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I have a really exciting topic and a really exciting guest to share with you today, Mr. Jerry Green! If you don’t know Jerry, he really focuses a lot of his attention on helping other real estate investors scale the way he has. Jerry scaled a business where he’s doing 20-25 deals a month and he’s been an investor for about 25 plus years now. All of us get in this business to be able to scale and run a business that doesn’t require us to be involved every single day. That is what we are going to talk about today so let’s jump into the show!

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[00:00:00] Mike: [00:00:00] Hey everybody, welcome back to the show. I have a really exciting topic and a really exciting guest to share with you today, Mr. Jerry Green. We’ve been friends for a little while now. I’ve been watching him for a long time. If you don’t know Jerry, he is really focused a lot of his attention on helping other real estate investors scale the way he has.

He’s scaled a business where he’s doing 2025 deals a month, and he’s been an investor for a long time now, 25 plus years. I don’t have the date here in front of me, Jerry, but I know it’s been a long time. Um, so. You know, all of us get in this business to be able to scale and run a business that doesn’t require us to be involved every single day.

And that is what we’re going to talk about today, so you should listen to it.

Professional real estate investors know that it’s

not really about the real estate, that real estate is just a vehicle to freedom. A group of over a

hundred of a nation’s leading

real estate investors from

across the country meets

several times a year at the investor fuel real estate mastermind to share ideas [00:01:00] on how to strengthen each other’s


but also to come together as friends and build more.

Fulfilling lives for all of those around us. On today’s show, we’re going to

continue our conversation of fueling our businesses and

fueling our lives. I’m glad you’re here.

Hey, Jerry, welcome to the show.

Jerry: [00:01:25] Hey, Mike, what’s up buddy?

Mike: [00:01:27] Yeah, glad to have you here, and I honestly am excited to talk about a. Kind of scaling your business. You’ve done some amazing things. You’ve been through a bunch of cycles, and there’s a lot of lessons learned. I, I’ve talked about this for, I’ve been investing for 12 years.

A lot of people think that I’m a veteran, but nothing compared to you. And I know, uh, you know, I always say, Hey, you can tell. Who you want to learn from by the number of kind of arrow wounds in their back. I know you’ve got some,

Jerry: [00:01:51] I got a lot of them.

Mike: [00:01:53] Yeah, I get it. I’ve got some of those myself. So, um, Hey, before we jump in today, it’s going to be awesome cause I think a lot of us really [00:02:00] struggle with what you’ve cracked the code on and that’s putting the right people in place to scale a business.

I know you don’t really work in your business all that much, a couple of hours here and there and you’re doing a huge volume and it really built something special there. I’ve met your. Your COO is pretty amazing what you guys have built there. Before we jump into all that, why don’t you just tell us about your background and then you’ve got a little more background than the average guest we have on here, but just tell us, uh, a couple minutes and talk about how you, how you got into this space.

Jerry: [00:02:27] Sure. So, well, first of all, thanks for letting me jump on here, Mike. So I appreciate that a little worse. But, um, yeah, so kinda going back in time. So I guess this ages me a little bit on things. So I actually started in the real estate business back in 1994 so long time ago. And so you understand, prior to that, I was actually in the electrical contracting business with my father.

Um, was kind of the speed through things a little bit because quite a story that I’ve been through over the years, but in a rate group prior to [00:03:00] that, in 1993, I was in a position where working electrical contracting business, big contractor went out on us. Let us, uh, end up, we ended up holding the bag and I ended up going bankrupt because of that.

Okay. And had to figure out something to do. Saw an advertisement on local TV, no internet at that time. So went out to this, uh, uh, advertisement, said I’m going to go to this, uh, real estate event, Cincinnati, Ohio, and started into that. And next thing you know, things started. You know, I started getting involved or doing some wholesaling, and when I was doing wholesaling, there was no list.

There was nothing like that whatsoever at all. It was out beating the streets. That’s what I was doing. I was taking boards off of windows, going in the holes and that, that’s what I was doing, dude. And that was the just, yeah. Lining in those areas. I continued to do that and grow that side of things. Got into fix and flipping because I thought that was the way the [00:04:00] world was

Mike: [00:04:00] done

Jerry: [00:04:00] in real estate is no fixing these properties and reselling them through that side of things are got an in really built that up tremendously.

