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Hey everybody, welcome to the Investor Fuel Mastermind Podcast. This is episode 2, my first real episode, and today my pal Todd Swaggerty joins me on the show. Todd sends millions of pieces of mail a month and is a highly respected figure in our industry. Today, we talk about what it means to be a business owner, even before you achieve some level of success and what makes you keep pushing forward and what’s driving you to be successful…lots of great stuff shared in this show! Check it out!

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Mike: Hey, everybody. Welcome to the Investor Fuel Mastermind Podcast. This actually is episode two, my first real episode. Of course, in the last episode I was just kind of telling you that we’re launching here but today we’re going to be meeting with Todd Swaggerty. He sends millions of pieces of mail, highly respected figure and brain, mind in our industry. He likes to hear that. But the truth is, today we’re going to talk a little bit about direct mail, but we’re also going to talk about what it means to be a business owner. We’ve already achieved some level of success and what makes you keep kind of pushing forward in driving you to be successful?
Professional real estate investors know that it’s not really about the real estate. In fact, real estate is just a vehicle to freedom. A group of over 100 of the nation’s leading real estate investors from across the country meet several times a year at the Investor Fuel Real Estate Mastermind to share ideas on how to strengthen each other’s businesses, but also to come together as friends and build more fulfilling lives for all of those around us. On today’s show, we’re going to continue our conversation of fueling our businesses and fueling our lives. I’m glad you’re here.
Todd, welcome to the show.
Todd: Hey, buddy. Thanks for having me. I appreciate it.
Mike: How’s it going? Did you like the a that I said you had a big brain or something? I don’t know what I said.
Todd: Usually it’s just the big head.
Mike: Big head. Yes.
Todd: Both with my attitude and physically.
Mike: A big head is because there’s a big brain inside of there.
Todd: That’s a first, but I like it.
Mike: Yes, it makes sense, I mean, to me. Cool, man. Well, what folks that are listening right now might not know is you and I have become a fast friends over the past couple of years. We get along well, send a lot of inappropriate texts back and forth, sending, you know, stuff like that, memes and stuff. But, I mean, you’re just a fantastic guy and the truth is, is what this show is all about. The reason we started this is to kind of talk about things at a higher level. We’ve been doing the FlipNerd podcast for five and a half years, which we’re continuing to do.
But the truth is, what we’ve learned at Investor Fuel and kind of the basis of the Investor Fuel Mastermind, which you’re a member of, is that, look, we have a real estate’s just our vehicle, right? We kind of say that that’s just our vehicle, but it’s not really about the real estate. It’s about what it does for our families and our people around us, right? So, we’re going to have some real talk here from a business leader, so glad to have you here.
Todd: Thanks, buddy. Looking forward to it.
Mike: So for those that don’t know you, I mean, well just talk a little bit about your kind of background in your business right now, who you are, kind of who you are today, and then we’ll kind of dive in a little bit deeper.
Todd: Yeah. So, all right. So yeah, I’m a husband and a father of two out here in San Diego, California. In another life, I was a firefighter paramedic for about 15 years. And it was a great job for me and it was something that I thought I was going to do, you know, till death tell us part, sorry. And so I started that job you know, when I was 16 as an explorer in high school and that moved on to a professional fireman, paramedic and all that. And I just thought it was the best job ever and it is. It is the best job ever. And as life continued on and I kind of realized a little bit more and it didn’t have this context really when I was young, but I wanted, and I thought I got out of that job was freedom of time, freedom of money and freedom of relationship.
I thought they made really good money and they do. You get a lot of days off and only the cream of the crop because it was a very competitive, challenging job to get you work with and for the majority of that, it’s still fairly accurate. And as life went on, man, I live here in San Diego. It’s as expensive as heck to live here. And when my daughter was born, I was like, okay, just kind of flipped the switch for me. And I no longer wanted, I kind of want to live life on my own terms, right?
And so we have a lot of days off and so I grabbed, this was in the 2008 meltdown and I was in there in Craigslist and I was heard from my cousin actually, that this business exists for where you would go and clean up foreclosures. And so I was always never in professional services. I was always blue-collar construction, fire department. So I went, heck, I want to do that, you know, I go and start doing these jobs for real estate agents. This is just as the foreclosures were starting to happen in late 2007, early ’08.
