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Today I have my pals, Luciano Aires and Moon Kim, who operate in Houston, Texas. They put in place some amazing systems and processes over the past couple of years to help take their business to a whole new level. We’ll be discussing how you should be using this time right now, where we are all on lockdown, to do the same thing!

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[00:00:00] Mike: [00:00:00] Hey everybody, welcome back to the show today. I have my pals, Luciana and moon from, uh, Houston. They operate down in Houston. I’m in Texas as well. So fellow Texans, and today we’re going to talk about, they’ve really put in place some amazing systems and processes, uh, over the past couple of years to help take their business to a whole nother level and how you should be using this time right now where we’re all on lockdown to do the same thing.

Professional real estate investors know that it’s not really about the real estate. That real estate is just a vehicle of freedom. A group of over a hundred of a nation’s leading real estate investors from across. The country meet several times a year at the investor fuel. You’ll stay mastermind to share ideas on how to strengthen each other’s businesses, but also to come together as friends and build more fulfilling lives or all of those around us.

On today’s show, we’re going to continue our conversation of fueling our [00:01:00] businesses and our lives. I’m glad you’re here.

What’s up guys? Hey, welcome to the show,

Luciano: [00:01:14] Mike.

Mike: [00:01:14] How’s it going? I want to get to see ya. So we were talking a little bit ahead of time. Um, and, uh, these guys have an interesting story about how they kind of are operating separately and then came together to form something amazing. Luciano has a background in engineering, so he has that engineering mindset of how to put in place kind of systems and processes and started to follow what we call the EOS processes, which is out of the book.

Um. Uh, what’s the name of the book? Traction. Oh my God, Kim. I forgot it. Uh, so a lot of, a lot of us in our investor fuel mastermind kind of follow that process and we have a number of people that are implemented or we have some implementers in the group that helped do that, and it’s really helped kinda change their business.

I don’t want to steal your thunder guys. Why don’t you take a second and just introduce yourselves. Go ahead. Luciano, why don’t you start off?

[00:02:00] Luciano: [00:02:01] Yeah, I’m Luciano, Luciano Aires. I’m here operating from Houston, Texas. Uh, we are primarily on the residential side and, uh, we’ve been doing, I think we’ve been doing that more one night for almost the same time, about 10, 11 years.

But, uh, we joined forces about two years and a half ago.

Mike: [00:02:20] Okay. Okay. And Moon, what’s your background? Um, prior to, I guess prior to the last couple of years,

Luciano: [00:02:26] um, always been a realtor in Houston area. Uh, so I’ve been just real estate and been involved in it, like Luciana said, for about the past 10 years as well.

Mike: [00:02:34] Yup. Yup. And were you a corporate guy? I know, uh, I know Luciana has an engineering background. What was your background prior to, uh,

Moon: [00:02:41] before that? Uh, no, I never had a corporate job and not that I don’t wish that on anybody, but, uh, so they have different things, you know, carwash, restaurants, oil and gas. Okay.

Mike: [00:02:53] Cool. Cool. Yeah, it’s interesting with your background, Luciana and engineering and, uh, I have a corporate background too. It’s like, I, I used [00:03:00] to kind of, uh, you know, there, there are some blessings that come out of that, right? Some of the structure. Uh, cause at the end of the day, we all have, even if you have a small business, you need to kind of operate it like a big company, right?

There’s a reason there are departments and structures and processes and systems in place and so on, on many levels. I think it, even though we don’t like that lifestyle and we don’t like, uh, you know, working for the man necessarily, there’s a lot to be learned. Like pulling it out of that background. Right.

Luciano: [00:03:27] Yeah, we actually, we have a guy that, uh, who just joined us and he had during one level 10, his first level 10, he had joined us and uh, he told us, now I understand how you guys can do this level or this number of deals or this size of business with only five people full time and two people part time.

