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Hey everybody, I’m excited to have my buddy, Bryan Powers with us today! Bryan and I have known each other for years and he’s now a member of the Investor Fuel Mastermind and our Investor Machine Lead Generation company! He has some tremendous experience in the fix and flips space and multi-family space. Today, we are going to talk about how to run your business with a very systematic approach. It’s a great show, let’s get started!

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[00:00:00] Mike: Hey everybody. Welcome back to the show. I’m really excited to have, uh, my buddy, uh, Brian Powers with us today. It’s actually his birthday today. So a special treat for us. Uh, but Brian and I have known each other for years. We’ve kind of, our ships have passed in the night a little bit. We’ve been in some groups together and now he’s a member of investor fuel and actually our investor, uh, machine, um, lead generation company as well.

But he has just tremendous experience in the turnkey space and fix and flip space. Even in the multi-family space. We’re gonna be talking about how to run your business with a very systematic approach today.

professional real estate investors know that it’s not really about the real estate back real estate is just a vehicle of freedom. A group of over a hundred of a nation’s leading real estate investors from across the country. Meet several times a year at the investor fuel real estate mastermind to share ideas on how to strengthen each other’s businesses, [00:01:00] but also to come together as friends.

And build more fulfilling lives for all of those around us on today’s show, we’re going to continue our conversation of fueling our businesses and our lives. I’m glad you’re here.

Hey Brian. Welcome to the show. Hey

Bryan: Mike, how’s it going? Good. Good.

Mike: Yeah. And, and, and, and again, happy birthday, buddy. I’m excited that to you. The first thing I said is, are you sure you want to be spending time with me today on your brain?

Bryan: Yeah, no better way to spend it. You know, I’m 24, I’ve got a whole life ahead of me.

Mike: Cool man. Well, enjoy your youth or enjoy your youth life. So, um, so yeah, one of the things we talked about upfront here, and I’m excited to talk about the show. Today’s, I’ve always, I came from corporate America and you have some background. I’ll let you share your background. That allows us to think about our business in a way to where we really think about systems and processes and how we run our business, like a real business instead of [00:02:00] flying by the seat of our pants, like a real, a lot of a real estate investors.

So I’m excited to. Get into a bunch of those topics today. I don’t want to steal your thunder yet, but, uh, Hey, before we jump in, would you mind just telling everybody a little bit about your background

Bryan: I’d love to, uh, yeah, so, um, I started in restaurants, my family, uh, moved from Chicago to the sprinkle Missouri area in 1990.

And I got my first job with my dad’s McDonald’s at age 14. He put me right into the stores and, um, from then on, I thought I was going to be a restaurant tour. Um, I was for 22 years. Uh, that’s what I did. I’ve owned within that. I’ve owned a sub shop franchise. I’ve owned a live music venue, uh, under recording studio in college.

I I’ve played music and record music and, uh, always kind of had that passion. And what really got me into real estate was. A dentist buddy of mine in a dinner. Um, he said, I’m reading this book called rich dad, poor dad. So it’s so cliche, but, uh, I, you said, I, you ever read it? I said, no, I’ve never heard of it.

He said, [00:03:00] you’re the kind of guy like, look like I was like this. And at the exact time I was going through the next generation process with McDonald’s corporation to become, uh, a full what they call a P one owner operator where you can own over 50% of us. Or you can now go in multiple quarters. Uh, so I was put through that process and McDonald’s is very, they’re looking at six pillars of, uh, what a owner-operator must look like before, or they get approved.

You can’t just be the owner sown and move in. And I was really trying to impress them with what I was doing financially it behind the scenes with McDonald’s because they want people that have at least a million dollars net worth at the time. I did not have that. And so, um, I was trying to figure out how to create that outside of that and read the book.

Uh, just knew instantly I’ve been within the first 20 pages of that. That’s what I wanted to do. Jumped into cashflow quadrant, read another book by a guy named Gary Eldrid. That was the true book that changed my life because I like math. I like spreadsheets. I like [00:04:00] projections. I’m an Enneagram seven. I like looking into the future.

And, um, so it really was, um, it was an eye-opener on, on, uh, what you could actually do leveraging. Real estate and the, the, like the five different ways that you can make money in real estate. When you really look at, you know, uh, you know, the cashflow side, the depreciation side, um, the principal reduction side and all of these elements that go into getting a return that I didn’t think was humanly possible.

And I was trying to get a double digit return and crossover, the 10% Mark with my investments. And, uh, you start reading some of these books and you’re like, uh, here’s a 30% or better. Here’s a way to make an infinite return. And, um, and that’s kind of where it started for me. Um, I, within about a year of real estate investing, I was about seven, uh, hold units in and thought about, you know, what, if I did this full time, I kind of got sick of the, uh, the idea of, [00:05:00] uh, you know, maybe being a restaurant tour my whole life and, and thought, Hey.