Mike: Kind of light make readies or just kind of cleaning up the houses.
Todd: Yeah. And I was only guy out there doing it. There’s like one or two other guys doing it. And I’m like, okay, well shoot. In two days, I can take in as much as I can make in a pay period, good paying job, but it paid period for a fire department. This is cool. Let’s continue with this, right? But no strict vision of what I wanted. And I also had in the back of my own mind go, crap, I missed this whole fix and flip game that I see on TV and 10 plus years ago, that was the big thing on TV. I wanted to be a part of that. Well, I missed that. Let’s do this. Let’s make a few extra dollars in my pocket.
And so I was in a position where I was able to land the contract with through another contractor for Countrywide to all of those properties in San Diego. And if you guys remember back then, Countrywide was the bees knees, especially in the subprime stuff. So we had more work than we knew what to do with, right? And so, I was a fireman with . . . has only did construction and within six months I had a team of 20 plus people servicing thousands of properties in San Diego on the trash outs, on the made refreshes and grass cuts and all that kind of stuff. And it was a huge, huge lesson for me and I still kind of felt kind of constricted by it, right? I wanted my freedom, time, money, relationship.
And well, when you’re working for those banks, it’s very much like working for . . . well, working for the banks, right? Working for somebody else. And so that didn’t work for me. And so I started getting away from that, doing fix and flip properties, right? Going directly to the real estate agents. Well, I kind of felt that was really constricted too. So I did that for a year or two and I had somebody sell me a property that they got under contract, they assigned property. What the heck is this? This is possible? I can go directly to the seller and kind of negotiate the deal? And to me that put all the barriers out. I wasn’t worried about dealing with a real estate agent and all of their rules or that relationship or I had to be their best buddy. It was only about servicing the needs of the other person on the other side of the table from me. And that to me just lit me up.
And so I continued to do doing that. And then I discovered that I didn’t necessarily have any “sales experience” or anything like that. And so I knew direct mail was going to be kind of the only way I was going to be able to get in front of these guys. And I decided to take on that challenge of producing my own direct mail house, because at the time back then, shoot, to send a letter was a buck. Right? And I’m like, I’m not spending that kind of dough. Here I am, a fireman. I, you know, I still probably have the first nickel I’ve ever made and I throw nickels around like a manhole covers, you know. So I learned how to do all that and the processes, all that and then kind of turned into a business for me.
I started doing it for other people, my peers that were also in the industry and that turned into one thing after another, getting a website up and then going, okay, well, this is a heck of a lot more scalable for me. I really enjoyed the process. And at first I think the reason why we are so successful and continue to be is this wasn’t necessarily a profit center first. It was something I was servicing my peers on. I was paying the bills, paying my marketing expenses. So we were service first and price first because of that. Because number one, I’m servicing my peers. I screw up, it’s my boys, my buddies, my gal, right? I screw up for them, no good, that’s not going to work. And it wasn’t a huge profit center. So it just continued and flourished from there to where we’re at today. And, I would say that we’re, if not biggest or second biggest direct to seller mail house in the niche. And it feels pretty good to be there.
Mike: Yeah, that’s amazing. That’s amazing. That’s, you know, a lot of our things that we do come out of necessity, right? You know this and you know this about me, either necessity or some perceived necessity that there are times as business owners . . . You and I are buddies. We talk all the time. Like you’re forced to constantly innovate, right, because you have to like stay ahead or you’re trying to add more value. And then I’m the same but I don’t have customers quite like you do. I mean, I do a lot of coaching and we have the mastermind of course, and things like that. We’re always trying to deliver more value, but probably on the side we all are constantly breaking things or thinking of new ideas that we think is a problem that needs to be solved, right?
Mike:Why do we do that, Todd? Why are we so screwed up?