Mike: [00:03:50] Yeah. Having those structures. Yep. Yep. So, so, uh, yeah, I’ll let you guys kind of tell the backstory a little bit, but I know you were both operating individually and then a [00:04:00] couple, about two and a half years ago, probably right around the time that you joined investor fuel. I mean, we’ve, you’ve been a member from the very first meeting and that was, uh, just over two and a half years ago.

Is when you kind of just said, I’m going to put the brakes on everything and I’m just effectively going to start over. So maybe kind of tell us like when you realize that you had some structural issues, and I guess when you guys realized that you would be better together than separately.

Luciano: [00:04:28] We were both, uh, operating individually, but doing everything from a to Z, uh, and within the space that we were, uh, it was not working any longer. So we decided to, to have our own system as far as marketing or lead generation. And, uh, when I, let’s, when we start putting this together. One thing that was clear, I could not be working on the systems and process to put that in place.

And at the same [00:05:00] time, I go to acquisitions, this position, construction, property management, finance, HR, and we could not do every, everything just either more myself. And luckily moon has a huge background in acquisition disposition. When we joined forest, he led me work. On the systems 100% while he was there producing revenue, which is, yeah, we don’t revenue, we can survive.

Mike: [00:05:26] Right. Yeah. Yeah. It’s interesting cause you guys have a, a very complimentary skillset, right? I think with a lot of people, um, whether they’re husband and wife teams or they’re like friends or brothers or father, son, whatever. Like sometimes people get into, not that you guys don’t like each other. I mean I know you do, but a lot of people get into their, their whole.

A purpose for working together is because they like each other and with their skill sets are an afterthought. Right? And so I think that’s a problem that a lot of people have with, with partnerships, is that they, they’re too much [00:06:00] alike and they’re good at the same things, and they’re both bad at the same things, which are critical components of the business.

And so you guys really have a complimentary skillset.

Luciano: [00:06:09] Yeah. That helps a lot. And one thing too, it’s having very well defined. Who does what, so we’re not stepping on each other toes at any time. We would ask for help if we need a second opinion on something because I mean, mom has a lot of experience. I in general, I have some experience in general, so a lot of new things we call salt with each other.

Mike: [00:06:38] Right. Right. So let’s talk a little bit about, um, kind of clear accountability and, and even bringing on, uh, you know, some of the right people. You guys have a team, and so maybe, um, moon, how do, how do you guys hold each other accountable? I know you have a S, uh, inside of EOS, there’s obviously the meeting structure, which are like weekly level tens, but talk a little bit [00:07:00] about maybe even above and beyond that, like how you guys help hold each other accountable.

Luciano: [00:07:05] Yeah. And, uh, again, to your point, like we had the low level tens every week. That helps to keep us on track and you know, with the systems and processes that we follow, I mean, it keeps everybody in line and, and know what we need to do. And we have a chart that keeps everybody in the boxes that maybe need to be as well.

And then again, as far as everybody falling the core value, it’s very important

Mike: [00:07:24] for us. Yeah. Yeah. So talk, talk about that core values a little bit. So it’s easy to say that, and I’ll say we, about two years ago, we went through the EOS implementation as well, and with our buddy Gary. And, um, and it’s not that we didn’t have.

Values before that, we just had never defined them. Like I’ve never said like, these are, I mean, you, you know, you always do the right thing and you know, when you like people, you don’t want to be around dishonest people. Um, but we’d never really documented our core values. And so maybe share like how that changed your.

[00:08:00] Because I think you guys are probably the same, right? You, you had values, you just didn’t necessarily have them defined as a company. Here’s what we stand for. Here’s what we, you know, uh, what, what, what we want to repel, right? Maybe kind of share that opiniony I guess when you guys did it, okay.

Luciano: [00:08:16] Hey, we, it was a good exercise and, uh, it’s like I was sharing with you before. I was lucky too. You don’t join forces with moon and, uh. We ended up really having the same core values and that the next person that the join force with us, she really fits in with our core values. This is the thing we liked working independent.