What if I was a real estate man, what if I devoted all of my time into this? What would it look like? And very quickly we decided to sell the stores and, uh, um, I ended up, uh, I had some ownership in some stores at that time and took my winnings and merged with, uh, one of the larger companies at the Springfield free area.

And, um, uh, we took my company’s name and, um, and tripled in size in our first year built a property management company, a real estate brokerage, um, a turnkey acquisitions company, a wholesale acquisitions company. Um, you know, the property management was one of the bigger legs of it. And, uh, uh, in our first year we took down, uh, uh, uh, uh, basically, uh, a large operator.

Who, uh, Mike, I believe, you know who it was. We won’t say the name, but, um, uh, was, uh, for closing on a bunch of properties and the banks didn’t want to foreclose. And, uh, we [00:06:00] basically assumed the notes. So if we took over 187 units and took ownership of them without putting any money into purchase, that we, as the existing note and then raise capital with some investors to rehab.

Uh, those properties and, um, so we went really big, really fast, and that’s kind of, um, uh, I can share the really pretty part of that, but I can also share the behind the scenes of why I don’t grow at that pace anymore. Um, as well because, uh, um, you know, one of the unique things I think after being in McDonald’s for many years is.

Uh, with the eighth best trading system in the world’s history. And, uh, you know, a lot of the systems and, uh, management routines and training that you get as part of, you know, becoming an owner operator is, uh, you, you really cannot predict where you’re going, unless you know exactly where you’re at. And so, um, uh, as I separated from that old company and, um, uh, we’re, we’re, I’m still partners with those [00:07:00] guys.

We own 250 rental properties together. Um, but we were three visionaries, uh, trying to run a company with 20 employees, um, that was growing a hundred percent a year. And, um, uh, There’s another saying, I heard go, go slow to go fast and you know, get it right. And then you can grow at a faster pace when you’ve done it the right way.

So, uh, my, my partners and I, now we focus really heavily on systems and routines and, uh, adopted, EOS into our, um, system and have created, uh, a system that really allows us to, um, accurately report to our investors. Uh, what’s happening on a real-time basis at any given time. Yeah,

Mike: that’s awesome. I know your background with McDonald’s.

I mean, that’s the reason that franchises are, are so popular is it’s it’s and they’re not all the same, obviously McDonald’s, um, it is, uh, very high up there in terms of, uh, obviously they’ve grown to one of the largest franchise system in the world, but just the [00:08:00] systematic approach to everything. There’s a, basically a process for everything it’s well documented.

Everybody knows how to do those things. And, um, You know, I take some of those things that I learned. I came out of corporate America for myself as a corporate refugee. And when I left corporate America, I’m like, I’m never going back. But as time as time kinda went by, and I may, I, maybe I got a little bit more wisdom.

I saw the benefits of everything that I learned in terms of departmentalizing, having systems and processes for things. And, you know, I’ve always believed that. Even for folks that are listening to this right now that are one, a one man band, a husband, wife team, two brothers working with two partners, small companies, small businesses, right?

Compared to certainly a McDonald’s franchise system or a fortune 500 company that I worked for. But you still need to structure your business the exact same way. You’ve got sales and marketing. You’ve got business operations, you’ve got finance and accounting. Like everything has those same departments and a same series of processes.

The product is different. The widgets different. [00:09:00] But the approach to everything has to be, you know, structurally very similar, right. Very

Bryan: much so. Yeah,

Mike: yeah, yeah. You said, uh, and I was sort of hoping people get it this way. Why am I excited about today to talk to you? It’s always good to see you of course, but I hope that people get a lot of value out of thinking about their business differently because you know, in investor fuel and all the things that I’m a part of.

We’re really surrounding ourselves with people that try are trying to take their business to the next level. And so we talk about stuff like this, right. But a lot of us started as flying by the seat of our pants and saying, well, let’s just, we’ll figure it out as we move along. And, uh, there’s always some element of that.

And when you’re an entrepreneur, you kind of, you kind of have to, you know, you can’t wait for perfect, but, um, I think that systematic approach to like, okay, how do we do this? And how do we do this in a way to where we can scale it and do it over and over again, because we’re trying to build businesses here.

Otherwise it’s back to the cashflow quadrant. You’re at best year in the self-employed quadrant. Right. And you’re, you’re basically, you know, the job owns you. Right. You

Bryan: bet. Yeah, [00:10:00] absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. And that’s what we’ve really seen. Um, just print and navigate through this and, and real estate. It. You go from a system where you just have to follow the book and everything falls into place, you know, the golden arches system and, um, you know, before starting real estate, um, I had, uh, I had good access to my time and I had 230 employees.

And so it was, uh, you know, scaling back down and saying, now I have six employees, but I’m just totally overwhelmed. Like why, why is this, why don’t we know where things are at? And we don’t know what our KPIs are and we can’t find. Any of the information and just, uh, you know, plugging it into a system where there’s accountability really in the, in the beginning to just build this up.