Todd: I don’t know, man. I think in our nature to be business owners, first of all, there’s not too many of us that have chosen to go out and be totally 100% responsible for our income as business owners, as entrepreneurs. So by nature, we’re a little bit out of our mind and we’re problem solvers and if we can solve that, that’s our little drug, our crack or whatever and that’s our high, so we can have value then. So we see a problem, we go after it, we solve it. And when we get the money game out of the way, which we can usually do pretty early on, it’s like, okay, well, where’s my value now? How can I make a difference? And so I think that’s where it comes from. It’s a great feeling to take a problem that you know everyone has and kind of, you know, be able to solve it. So I think that’s where it comes from.
Mike: Yeah. It’s interesting in how because there’s this question of fulfillment, right? What fulfills me? We all want to feel like we’re needed, right? We continue to create things that people will need us for maybe. Maybe there’s some of that. We both, maybe we have really low self-esteem, Todd. I don’t know.
Todd: Maybe.
Mike: But it’s funny though, right? Everybody, a lot of people around us are like this, right? It’s crazy for people that listen to the show right now, I mean, depending on where you are in your business [maybe feel 00:10:46] this way, or maybe you don’t yet, but there used to be this time in my life when I first got into real estate investing, you know, when I started, I just wanted to offset my income that I had previously in corporate America. And then I would say things like, “Well, after I get to this certain level, I’m going to buy this nice watch.”
And I’d like blow past that. I’m like, I don’t need a freaking watch. I have a phone. Like what do I need to watch for it, right? And you just set these goals for yourself and I think one of the problems is that we have as entrepreneurs or that I have, and probably you have too, maybe some folks listening, is that the goal line continues to move. We keep moving it, right? It’s not about money anymore. I don’t mean to . . . I know that you agree with me. It’s not about . . . we’re not like trying to figure out how to feed the family anymore, right?
Mike:It’s like, how do I do something big? How do I add value to the people that I already serve? Or whatever it is, right? Something that kind of drives us that’s just more.
Todd: I think the biggest thing for entrepreneurs and for me specifically is future, right? So I’m happy as a clam and I have everything a guy could want or need. But still in most entrepreneurs, it’s always a better future, right? And so, our future is what we need to strive to make better. Even though what we have today is great, we want our tomorrow to be even better. We’re not discontent, we are not unhappy with what we have and we’re also not greedy. But in our heart, we just want to bigger and better future. So each day is going to be bigger and better than the next. And we’ve seen that to be true, right? And so we’ve built businesses, we’ve made our future better and better, and we’ve increased our capabilities, right?
I’m a dyslexic, ADD knucklehead who has been able to utilize other people’s skills and attributes to make them mine in my company, right? So there’s lots of things that I suck at. And so but there’s a one or two things that I’m really, really good at and I’ve been able to make other people’s capabilities mine, right? And so it’s the business in that way is kind of the ultimate equalizer. And in life and occupation and where it’s solely dependent on my skills, you can’t do that, right? In a corporation or in a company or as a fireman, if I suck at something, you know, I’m always going to suck at that, right? But with having a company, I can hire people that are great . . .
Mike:Fill those gaps.
Todd:Yeah, to fill those gaps. And that opens up my future and that makes my future endless and has every capability that I can dream up. And so I think that’s one of the reasons behind the problem solving and wanting to kind of make our future better. So I think that’s kind of . . .
Mike: Yeah. I would argue that people that get too comfortable, you get complacent, right? You’re like, oh, I’m making X per year. That’s more than I need and I’m just going to do things the way I’ve always done them. Like you die, right? Your business will die. Like the one thing we know, especially in your business with mail, you have to constantly innovate because your competitors are doing it and they’re going to just continue to one up you and find other things, right? Even on the real estate side, like sales techniques, how we market to find sellers, like all those things are constantly innovating. And if I look back at the way that we did things 10 or 11 years ago, it’s different now for sure, and people that I knew that were investors way before that, some of them just got left in the dust because they refused to change, right?
Todd: Right. It really seems like everything in business, especially nowadays with the social media, the phones and how information just transmits is so much easier. Is that everything we do, even though like we just created a system in our company for return mail to make it really easy on the customers. And so pretty soon that’s going to be commoditized, right? Everything we do now that’s new and fresh is eventually going to be commoditized and everyone’s going to be like, look at texts and all these other media platforms we weren’t talking about a year ago. And so it requires us to do that. It requires us to have that innate wanting to have a better future or we’re not going to be successful. And it requires us to be those visionaries, right? And that can be really frustrating too. As that visionary, you know, you have all of these things, you see where you’re going so clearly. And because you see it so clearly, you want it to happen now and it doesn’t work that way.
