope you got some good value out of the show here. I think at the end of the day, You know, you should be focused on building your business. So it’s more, it’s not really a Bulletproof, but more Bulletproof. Can you kind of resist ups and downs in this business? And that’s when this business becomes more of a business and not a job is when you start to be able to scale up, you’ve got some resources behind you, some, a team in place that can allow you to not have [00:34:00] to do everything all day long.

    So otherwise it’s just a job. So appreciate you a bunch if you haven’t yet. Um, talk to us about investor fuel and you’re an accomplished investor. We’d love to talk. You just go to investor and uh, jump on a call. We’ll just love to talk to you and learn more. No obligations there. See if it’s a fit for you.

    And if it’s a fit for us, we’re pretty restrictive on who we let into the group, because she can see here. We have really some amazing people and some amazing family members as we like to call them that are in the group. So, yeah. Hope. Hope you got some good value today and we’ll see you on the next show.

    Trevor: [00:34:31] Thank you.

    Are you an active

    Mike: [00:34:36] real estate investor? If so, when you want to latch onto the power of surrounding yourself, there’s over a hundred of the nation’s

    Trevor: [00:34:43] leading

    Mike: [00:34:43] real estate investors. All committed to building stronger businesses and living richer, fuller

    Trevor: [00:34:50] lives.

    Mike: [00:34:51] You should jump on a call with us. We’re more about investor fuel.

    Simply visit investor fuel. Dot com get started. [00:35:00]


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