Had a lot of success. Now, this was over in Springfield, Ohio, where the first, now I live in German temple, Southwest of Dayton. And built that up and then had a major personal tragedy in my life. You know, um, and you know that story on things, but just for your guests that don’t know, I went through a tremendous situation with lost my first wife to cancer right after the birth of our son while shutdown personally for almost two years and couldn’t just check to get myself back to me again cause she worked in the business with me.

I got to the point where I’ve started to function again. I ended up, uh, getting married again, moved to Germantown where I live now, about an hour away from Springfield, rebuild it all up again the business, but I want major on the rehab side [00:05:00] and had almost 14, 15 people working for me for project managers and, and I hated it.

Like. I hate that morning and decided to clean house on that and get out of that. And then I said, you know, you know, again, I don’t want to multiple market cycles

Mike: [00:05:19] here right.

Jerry: [00:05:21] Yeah. And there’s, I said I had to figure out something to do this the right way, and then I started looking at something that under we’ll talk about, and I realize that some point in time I have to look at this and say, is this a business or is this just something that it’s a hobby or something like that.

How can I truly create this into a business? And I started looking at systems. Processes to back that up, people and putting all those in place, and then what is done is fast forward many years, man, it’s got me to the point where I don’t have to be involved in the daily boom, boom, boom all the time. I monitor that and I’m able to do that [00:06:00] on an average about two to three hours a week, but my team does multiple deals every single month, and it’s pretty amazing what we’ve built.

And my COO actually runs my company virtually. In Ohio from New Mexico, man, right? That’s kind of the 30,000 foot,

Mike: [00:06:17] you know, that’s high level and that’s tell, well, that’s what we all want. We all get in this business to have something that will help us live a lifestyle we want and have control of our time and all that.

And then truthfully, very few make it to that point. Many are trapped in. A high paying job, even if there’s even this was successful. I mean, people and people that are might be making millions of dollars, but they still are the key component where if something happens to them, the business suffers. Right.

And that’s just a. That’s not a real business, ultimately. And I’m not saying that, that I’m, that we’re all there, or you should be there, but you should aspire to get there for sure. Oh,

Jerry: [00:06:50] I agree with you, man.


Mike: [00:06:51] yeah, yeah. Awesome. So let’s talk about kind of the, the, I know you and I’ve talked about this a little bit, like, you know, just do you feel like you’re just chasing deals?

Like what, what’s kind of [00:07:00] the case for scaling? Because I think you would agree with this, like. Well, people need to do some self searching and say, well, what is it that you want? Because not everybody wants to do, well, not everybody wants to be you or me, or somebody’s going to want to be themselves, right?

But you have to kind of search inside and say, well, what is it that I w why am I doing this the first place I’m, what do I want out of it? Right?

Jerry: [00:07:20] Yup. 100% I think that’s that. That’s really one of the key questions is, first of all, I think it’s come down to, uh, what I always refer to is like when I work with students and minus stuff is like awareness.

Okay. First of all, get the awareness of really what’s going on and what you really want for this. Right. And really, ultimately, not only that, that’s really what the lifestyle, and that’s the key thing man is going in deeper than that because. You know as well as I did. The business is just a business.

Mike: [00:07:51] Okay?


Jerry: [00:07:53] We can create multiple businesses going on, but the key is really what is you, what is it that you want personally from that. [00:08:00] Okay. Right? And so I, that’s something that I found to be so important on things. And I, what I watched was not only my, my own life, but it’s like work with others too. It’s like I see all these people getting in a position where.

That, you know, I’ll look at things, Mike, and there’ll be, there’ll be chasing deals and what I call really, I always look at it kind of as a professional deal chaser. And they do that. What happens, and I understand that when you’re starting up, you’re, you’re doing that, you’re making that happen. But the problem is people get stuck in that rut.