We work too. We like to work in our own silos. So if, if we’re moving that, bring that, bring that, Hey, do you think we should have an office? They say no immediately. So we need people that. You know, really accountable, [00:09:00] really independent, that can self motivate themselves. Not that we don’t, I mean, we push a lot for, for our team to learn cause they want to learn it.

That’s something more, and I love learning so that, that helps. Uh, but again, going back to the exercise of, of putting the core values to, yeah. Like to your point, we probably could have more or would provoke. You’d have less, but the ones we picked up and identified . It really dispels to ourselves and it really for like I was sharing with you the best 18 months, we went through like 12 people that we’ve fire in a hire, and when we look back, we can’t hire based on core values only, but when we look back, they clearly they didn’t

Mike: [00:09:46] have our Corvette clearly.

Yeah. And what are some examples of, what sort of stuff, what are some examples of a core value you have that has like been violated like most frequently for the, all the people that weren’t a fit that you said you let go?

[00:10:00] Luciano: [00:09:59] Man, one thing, we are fast paced. So if you, if you don’t have the, the, the self improvement on yourself.

It’s not going to work. Let’s say more than that. We can put thousands of classes together and help our team, but if they don’t go back to to their place and don’t do homework, they’re not going advance. They’re gonna forget about everything.

Mike: [00:10:19] Yeah.

Luciano: [00:10:20] So self-improvement is one of the main things that we, and trust.

So we try, we have that trust with them and then they there, I mean, they do. And again, like more sharing with us, the level 10 everybody has to read a book. Everybody has to be progressing and most of this progress is on their

Mike: [00:10:39] own, right? Yeah. Absent of that, like I’ve, I’ve, I’ve, I understand exactly you’re saying absent of that, if people are not trying to improve themselves, do a better job, if it seems like that they, that’s heavily tied to this is just a job and I’m waiting until five o’clock when I can check out.

Right. It’s like it feeds directly into work ethic. Like is this something [00:11:00] you’re passionate about doing or this is just a job that you’re trying to get a paycheck on it that kind of goes hand in hand in hand.

Luciano: [00:11:06] Yup. Yeah. We have several experience with the clock. I mean, we do nine to six and it was about five o’clock later.

Mike: [00:11:19] Yeah. So talk a little bit about like, have you found, like when you kind of go through this. How do you, what are some questions that you ask to gauge work ethic and kind of sell around self-improvement? I mean, are there some, as you kind of go through this, I know you said you hired and had a little bunch of people go because they weren’t a fit.

Do you feel like that helps you kind of going through that helps you get better at, uh, identifying the right candidates? Okay.

Luciano: [00:11:45] Yeah. Uh, going back to one thing, you know, instead of, uh, the way. Le, uh, our team is small, so we’re like, we’re sharing, sharing. We do, we’re five people full time, and we have two part-time, one being [00:12:00] being Lauren that she, she has, I mean, she’s an attorney.

She does, uh, another job. But, uh, and we have Jaime who is our part-time handyman. That’s been amazing to us. But, uh, all of this people. The, the three other people that we have in our team, they came from our inner circle, especially

Mike: [00:12:21] moon’s inner circle. Yeah.

Luciano: [00:12:25] So that and the other ones, they came through hiring through regular process.

They came through from my referral of somebody or. Regardless, the amount of questions that we went through with them. Probably you’ve done that before. I’m not sure that the top grading guide

Mike: [00:12:44] for, yeah, we started using that actually before EOS. Just a, yeah, topic. You’re talking about a Alucien. I was referring to a book called top grading, which is kind of an interview process or it really is.

We primarily use the questions and the PR, the series of like [00:13:00] questions you ask on the phone interview questions you ask in person and. Questions you asked for the second interview.

Luciano: [00:13:05] Right. We use pretty much that guideline to interview somebody and, but again, that thing that proved to us like the first associate that we have moon brought in, and that’s been just a blessing to us.