And that’s kind of the growth where I’m at right now in my business. I’ve got these visions for my future and visions for my company and being able to now in my business be at a point where I’m not doing the daily commoditizing, the daily, you know, working in the business to produce a widget or what have you. It’s really just a communication, right? And being a communicator and having that patience and really looking at my business and going, okay, well I’ve kind of figured out the money game for what I need. Certainly. What is my long-term path here? I see my future in the next year, 2 years, 10 years and it might change, you know, it will change. But what am I doing now and in the next 90 days to accomplish that future? Because it’s so easy for us to go see big picture, big picture. And really what’s helped me and this is something I’ve been doing just the past year, because I take each quarter by itself and go, okay, these are two or three things I’m going to be able to accomplish right here right now.
And I try not to bring too much of the shiny objects that we all have and I even today . . . where is it? I got this yellow notepad I bring with me and it just a brain dump and bring it with me everywhere because I have all these ideas, all these things I want. I just write.
Mike: [Everything 00:16:50].
Todd: Yeah. And even I have a sea of a sec paper. It’s even labeled brain dump, which is spelled wrong, by the way. Brain dump is spelled wrong.
Mike: Which word did you spell wrong? Brain or dump.
Todd: Brain. Dump, I can accomplish. But anyways, and own a direct mail house, right? Other people’s capabilities and not mine. And so my point being is that that just take things in it and the whole 90-day chunks, what are the two or three things I can accomplish right now in that three month period. Because after that, we lose the emotional drive to do it. If we don’t do it, get it done in 90 days, it’s probably not going to be there after that. So it’s really important to take those two or three things. For me, get those accomplished and get them out of out of the way and then go onto the next thing to my bigger, better future.
Mike: Yes, that’s great. It’s, you know, this, I don’t know if you’re on this cycle, but we have our Investor Fueled Masterminds effectively every 90 days and, you know, we didn’t really plan it this way. It’s kind of intuitive, but we ask everybody while you’re there, like, fill out your 90-day goals. And you know, if you’re thinking like EOS Traction type model, it’s what they call them rocks. These are my goals for the next 90 days. And then there’s a number of people in the group that have said they use Investor Fuel as their 90-day marker and we asked them what their 90-day goals are. So when you come back, you have to report out on how is your business doing. And so people kind of use that as an opportunity to say, “Man, that 90 days came up fast and I either completed it or I didn’t.”
But we’ve kind of become, not really our intention, our intention is to help hold people, like help them hold themselves accountable really. But Investor Fuel, the quarterly meeting has kind of become a surrogate for the finish line for that quarter to come up with new goals, but also to kind of report out on their existing goals. So that’s kind of, that’s pretty cool how that’s kind of turned out.
Todd: Yes, that’s exactly what it is for me too. When I get ready to go to Investor Fuel or I attempt just to at least, get really clear on, okay, what am I going there for? What are the two or three things that I need to get essentially, right? And there’s always things to give because you’re watching everyone’s presentations and you’ve kind of been there, done that on a few things. And so the giving part, if you have that personality is very easy.
But if you go in going to Investor Fuel, it’s like, you know, information with the whole firehouse, you know, there’s so much of it. But if you go in very clear say, listen, I got these three or four things I need to get when I go here. I’m going to focus on these three or four things. It’s going to be there. If I can go get those and then just observe all the other information flow, if something sticks, that’s great. But what happens a lot of times, and what was happening with me is I would go there and I have these, you know, 40 things that I think that were great and they are great and I want to implement them, but I wasn’t getting them done and I can’t get them done. We cannot get that much stuff done.
Mike: Forty things done, yeah. It’s too much.
Todd: Yeah. So you pick those two or three things and then you go. And so it’s really cool that way. And so every time I go there, I get those. And so, at first for me joining a mastermind was like, well, you know, it’s a heck of a lot of expense and it is in some degrees. But I now consider it, and this is not just BS because we’re on this show is this, Investor Fuel pays me to attend. And so every time I go there or no [master online 00:20:24], but for me it’s Investor Fuel. And, every time I go there, I get those two or three things met and there’s always 10, 15 times ROI, on the growth of my business. And so it’s been a really, really cool thing.