And, and I know what it is. It seems like more real estate. It’s more than. Other businesses, and I think it’s because real estate, a lot of people we talked to, they take real estate and real estate is a little more personal than it is like with a cell phone or something. Okay. Well, look, I’m plugging the district.

Mike: [00:08:54] Yeah, you got the a stop sign I got, I’ve got one of those two on the back of my phone. So cool.

[00:09:00] Jerry: [00:09:00] Um, and, but I, I think that, um, you know, I see people, they get caught up in that and here they are 10 15 years later. And the example I use a lot of times, Mike, is I’ll see people going out. They’re collecting their own rent.

Okay. So they’re driving around getting rent from their tenants. And I think you guys think about this, does the bank come and collect your mortgage? Okay. And it’s like, but you see this type of stuff happen. And then, you know, like I say, just with real estate, it’s like, it’s more of a personal thing. So they think they have to be involved with this so much.

And it just, it just controls them to the point where they never look at any different than that. No, I think it’s

Mike: [00:09:43] a lot of people just live, they kind of live, deal the deal, right? Like you make some money and a lot of people then need that to live on, or they feel like they do, or they’re like, Oh, I made some money.

Let me go get a toy, or whatever it might be. You might have legitimate expenses to know, no doubt about it. But unless you kind of plow that back into the [00:10:00] business so that you can look, keep levering up. Uh, by the way, uh, there’s something working on my roofs. I have you guys here. This lab was, I apologize for that.

Just, just started a few minutes ago. Um, but, uh, you know, people don’t leverage that into something bigger. They kind of, you know, proverbially play with the house’s money, right? You’ve got to get to a point to where you can afford to hire people and you can afford to spend more money on advertising. And most people get a deal, but they have the scarcity mindset like, well, that was a really good one, but who knows when I’ll get my next one.

So they just kind of squirreled away and try to stay small

Jerry: [00:10:31] and,

Mike: [00:10:33] yeah.

Jerry: [00:10:35] No, I agree with you. And what I see is I think a big changing point for me on things. Mike was midnight when I started looking at this and said, okay. Really I, I kinda, I always use this kind of as like Saint Paul. I draw a line down, a piece of paper and set her up one side.

It put real estate. The other side I put business and the problem is most of us, what we do is we get caught up in the real estate side. [00:11:00] Our entire is on that side of, and we never take the time to switch over to the other side of the paper. Mike. Where it’s business, and then we start looking at how can we start looking at real estate as a product or a service and then incorporate that into the business.

Okay. And then when you start doing that, and that was the big change for me, man, start walking out that way where I can start actually looking at this and building this truly as a business and just make the real estate or product of that. Okay.

Mike: [00:11:33] Yeah. There’s a lot of people that have looked back to it.

Railways and stuff like that and said, you know, if they had just defined themselves as being in the transportation business, then they wouldn’t have died off as fast. They might’ve invested in airlines or other things. But I think once we realized that we’re in, we’re in the moneymaking business, ultimately that real estate is your product.

So you start to think of things different.

Jerry: [00:11:56] That was a big change for me, Nana. And I see, like I say, I [00:12:00] see so many people get stuck in that rut. And I’ve, um, I’ve had to wake up a lot of people over the years on that. And that’s one thing I enjoy you. And I’m working with a lot of my students. I’m like, yeah.

Wake up guys. Okay. Yup.

Mike: [00:12:13] And once you realize you’re, you’re in business and your business to make money and you have to put systems and processes and all this thing in place. Talk a little bit about the importance of building a team around that. Cause I think, you know, you have to look again, you have to look internally and just say, well, what am I good at?

What am I not good at? And how do I surround myself with people that can, that can shore up my shortcomings, right?

Jerry: [00:12:33] Yeah. That’s, that is huge, man. You know, I think Mike and I go back and I look at things. For the longest time, man, it was all about Jerry. Okay. And what I mean by that was not, I’m not trying to do it on the ego side.

It was more of, you know, I didn’t think anybody could do it better than me. So I felt that if I didn’t do it, it wouldn’t get done. [00:13:00] And I mean, even come down to the copy machine in the office. Okay. I mean, it was that bad. It was that point where everything was about me and that in one of the, uh, interesting things on this too, Mike, just looking at this, one thing I realized was, and I see this happen a lot of people was, I saw myself in this position here.