Uh, the, the acquisition that we have Munos him for a long, long time. Um. That the other associates that join us about four months ago, Salina knew her for a long time, so he kind of shortened this annoying period.

Mike: [00:13:37] Yeah. Yeah. I think that helps cause you, you know what, you tend to do what? What we tend to do as entrepreneurs, especially when you have a small team, like you.

You can’t have redundancy, right? You don’t have just a bunch of people hanging out in case you need the work done. They just can’t afford that. So sometimes it’s like a going shopping at the grocery store when you’re hungry, right? You, you like, you hire somebody when you need them. And you [00:14:00] just start to overlook when you need them.

Like, you know, you need to fill that role like yesterday, right? So, so you tend to like say, ah, you know, I think I can overcome that. You start to overcome issues and when you look back, when you, if it’s somebody that leaves or you let go, when you look back, you’re like, you know what? I should have known because they said this, or they did that or something happened.

But, you know, sometimes we just, uh, we want somebody so bad that we need to fill a role so bad that we’re just like. Overlook things, but if they’re in your inner circle, you probably know more about them. They understand you better. There’s a probably a little bit higher level of accountability cause they’re like, I know that person.

Or we have similar friends. I don’t want to let them down. Like they just, they just step up a little more than if they’re in some new circle where they don’t know anybody probably right.

Luciano: [00:14:45] Yeah. I know some other wholesalers in town that are friends of mine and they have terrible acquisition guys that don’t do any follow ups that barely go on appointments.

They have a, like he was saying that he had 70 leads cause he’s a cold call. He has 70 leads in his pipeline that [00:15:00] run touch because they have full time jobs and they’re relying on this acquisition

Mike: [00:15:03] person. That’s the tension. Yeah. Yeah. Yup. So, um, talk about your kind of meeting.

Luciano: [00:15:10] Go ahead, Luciana. Mike, one thing, just going back here.

Uh, one thing that we like as well, when I, when we hiring, we don’t like hiring somebody with experience on what we’re trying to train them for because we do have a training place. And we’d prefer them. I mean they come with their core values, but we want them almost raw in the, in the, in the role that we’re gonna, uh, give to them.

Yeah. No, no habits.

Mike: [00:15:37] Yeah. Cause they have like these preconceived notions about, well, here’s how we used to do it. Right? Yeah. Yeah. So what are some roles, and I found a, so for acquisitions, people, you probably are looking for people with real estate background or you’re not generally.

Luciano: [00:15:50] No, I mean, the guy that we have, um, that’s a friend of mine.

He has no real estate background at

Mike: [00:15:54] all other than mine, his personal

Luciano: [00:15:56] property. But, um, again, with a good system of

Mike: [00:15:59] training them. [00:16:00] I mean. Yep. Yep. Yep. Awesome. That’s good. Yeah. Cause I think, uh, you know, if you hire like a admin that’s worked for a real estate broker and agent before, like they don’t understand this is a different business.

And I found that too. I’ve, I’ve generally tried to find. For acquisitions, people for sales people like people that have, you know, they were in car sales or other kind of consultative high dollar sales, but not real estate because they just, they think they know everything already. Right.

Luciano: [00:16:31] That’s a biggest thing.

And again, we had opportunity to bring people before that they were either wholesalers or they were for another wholesaler. We prefer, again, hiring people that we can train on it and  has too much experience. And so with that said, he’s sharing part of it. I mean, you’re going to learn too much, so we don’t need somebody ready.


Mike: [00:16:58] So how do you guys, what [00:17:00] do you do for kind of a meeting cadence? I know you follow the EOS process. Maybe just share your meeting cadence and then some of, maybe some of your. A higher level of KPIs. Cause you know, part of the EOS process is that everybody on your team needs to have a number, something they’re accountable to.