Mike: What would you say, Todd, one of the things that I struggle with them, one of the reasons I started Investor Fuel, if I can be honest here, which, you know I’m not just being honest with you. I’m always honest. I don’t know if I’m always honest with you, but usually I am. But no, the truth is, like as a small business owner, even if we have customers that we’re serving or that we like, it’s kind of a, it can become like a lonely world, right? Like you’re out doing stuff and you’re doing it. You have reasons in your mind why you’re doing it for your family or whatever it might be, but sometimes we find that there’s not a lot of people that you can kind of talk to you that kind of gets you, right? You feel that way.
Todd: Right. Absolutely.
Mike: Have you felt that way for years? Like you’re just like, man, I just, I know a bunch of people. Yes, I’ve got 5,000 Facebook friends, but there’s not a lot of people that I’m close with that I don’t feel like I have to pretend like I’m the successful investor. You know, there was this time where we were having a great year and I remember my wife and I . . . I don’t remember exactly what happened. We’re sitting at a stoplight and somebody had just told me like that they basically hope they aspire to kind of be like me, you know. Which like from an ego standpoint, that didn’t really drive me. But I remember sitting there at the stoplight and I said to my wife, is this what success feels like? Because it didn’t feel like success, right? It’s just like, do I have to hold up this cover of who people think I am or how I really feel, right?
Todd: Right. So, yes, I mean, like you say, it’s definitely a lonely thing and we kind of think differently. And you know, getting back to our earlier point is that entrepreneurs, we think differently. We perceive things differently. And to have a group of people that you can, you know, you’re speaking the same language every time you talk. A lot of us that are not into the whole small talk. It’s, you know, it’s about what’s going on. What’s important to us, you know, the personal development side of our lives is really what we’re 100% focused on–our business, growing our business, family, you know.
Investor Fuel, Mike Singletary, is one of the guys in the group there and all the time we spend together just talking about, you know, personal development and life. It’s not always about the nuts and bolts of the business. They’re there if you want them. You can go get them. But being with a group of people who are open and honest and no egos is been really awesome because, you know, if you do well successfully and you start looking at your bank account and you’re doing things that the 1% of the world . . . the 99% of the world can’t do, you kind of get a big head on your shoulders, you know. Not just physically like I got my but emotionally too.
And then you kind of look at, well, I don’t feel any different. I made a bunch of money. I’m solving problems. I’m doing good things for good people, but you know, I don’t feel necessarily all too different. And so going through that process, being able to share it with others and in a big group of likeminded people who speak your same language, right? It’s been really, really cool. We kind of felt like we fit in that.
Mike: Yes. You, kind of, found . . . we found our tribe, right? And so, yes, I would say, honestly, I don’t want this, you know, the truth is I don’t want this entire show to be a bit like for Investor Fuel. That’s the one thing we have in common. I wanted to create this show because it’s my family, right? I mean, I created it, but we have a lot of people that are in the group that have great stories. And the truth is, there’s a lot of people in the group that have crushed it at business wise and the world doesn’t know who they are. Like people know who you are. You’ve been on the show before. And a lot of people use your service, Yellow Letter HQ. But there’s a whole bunch of people in the group that kind of have their head down. They’re building their business and they don’t have podcasts and they’re not out doing a lot of stuff on social media. They’re just good people that worked hard. And I want to share their stories because they have a lot of lessons to learn. I have learned so much from people in that group.
And so I think the one thing that we have in common is that . . . well, there’s a lot of things we probably have in common. But one of the big things, and probably one of the things that you and I have talked a little bit about is, this transition from I work hard and I build stuff to I have to be more of a leader now, right? A leader of people. Like it’s kind of this I’ll probably screw up this quote, but this like what got you here won’t get you to the next level.