I was up here doing all these activities and all these activities. We’re feeding a team that was riding a wave from my activities. And I thought, well, wait a minute here. If what happens if I stop all these activities, they don’t get fed and in the business supposed to be where I have people doing activities and then there produces income in the business and feeds me.

And then I monitor this. So I have it all in reverse. So I had to start thinking differently. So when I started thinking differently, when it comes to the people side, one of the big things I realized was the people [00:14:00] that I had built. When I, you know, the shared my story, they were a little bit, I built all these people that were riding the wave.

So when I tried to change that, there was a lot of friction and I thought, well, all this friction came in and they were like. You know, uh, well it even, even to the point where I got questions, well, Jerry, if I’m going to do all this, what are you going to do? And I’m like, it’s my company, you know? Yeah. So it was a major change in my thinking and the way I do business.

But what happened on it, Mike, was I started looking at this and I said, okay, so how can I really start looking at things differently? And, and one of the key things, I think when I got out of this was. One is start bringing people in that we hire and we start looking at and where we’re looking at hiring them based upon our core values and not with there is are, okay.

Now the thing is I respect their core values, but ultimately when they’re working for [00:15:00] us, it’s our company. It’s our core values. Instead, I used to bring it in where I just hired him based upon skills.

Mike: [00:15:06] Right.

Jerry: [00:15:07] And now I wouldn’t look at it as hiring them based upon the core values that we have in our company and our culture.

And then we know we can train them on skills. And it was a kind of, it was really a game changer. Then the other side of the thing that I think was a huge component for us too, is not having people wear multiple hats in regard to, we have people wearing multiple hats, but, and that’s normal in small business, but when you have multiple people wearing the same hats, okay, so now what we’re doing is taken, if we look at it in more than an accountability chart.

That was a big problem for me cause I would create, you know, uh, problems with clarity. So I would have two, three people in the same box and who owned it. That was the question. So we, we would have a meeting and then, then the meeting would go like. Mmm. You know [00:16:00] what? Why isn’t this not done? I don’t know.

Jimmy was supposed to do it. No, Susie was supposed to do it, you know? It was never any ownership of that. So we cut that out. We created really people owning their box, even though they might be in multiple boxes. If their names in there, they own that box. Okay. Yep. It can’t change. You’re on that side of things, Mike.

Mike: [00:16:22] That’s great.

Jerry: [00:16:23] How do you,

Mike: [00:16:23] how do you build a culture around you, people, especially in small business respecting that you don’t have an active day to day role or you should as the owner, you, you shouldn’t. And there’s nothing wrong with that, but I know some of it was, maybe there’s some of those people didn’t make the transition to the new business, but how do you set that expectation?

Cause a lot of people assume, well I’m, I’m making all the money and. I, I mean, he’s making all the money and I’m doing all the work. Like how do you, how do you wrap that into your culture in a small business where there’s usually limited resources? Anyway?

Jerry: [00:16:54] Yeah, that’s, that’s a great question on things.

And I, and to me it [00:17:00] really comes down to how you share the vision with the team right from the beginning. Okay. And. I used to be in a position where what, I never even shared the vision with the team and I was very secretive about things. So what I’ve learned to change that was. Be very open, share the vision and what I looked at is actually the more that I share like that and they start to understand what my abilities are of being a leader in what I can do, that if I’m involved in all these other areas, I really create more conflict.

Okay. So I think what we do by doing that is really just opening up and sharing and what your unique abilities are, is how people start to respect you to be a leader and not being involved in every area. I think what happens is when you’re in a position [00:18:00] where you come from. Um, and when you, when you not, not being a leader, but you tried to come in from being a boss and you as being a boss, it’s like you do it this way.

It’s more of a dictatorship. You do it this way. You did this way. What happens is then they get to the point where they’re looking at you like, well, if, if you, if you want it done better, you can do it yourself. Okay. And that’s where most people jump in on it and just kinda, it starts recirculating over and over again and you feed off of that.