It gets reported out on, on a regular basis so that they can be held accountable. Right? So it kind of quantifiable. Maybe share like your meeting structure with your team and then, uh, some of the KPIs, you, you track that or it might help other people that are listening right now.

Luciano: [00:17:30] Still on Tuesdays. Every Tuesday we have our level 10 that goes from nine to we try to stop no later than 10 30 and that’s the level Tim model where we go through our scorecard, which we hit all the points, how much we spend on marketing with that, how many leads we got priced per lead, how many appointments week we have that or we set up any appointments we went through, how many contracts, how many buyer, how many sale.

How much [00:18:00] money in the bank we have. Uh, within, if you’re doing construction, the budget, if we go over the budget over a number of days, if you have listings, uh, or houses for sale, what has the Dom days on the market have that we go through the property management as well? Uh, as far as if we have ramped, obeyed, or any vacancy

Mike: [00:18:24] or, or

Luciano: [00:18:26] for spending too much on maintenance.

And then we go specifically to the acquisition and the acquisition side where we go number to appointments. So. We distribute the number of leads for them and say how many appointments they attended, how many contracts. But one thing is very important. The morning I would put it together, a number of follow up because we, we had a guide that we had to let it go.

And, uh, our, our, uh, conversion was going down and that was clear that his communication, his followup with [00:19:00] our potential sellers.

Mike: [00:19:02] Work.

Luciano: [00:19:03] So after we implement that scorecard, just for the acquisition kind of, we, we feel that the pipeline moving a little better now. Yeah. And after we go through our scorecard, like w when we’re sharing, we have the

What we call the goals. For the three months, we’d call rocks. And we see where we at with every single rock, every, I mean, every single one of us, we have about three to five rocks. And, uh, uh, w we discuss where we add what needs to be done to get there. Um, then we . We go to the to do list to the issues list, we’d have that a full meeting, understanding where are you, where are we at every single week to see, to achieve the goals within that three months that we have.

And uh, because we are a work, a virtual, let’s put it this way, we work from home. [00:20:00] Everybody, uh, we go through the, we do a little operation meeting when we’re done with our level 10. That we go through all the deals that we have in our pipeline, which we have under contract,

Mike: [00:20:12] right?

Luciano: [00:20:12] It could be a be or could be on Bay B to C, and we go through every single one.

We see the issues that we have to clear a title, who’s going to do what, which I’ve turned to, we’re gonna talk to. And that may take another, another, another hour. But then when we were having, um, they won’t really helps us expedite our files.

Mike: [00:20:36] And now you’ve got this effectively, you know, if you were a grocery store, that’s your inventory, right?

And there’s some of it is, uh, some of it starting to get a little old. Sometimes it allows you to kind of look at aging and  deal with problems on a, on a regular basis. Right.

Luciano: [00:20:48] Yeah, yup. So  and then another meeting that we stablish that, uh, we own on Thursdays, we’re doing a sales [00:21:00] training one I, and acquisition.

So we, we go through a sales training for about an hour, an hour and a half. And, uh,

Mike: [00:21:07] every week.

Luciano: [00:21:09] Yeah. Every week we started that when we start,

Mike: [00:21:12] our

Luciano: [00:21:12] conversion was going down. It was exactly one step, a little bit to the side on the acquisitions when he was training somebody else and the other acquisition really, I mean, it started showing that he was not the right person for that seat.

I mean, right. Great guy, but not not the right guy for it. For this job.

Mike: [00:21:34] Yeah. The great part about all

Luciano: [00:21:35] this. Yeah. For that. With the sales training with two Thursday, we knew exactly why. I mean, the guy could not memorize a thing. I mean, one line, and I mean the guy could not do homework every week we need to talk, talk about the same thing.

So with the sales training now, we were able to. To change the, I mean, the level of our appointments [00:22:00] as

Mike: [00:22:00] well. Yeah, and the great part about using all these KPIs to track is, you know, how many leads came in, how many appointments do they go on? As you can see trends, right? Obviously trends, but also, and you would probably agree with this, like when you, when people in your office know that they are supposed to hit a certain number and they can see the number, like they kind of self regulate more, right?