Like what got me here and I know a lot of what got you there is probably a little bit of luck and a whole lot of working hard, right? And just cranking and not accepting no as an answer. Probably losing a bunch of money and causing a bunch of grief in our families and our relationships sometimes along the way because you start to blur that line between I’m doing it for the family and therefore I need to be away from the family. Like all those issues that we’ve had to work for. But then you get to this point where you’re like, hey, I’m good. I don’t need anything anymore, but I want more. And to do that, it can’t be off of the skin off my back because there’s not enough hours in a day for that.
Todd: Yeah. So I follow a guy named Dan Sullivan from Strategic Coach. I’m actually in that program. It’s very different than a mastermind because it’s all about you, the investor. And so, not a plug for him at all, but what he says, and he probably took this from somebody else. The skills that get you out of Babylon don’t get you to the promised land, right? And so for us now, we’re out of the money grind, we’re out of worrying about that, we got ourselves out of Babylon, and we’re trying to get to this new future, this new thing that we’re thinking about and get us to the promise land. It’s a whole different skillset. And, when it comes to the communication and you know, living your life presently is a big challenge for entrepreneurs like us. That’s one of the biggest things I think we all work on. And, you know, our family life, being very, very conscious and very aware, it becomes a really, really important. So yes, it’s pretty unique in that that you have these skill sets and you’ve become a successful in your right.
And then this next journey you’re going, those are not the same skills you need anymore. So you kind of a little bit feel like you’re starting over and if you get a group of people like that together, it’s really, really rewarding. First to understand that you’re like, I’m hitting a wall. I don’t know what the heck’s going on and here I am, you know, kind of, thinking I made it. And in all intents and purposes, you have, but there’s something more out there for you and there’s a new place you’re trying to go and just don’t have the skills yet. So if [you go 00:27:17] around people like that who are developing on great [inaudible 00:27:19].
Mike: Back to your comment earlier about how you surround yourself with people that kind of fill in the gaps of the skills that you don’t have. You know what’s really great to me and I’m nowhere close to where I want to be. I sometimes question like, why do I want to be there? Like what am I doing this for? The same thing we’ve been talking about here. But I can tell you just I’ve been able to build up a team over the past couple of years and I know you have too, of people that are carrying the weight of things that I used to do. And I’ve really seen that fruition of like if I just let my kind of hands off, put systems and processes in place continue to work on getting the right people and systems and processes in place and it’s allowed me to go travel or do things that I want or take a week off or a day off or whatever and stuff still happens without me. And in many instances, it actually works better when I’m not around.
Todd: That’s amazing. I still don’t understand that.
Mike: It’s not even the money part of it, it’s like that makes me feel successful. I created something that doesn’t require me to go grind it out today.
Todd: Right. That’s that whole teamwork. And what you said, it was something that Dan Sullivan talks about, not to bring him up again, but you said you don’t know why you want stuff. Well, sometimes you just want it because you want it, right? You don’t really need to explain it away or put a value to it. And so you know with that vision, sometimes you just want it because you want it and that’s okay.
Mike: Yes. It’s funny cause you know, we had a couple meetings ago, I guess back in February we had Sean Whalen come speak. And, you know, definitely inspiring guy, inspiring story, lots of F bombs. So really kind of, it just got . . . I think our whole group basically . . . the whole group cussed a lot more that whole week. But you know, it was inspiring. What’s that?
Todd: Me included, sorry.
Mike: Yeah. All of us.
Todd: It kind of gave us this permission.
Mike: Yes. That’s like, yeah, drop more F bombs this week. But it was a moving thing and he didn’t say it there, but he said it on something else I saw on some social media on his podcast or something where he said, “I used to grieve all the time about knowing what my why is.” Like everybody tells you you need to know what your why is. And he’s like, “I just decided that I don’t,” you know, I’ll drop my own F bomb on here. “I don’t fucking know what my why is. I’m just going to go do stuff that I like to do. And like, I don’t know why right now, but that shouldn’t stop me from moving forward.”
And so that was kind of a liberating for me because I feel like I’m kind of questioning why do I want to do this? And it’s like, I don’t know, just do it because you want to. Maybe the reason isn’t clear right now. There’s been a lot of pressure in the past few years to like, know why you’re doing it. What’s your why? Like why are you working so hard? And those things are important, but if you don’t know, it doesn’t mean stop. It just means you don’t, it’s not clear yet.