Okay. It’s, you think about it kind of in this way too. Uh, Mike is like, if you’re a coach on a basketball team, um, what happens is the more you steal the ball, uh, from them, if you go in and you’re, you’re trying to work with the team, but you keep stealing the ball from them, then that has a negative effect on things.

Because ultimately you think you’re helping them. Really what you’re doing is hurting them, and the more you can actually be the coach and be back, [00:19:00] then they’re going to realize really that that is your unique ability and th and then they respect you being back in that position versus being in the game all the time.

Mike: [00:19:11] Yeah, and some of it too has to do with having a scorecard for people. Right? Like you, you, my guess is you care a lot less about how they get things done versus do they perform. But they need to perform right.

Jerry: [00:19:23] 100%. And so a big thing on that, Mike, is, is the accountability piece, man. Okay. You know, so we’re looking at, for example, so the way we operate is every single morning, uh, Ashley gets on a, a zoom meeting with our team.

Okay. And it happens at nine 30 every single morning. Eastern standard time they get on and they’re on there for about 20 minutes. And what it is is basically what we call our pulse meetings. Some people huddle meetings and what it is. And then we have a daily KPI tracker. On things. [00:20:00] Okay. And each team member has a section on there that the hassle numbers have to be in the night before.

And then they go down and they just report on that. So it’s like acquisitions, one, acquisitions, two acquisitions, three, boom, boom, boom, boom. Everybody reports on that and they have a series of numbers that they report on, and then we can go down that like dispo side of things. Uh, even to the point of, uh, admin.

So a lot of people. So how do you measure that? Well, we have task, open tasks, closed tasks completed, you know, they’ll start the things and even a Ashley side of things as col, she reports on revenue, revenue for the week, revenue for month to date, projected revenue. And we go through that and now I’m not on them anymore.

I used to be on him and stuff, Mike, but I got fired from that and that, that, but that’s how you do. You create that accountability. So when you, when you’re doing that, you set that up where you set the expectations from the beginning and [00:21:00] then you measure those results through numbers, metrics. And you create accountability that way and by doing that you can operate from anywhere.

Mike: [00:21:12] Yeah. Plus people start to self manage, right? They know they don’t. It’s not like have you been working hard? Well yeah, everybody works hard. But are you delivering like this is your expectation is to have this unit of these things or this amount of revenue or whatever and it’s black and white. It’s like yes or no.

Right. Sorry, I’m muting myself out here a little bit cause we got, these guys are gone on my roof, so go ahead.

Jerry: [00:21:32] No, I was saying one thing, Mike, that I, I’ve learned, this is something I share too, you know, especially when, like in my events and stuff like that, I always tell people, I’ll say, look,  you need to, there’s one question that you needed lay out there to your team, even to yourself.

And that is why are you on payroll? Okay? And there’s only one answer [00:22:00] and that’s the result.

That is that man.

Mike: [00:22:05] Yup. Yup.

Jerry: [00:22:06] And people start to self police, right? They

Mike: [00:22:07] know we’ve got a meeting tomorrow. Um, I’m not where I should be in the, if you have the right person on your team, they’re laying in bed at night thinking about that. Trying to find ways to get innovative and hit those results. Right?

Jerry: [00:22:19] Yeah. Well, and another thing too is people. Like when they get on those calls. I mean, look, ultimately, like say they don’t want to show up or show up every morning with zeros, you know, because you remember there is other people involved in this. So it’s like, you know, they do want to show progress on things and obviously we want to reward people heavily for that.

But I, I find that one of the things on the deeper side of that, Mike. I’ve seen so many people say, well, we do it weekly. We do it monthly, guys. That’s not enough. When you’re doing business on a regular basis like that, measuring daily  [00:23:00] that that has been actually that one tip here for anybody watching this during the pulse meeting, how do meaning daily, it’s changed our business because that allows us to see things.

That fast and we’re able to be very reactive instead of a, you know, or excuse me, proactive versus reactive. We’re able to be very proactive on things and make corrections fast instead of weeks or months down the road. And we can do that. And the thing is, Mike, it’s not so much too that we want to jump on people, but it’s also to be very helpful and help them, you know, maybe a problem they’re going through.