They know, they know they’re not doing what they’re supposed to do before you even have the meeting. Right.

Luciano: [00:22:28] Yep. Yep. No, no, that definitely agree. I mean, it keeps everybody on track because, um, you know, to Luciano’s point without that sales training, um, we would have easily, uh, we were easily able to identify the people that weren’t even paying attention to what was going on.

Mike: [00:22:43] So, I mean, we

Luciano: [00:22:45] leave long that they would even not even return

Mike: [00:22:47] it, so.

Yup. Yup. Awesome. So what, what guidance would you guys give a people that are. Uh, first off, you know, I think we would all recommend reading the book traction, right? I mean, it’s, it’s actually something that, [00:23:00] uh, a lot of real estate investors started to get attracted to probably around the time that you, that you started doing it yourself two and a half, three years ago.

I don’t actually know when that book was written. Uh, but it really kind of was adopted. It’s not really for real estate. Investors at all. It’s for just all kind of small businesses, entrepreneurs, right? But a lot of people started to gravitate towards that about three years ago, I’d say. And any guidance for people that, uh, you know, don’t have the systems and processes in place, and they’re just kind of flying by the seat of their pants, which is a lot of real estate investors.

Luciano: [00:23:32] We’re always chasing revenue. So in them mood, do we never stop to. And one thing you have to decide, do you want to be small or you want to, you know, or you want your business to get to a certain level. Because if you want to be a small and you’re comfortable with that . Your level of system do not need to be that, uh, that the or debt complex.

But if you decide to grow and scale up, [00:24:00] you have to have a system. It is worth taking the time to choose to slow your business. You’re gonna feel horrible because you’re not going to have record revenue. Thanks. I mean, we’ll be our in paper, but when you start executing all the systems and process that you have in place.

Life is so much easier within your business. If you have the time to stop and put your systems in place, especially in hard times with the economy, it’s a good time to stop and, and really if you already have a system to tweak your systems, and if you don’t have one to sit down and really put it together.

And one thing too is to follow it. We have, I mean, two years and a half. We have no, or want level 10

Mike: [00:24:44] that’s great.

Luciano: [00:24:45] In two years and a half, we never missed one quarterly review and we make sure we bring, I mean, we, we, we have a coach that, you know him, but we bring him every three months because we need, we need somebody from the outside to make, [00:25:00] to put us in that discomfort.


Mike: [00:25:02] need to be out of our comfort zone. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I found when we implemented it, I knew that I could not, for example, and I don’t know how you’ve done this, Luciana, you’re very methodical in what you do, but I knew I cannot be the person that is hosting the meeting or preparing for the meeting. I just, I need to have it outsourced to my team so I can just show up because.

If I have to get prepared and I’m not prepared in advance, then it’s going to disrupt everybody. So, you know, I think, uh, do you guys do that? Do you have somebody on your team that, like an admin or somebody else that’s responsible for kind of showing up on time, making sure what he’s there, having the reporting updated and all that?

Luciano: [00:25:41] Four it’s a blend of a contribution. Like we have Lauren, that she puts all the finance for us together. I mean, I helped her on that. Uh, we, we have Selena that she helped us, let’s say if you’re talking for the quarterly meeting. Uh, or

Mike: [00:25:58] even the, even the weekly meetings. That was [00:26:00] my concern is like if I have to pull a bunch of stuff together ahead of time and I’m the prep person, then we’re going to be disappointed every week.

Luciano: [00:26:08] The weekly meeting, what we do, Selena, Rhonda, the, she runs the, the level 10 for us. And, uh, the only time that when I, we, we would jump in more is within the scorecard. Yeah. But at , we have a structure that, I mean in the you, you probably have that too in Asana, that always, every week we update that. Very, very easy.