Todd: Right. You’re on that journey and you’ll discover it when it comes, but it’s still okay. You don’t have to justify or have guilt for your ambition or things you want to do in life. You want it just because you want it. So, yeah, that was perfect. And that guy Sean was intense. It was awesome.
Mike: Yeah, yeah. Awesome. Well, Todd, if folks wanted to learn more about you, I don’t think we said it up front. For those of you that don’t know, Todd’s the founder and CEO of Yellow Letter HQ direct mail house for real estate investors. But how do folks like learn more about you and where can they go to learn more about your business even?
Todd: Yeah. So to go more about our business, you can hop on the inter-webs. Go to you You can see what we have to offer there. We have all kinds of cool stuff that we’re doing right now. Now we’re doing a return mail service. The first of its kind to where all you returned mail, you’re able to scan with a webcam like this. I don’t know if I have any mail pieces around over here, but you take all your return mail and you just scan it, we hold that database for you and you get to have the record that you sent. So there’s no taking cameras, sending into a VA. You get your return mail right here and now.
We also have an organizer that does all kinds of cool stuff for you. And the biggest part, and not to side swipe our conversation, but the biggest part of being in business and then subsequently doing a direct mail is being very, very clear, very organized. And we have a list organizer that just does that. It removes duplicate, it does stacking, qualifies, lets you know if you have any vacants. Does all kinds of cool stuff. And with use of our organizer, you can also automatically take those things off your list. The returned mail can automatically come up off of your list that’s housed in the organizer.
Anyhow, so yes, you can go, you can go there and ask us all the questions you want so you can get on the email there and ask to schedule appointment with me. I do a couple of 15 minute appointments a day and we can talk shop with if need be.
Mike: Awesome. Awesome. And for those of you that are listening, I can validate that Todd has a big heart. He’s always giving to everybody that I’ve seen and, you know, runs a great shop where he’s constantly trying to innovate and add value to people. So I appreciate you being on the show today, buddy. This is episode two, but technically episode one, the real episode.
Todd: Number one.
Mike: So you’re number one, my friend.
Todd: Let’s call it what it is. Yeah. Okay, good.
Mike: For everybody listening right now, we just launched this thing as you know. I would love . . . we have thousands of people that listen to our FlipNerd podcast today. And if you’ve been listening to us over there, we appreciate that. If you haven’t yet subscribed, you probably haven’t because this is our first episode, subscribe to this show, the Investor Fuel show. I’d love it if you subscribe, give us some positive feedback.
Those subscriptions and reviews, ratings and all that stuff upfront when you launch a podcast makes a massive difference into how many people kind of can see and hear this message. So I’d love it if you kind of subscribed to us or even just take a screenshot, share this on social media and give us some love tag. You can tag me, your tag Investor Fuel, something like that to kind of help share our message with the world. We’re on a mission to really kind of change lives here. And everything I do, they are businesses for me but the truth is we’re on a mission to try to change lives. As entrepreneurs, as we kind of talked about here we are. We’re kind of screwed up. We have challenging lives and sometimes I feel like we feel like we’re alone and just want you to know if you’re a real estate investor, you don’t have to be alone.
And we’re going to kind of continue to share our messages with you here. So appreciate all of you for watching this early episode of the Investor Fuel podcast. I appreciate you, Todd. Thanks so much for your time, buddy.
Todd: No problem, man. Any time.
Mike: And everybody, until the next episode. We’ll see you soon. I got to come up with little tagline at the end. I already screwed it up, Todd.
Todd: Soon, you’ll figure it out.
Mike: I have a tagline here and I screwed it up. I have my show notes.
Todd: What is it? Let’s redo it.
Mike: Okay, let’s try it again. This is what I said I’m going to say. Real estate investing is a great tool for building a better life. Never forget why you do what you do. Stay focused on what fuels you.
Todd: Perfect.
Mike: Okay, that’s cool. Yeah.
Todd:Yeah. Yeah.
Mike:Awesome. I’m not even going to cut it. I want everybody to know that I’m as imperfect as they come and, that’s going to be my tag line in the future and hopefully I don’t have to look at a piece of paper to actually say it. All right, we’ll see you on the next show, everybody. Take care.
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