It could be a personal problem, could be, you know, something they’re doing right. Like on a sales process problem, but we can do these, make these corrections very fast versus, you know, in a very reactive state, we’re being very proactive. And it just, it just changes everything. And it keeps everybody in the know on a daily basis.

Okay. And when you’re doing that, and especially in a small business [00:24:00] world, even the big business, it just  at the energy’s level, their it people, and I think about this, I mean, the other cool thing about it, and CPC. You know, you think about this, I always think of as more of as a production line process.

Okay. And I look at, this is what I really look at in this business, and I think if more people looked at the real estate distance this way, and I don’t care if you’re wholesaling, you’re doing fix and flips, you’re in the rentals or whatever it is. If you look at. Each area that you work with them and you created as a separate like production line and you look at start running down that production line and there’s different activities within that production line that has to happen every day on them, every single day, multiple times.

What this does, this allows you to monitor that progress on things and you can see a problem, a hole in the production line process in fix it very quickly. Versus being constantly all [00:25:00] over the place. Okay. And it’s has been a game changer and it allows you to, um, you know, think about this, like an our business, like, especially if you’re wholesaling.

You look at, um, the production line, you look at, okay, on the beginning of the production line, they’re bringing in new and new inventory in and then, you know, and then just has to sell that. Or if they’re on a call together every day, they already know about new inventory coming in and say, Hey, let’s talk right after the call.

Cause I think I might have somebody for that. Okay.

Mike: [00:25:34] Yeah. The, and those meetings, those, those update meetings are not intended to, uh, um, have everybody figure out the problems. They’re just checkpoints to say, where are the issues at? Where are we at? And now go now, go do send the rest that I do in your job right.

Yep. Hey, Jerry, one last thing I want to ask you about that it’s kind of tied into this is, you know, so you’re obviously doing a lot of volume where you’re at, and I think it’s easier to see trends and you have a lot [00:26:00] of lead flow coming in to be able to support that and talk about the person that’s doing like, you know, even if they’re doing three to five deals a month, sometimes you can’t see trends.

I mean, there’s days where you don’t get any leads, right? And so kind of talk about how to put some of those things, same things in place. Uh, even if you don’t have. A business as big as yours doing 20 plus deals a month. Some months.

Jerry: [00:26:20] So  you’re looking at more than just things that they can do or just

Mike: [00:26:24] how to track.

Cause sometimes you, you can’t see like, well we didn’t get any leads yesterday. It’s like, okay, well where’s the conversation? Go from there? Or it could be more of the conversations or the activities like, well what are we doing to generate leads? Right.

Jerry: [00:26:35] Yeah. I love that. So this kind of goes back to what I was talking about a little bit on the production line side of things.

So. Perfect example there. So when I do this, uh, my, I do this two day event where it’s, uh, thinking grow your business. It’s about building and scaling your real estate business. One thing is I do in there as Mike as I go through, uh, something called the business activity line. And that actually this business [00:27:00] activity line, what I do is , if you look at it, it’s a bunch of, you know, tally marks across the business activity line in each one of those accounts for different activities within your business.

So what I do on that is I start having people look at that and in the, even down to the point where it’s the solo preneur on this. Okay. Just one person and then I have them start looking at that and it, even if they’re just doing, do two deals a month, I start having a monitor. This is simple numbers on a daily basis of what, what activities are you doing on a daily basis that are moving your needle in the right way or, or is it moving the wrong way?

Okay. And so, well, that’s what I’ve been able to do on that. And so I had, that’s why I have people do this even down to one person operations, and I just was working with a client yesterday was same thing. And he’s like, I said, how often you’ve been [00:28:00] looking at this? And he goes, well, once a week or so, and I go, dude, I said, you’re letting all that time go by.

And then you’re not monitoring what your activities are on a daily basis. So how can you know if you’re moving in the right direction or not? I said, well, we can start monitoring every day. You start creating your own accountability and calling yourself out on your own Bluffs.

Mike: [00:28:23] Yeah. Yup. Maybe you could share a thought to you on those that have smaller teams.