To your point, yes. If you know Ron’s death for us.  as well that the quarterly meeting, which is a full day, we need somebody else from the outside.

Mike: [00:26:44] Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. Well, uh, so loosen. Would you mind, would you mind, you’ve been a member of investor fuel since the very beginning, uh, over two and a half years now.

Would you mind just sharing a little testimonial of kind of, you know, what it’s been like to be a part of the group and how it’s impacted your business?

Luciano: [00:26:58] Okay. [00:27:00] Right. You changed the game. I may be surrounded by the right people, uh, the right environment, the right information, and it, it really helps.

let’s put this way. It takes a lot of unknowns from big. I’m too focused on, on, on reading, studying, searching for things. But you have a person asked you, they already know about it. So it, and I think it changed the, the, the, the business of, um, most of us, it will tend to glue the group.

Mike: [00:27:38] Okay. Yup. Awesome.

Awesome. Thanks for sharing, buddy. So, uh, if folks want to learn about you guys, you guys do a lot of volume in Houston, you wholesale a lot of stuff. Um, w how can folks get ahold of you or learn more about what you’ve got going on down in Houston if they wanted to connect?

Luciano: [00:27:53] Okay. I mean, they can email either one of us.

Uh, my email, it’s [00:28:00] Luciana at , and movers, [email protected].

Mike: [00:28:06] Okay. Awesome. Awesome. You guys are still hungry for deals down there, right?

Luciano: [00:28:11] Well, man, we can wait for

Mike: [00:28:14] those of you that are listening right now, obviously we’re going through this, all this coronavirus stuff. It’s a lot is yet to be determined, but I think most of us are optimistic that this is going to be a good opportunity for serious real estate investors.

I think a lot of. Newer folks that are not that committed, and a lot of people that didn’t know what they were doing that were way overpaying for deals and and usually backing out on deals. Anyway, a lot of that stuff is going to go away, I think for a while here. So for those, it’s time for the professionals to take it to another level.


Luciano: [00:28:40] that’s one thing too, Mike. It’s time for a lot of the competition. I mean. Do you get a lot of the competition? They’re new to take the time to really learn deep real estate because this is not a, it’s just by buying houses, selling houses. I mean, we’re D we’re dealing with lives and a [00:29:00] lot of these people, not because they’re bad people, because of the lack of the knowledge.

They, they sent the message that all of us were like that. Right? So is it a good time for them to sit down and really learn the details of real estate like Moo and I, we talk about it. You have to gain the respect of your seller or buyer. And that will definitely be achieved with knowledge if you have the knowledge in the, and again, unfortunately for a lot of people would be, it would be hard time now with your deals.

Mike: [00:29:33] Yeah, no, I think if you’re, if you’re serious about this, I think, uh, you know, today’s show we talked about, it’s a really good opportunity to put some of these systems and processes in place and really think about how to run your business like a business. I mean, we all have, uh, most of us have more time now, less commuting, less taking kids to school, no kids sports right now.

There’s a lot of extra time we’ve been blessed with here. You gotta make sure you use it wisely and don’t squander it. Just sitting around waiting for. The next thing to happen. Right? [00:30:00] Yeah. Awesome guys. Well, Hey, thanks for spending time with us today.

Luciano: [00:30:05] Hey, thank you, Mike.

Mike: [00:30:06] Thanks. Appreciate you guys a bunch.

We wish you all the best. Likewise, man. Awesome, awesome. And everybody, um, if you haven’t yet subscribed to this, hope you got some value out of today, you should subscribe to us. If you go to investor, you can watch all of our shows. Uh, and of course you can subscribe to us wherever you’re watching this right now.

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Luciano: [00:30:34] Are you an active

Mike: [00:30:35] real estate investor? If so, and you want to latch onto the power of surrounding yourself with over a hundred of the nation’s

Luciano: [00:30:42] leading

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Simply visit investor to get started. [00:31:00] .


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