Like it’s one thing to have accountability and metrics in place for your team, but sometimes as business owners we, we kind of Dodge being held accountable, like share your thoughts for those. The truth is, is if you, if you’re a business owner and you don’t want to be held accountable, you can’t. You’re not going to be held accountable.

Right? But what are some, some things that you teach people how to put in place accountability for yourself, which could only help you, but some of us just don’t want to have to answer to anyone. Cause we’re the boss, right?

Jerry: [00:28:57] Yeah. I mean, I think first of all, if [00:29:00] you, if you, if you’re in a position where you can have somebody that’s like an assistant with you, um.

I think that’s a big component. Okay. That’s something, you know, if you can’t, we can talk about that a little bit more. But I think, you know, first of all, if you have an assistant, even if it’s somebody that’s part time or a virtual assistant, you need to put into their hands, holding you accountable, and that is making sure you show up to appointments.

That you have, even if it’s appointment is just between you two or the appointment is with yourself. Okay. To make sure you’re doing that. So these are little things that, that, that I recommend on that is you’ve got to create. That accountability either through someone else helping you on that side of things, or if you’re doing it yourself and it’s just you and you’re out there and you’re a new investor and you’re just wanting to make sure you’re doing certain tasks.

Well, w when I highly [00:30:00] recommend in this, this is some old school stuff on this mic, but, uh, I do it to this day and I’ve been using this for over 15 years. Is this a planner? Okay, but time blocking, dude. Time blocking that side of things. And here’s one thing I always look at on this is people amaze me and you think about this man.

So when you have a doctor’s appointment, we’re going to take time and we’re going to go to that appointment, and we’re going to a typical, we’re going to keep that, okay, so we’re going to make sure that happens, but we’ll set an appointment with ourself and what does blow right off of? Blow the whole thing off and we’ll keep that.

So you’ve got to be in a position where you start creating that accountability for yourself. And one, I think working from a planner, time blocking that side of things and then also setting up where you can create, even if you don’t have an assistant, some type of accountability partner that you can work with.

Mike: [00:30:58] For sure. Yeah. 

[00:31:00] Jerry: [00:30:59] make sure that you’re sticking to, in those appointments that you set for yourself. And that appointment might be something in regards to number of calls you’re making or follow up or something like that. Um. I’ll tell you one of the things that Mike, I, I always think back, um, I had a privilege of working with, and I know you, uh, her, Brian Tracy.

Yup. And I had a privilege of working with him for about a, a year in San Diego. And, you know, he’s really big into all those types of things, efficiencies and, uh, everything. Uh, one of the best things I ever did was really learn some real practical things. And his one little book, it’s called eat that frog.

And just applying that. And that’s something that I think everybody should get that listens to this. And just a little book there, but it’s little paperback, but putting those disciplines in, in your life and first thing you start off in the [00:32:00] morning is bite the head off of the frog. You don’t want to bite the head off of.

And that’s what the most difficult tasks. Get that, uh, and then, you know, and then time blocking yourself. On things. Uh, and today too, I mean, there’s so many different apps that you can use on

Mike: [00:32:14] that side of things too. For sure. Yeah.

Jerry: [00:32:18] But, uh, those are a couple tips on that side of things. Cool. Rather, there

Mike: [00:32:22] was Jerry, um, uh, great information here.

I wanna uh, just a couple more things here before we go. First off, you’ve been a member for investor of investor fuel for a couple of meetings now, I guess maybe five or six months now. Would you mind just kind of sharing, you’ve been, you’re an old dog, you’ve been doing this for a long time, you’ve, you’ve seen everything.

I think we have something a little bit special with investor fuel, but would you mind just kind of sharing your experience of being a member of the group? Uh, so far.

Jerry: [00:32:47] Yeah. Look, I can say this. Okay. Is Mike? Yeah, I have been around in the real estate business itself for going on 26 years. On top of that, I’ve been [00:33:00] around, um, trainings and stuff for the equal amount of time.

Okay. And. What’s interesting is, and you know this man too, is I, I’ve seen so many groups. You get involved with it. Yeah. And there’s a lot of good groups out there, but I see so many on the, their soul involved in the ego side of things. Okay. And you know what I call the chest pounding thing and who’s better here and who’s better here and stuff.

And it was really refreshing. And I, and I, and I, there’s, you know, too, Ashley, my COO came to the last one. It was really refreshing and she’d saw the same thing to come into your group where everybody’s not that way. It’s just a bunch of people that really care down the earth. And it’s, and it’s, it’s a total different environmental things, man.

And it’s, so, it’s to me, um, would, you’ve created through investor fuel is something unique. That has been needed [00:34:00] in this space for a long time. And, uh, I’m just proud of being part of it. And, um, and then love sharing with other people, man. Awesome.

Mike: [00:34:09] I appreciate you there. And you’ve been a big giver. I know you, even if you even were awarded by your fellow members at the last meeting, the biggest reward is we give out these metals for our other awards, for being a biggest giver because we’ve kind of created this culture.

You know, we’ve tried hard to create this culture of. People that come in and they feel like they’ve been given so much that they want to give back and they just just kind of continue with sharing. So appreciate you for that, my friend.

Jerry: [00:34:32] Oh yeah, absolutely, man. Then awesome. Awesome.

Mike: [00:34:36] So happy to have you as a member.

So let’s talk a little bit about how folks might get ahold of you if they want to learn more. I know you have some education. We teach experienced investors how to scale their business, and if folks wanted to reach out and learn more about you or what you’ve got going on, where, where would they

Jerry: [00:34:49] go? Well, a couple of good places to go.

First of all is, you know, you can always connect with me on Facebook. Now my personal page is I’m getting to the point where almost [00:35:00] full on my friends on that, but I have a business page. It just Jerry Green. I go in there and uh, obviously can like that. Um, follow me on Instagram to Instagram. I’m trying to really grow that side of things.

And that’s, um, the Jerry Green. Okay. And then also, Mike, I have a website and the website is called the Jerry and you can go right in there guys. Uh, connect with me on that. Um, you know, Mike and I do a couple of different events. I got one coming up here at the end of March the 30th, I think it is in 31st in Indianapolis two day event.

And it’s all about what we just talked about today, how real estate investors that are doing a couple deals a month, you can come in. Learn my systems. I just opened up the door to my 20 some years of business, and you just take it near that and basically build and scale your business based upon my model.


Mike: [00:35:54] that’s awesome. That’s awesome. We’ll have links for all that stuff down below here, so appreciate you joining us today, my friend.

Jerry: [00:35:59] Hey, likewise [00:36:00] buddy, and thanks for having me on Mike. And

Mike: [00:36:01] I was told that

Jerry: [00:36:03] if you ever need, you know, whatever you need, you let me know too.

Mike: [00:36:06] I will, I will. Everybody, thanks for joining us today.

Sorry, I got this background noise. There’s like a war going on in my roof here that popped up as soon as we started the show of code, of course. But, uh, anyway, appreciate you for joining us today. If you haven’t yet subscribed to us on iTunes, Stitcher radio, Google play, watching us on YouTube, anywhere out there, wherever you’re watching it right now, if you haven’t subscribed, go ahead and do that.

We’d appreciate it. Leave a positive review if you got some value today. That’s kind of the energy that keeps guys like Jerry and I go and we want to know that we’re making an impact. Are we really helping people? Sometimes you question, does anybody even listening to this? Like we see now thousands of download stats or a hundred, uh, tens of thousands of downloads stats, but that feedback of a little inspiration that we help somebody goes a long way.

So we appreciate that. So on the next episode, everybody, we’ll see you on the next one. Take care.

Jerry: [00:36:54] Are you an active

Mike: [00:36:56] real estate investor? If so, and you want to latch onto the power of [00:37:00] surrounding yourself

Jerry: [00:37:01] with over a hundred of the nation’s leading

Mike: [00:37:03] real estate investors.

Jerry: [00:37:04] All committed to building stronger businesses

Mike: [00:37:07] and live richer,

Jerry: [00:37:09] fuller lives. You should jump on a call with

Mike: [00:37:11] us to learn more about investor fuel.

Simply visit industry, to get

Jerry: [00:37:16] started. .


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