I think that’s what so many people struggle with, including myself, as you just confirm, I can find the time to stop and, and, and focus on the system that I need to build something I’m not just chasing my tail. You know, one unique thing about real estate is you can have no [00:11:00] system there and you can still make money.

Um, but you cannot scale a real estate business, um, and, and grow it. And, uh, uh, without, you know, when you’re really risking bankruptcy at this point, right? I mean, if you try and grow too quick and you don’t have the systems in place, and you’re not watching where things are going and your KPIs, you can make money small, but the second you get big you’re you’re, you can easily toast

Mike: yourself.

Yeah. And I was thinking about this. Uh, I was, I don’t know what I was thinking about this when I was, when I was driving into the office, I was thinking about, you know, there’s always this case for growing bigger and there’s a lot of real estate investors that make a good living that, you know, and I’m not saying anything negative about anyone.

Okay. I think we all, we all got into this for some level of. Financial freedom. Like I make, I can make more money, but also time freedom. Right? So we’re not, so we can take vacation, we can travel, we can spend time with family. We can focus on charities or things that we care about. Right. And there’s so many that get stuck in this situation where they’re making more money than they made in their, in the, in the real [00:12:00] world, I guess.

Um, but they don’t have the time freedom because they’re stuck doing everything in the day to day. And so, and part of it is because you might, you might do two or three deals a month. And make a really good living. I mean, that would probably in almost every market in America. B above average household income, maybe two, three, four times that.

Right. But, um, you don’t get your time back. You’re still stuck doing everything. So the case for scale is the more resources you get. You have money to hire people. You have money to, you know, uh, hire a consultant or have somebody kind of walk you through the EOS process to get some systems and processes in place.

And so the case for scaling up is not about making more money. It’s about getting that your time back, right.

Bryan: Sure. Absolutely. And, you know, having that business that’s growing, whether you’re there or not. Yeah, it is valuable. And I will say, I mean, just what does that look like in the real world? When we built that company very quickly?

Uh, overnight, we had, um, uh, about $50,000 a month in overhead. [00:13:00] Um, and, and most people are going to be very comfortable making $50,000 a month. So if you have no overhead and you can pull that off, then, um, then that’s great. If you do have $50,000 a year of overhead or a month of overhead, you’ve obviously got to be doing, uh, an immense amount of deals.

And then you, you’re also taking a risk that if your deal flow drops well, now you have this fixed expense know. GNA that’s a $600,000 a year that you have to overcome. So, um, a lot of people just, aren’t willing to kind of step out of pocket and take the risk and, and, um, uh, quite honestly dial into the metrics, uh, like.

Like you need to, to get

Mike: to that level. Yeah. And there’s a lot of us that are, you know, visionaries too, right. In the, the challenges is you, you have to have that implement or that integrator, that operations mindset in your business as well. And that’s the other case for scale. Another case for scale is to be able to have a partnership that has a skillset that compliments you.

[00:14:00] And I think a lot of folks have gotten into business, whether it’s real estate or other things with, with their, like, College buddies or somebody that has a, that’s just like them, the type of person you want to sit down at the bar with and have a drink and talk about stuff. But, uh, the re the, the best thing to do is to find somebody that’s kind of a ying to your yang.

I know, I know you have that with Zach, but maybe can you, can you share some thoughts on, you know, part of a systematic approach to your business does having the right people on the bus, right.

Bryan: I mean, you couldn’t have said it better. I mean, I, I can’t function it at all without a Zack in my company. And I hope anyone that’s a visionary, uh, has their Zack, you know, and I’ve, I’ve talked to a number of people about this, but, uh, uh, you know, we were at, uh, an event recently where we got to meet somebody else’s integrator and just, it really is almost polar opposites.

Right. I’m sitting around an interview with you talking and sack is, is behind the scenes crunching numbers. Sweating a little bit, but he’s building the team below him. He’s watching everything that’s happening. [00:15:00] Um, I always say I’m a great starter, but I need a great finisher. Yeah. Um, is a visionary. I think most of us are like that.

Like I see the vision. I I’m, um, I get real excited about starting things and once it’s kind of going, somebody else just has to kind of run that day-to-day routine. Well, a field integrator. They don’t want to look at these things in the beginning. It’s almost, you have to create that. And what they want is to manage that system that you’re kind of building.

Forum. And, uh, fortunately my partner and I have known each other since the eighth grade, we know each other very well. There’s a, um, there’s a mutual level of respect and understanding and we’ve, we’ve worked together now for the last seven years. So we, we actually partnered in 2014 and, um, uh, we just, we know each other, like he.

He doesn’t want to spend any money, but I know I call it investing. He calls it an expense. Right. And so that’s where that kind of ying and yang go, go head to head. And, uh, um, but it’s good because if it were up to me, I wouldn’t be like looking at [00:16:00] all of that stuff that he’s looking at, also the KPIs, but you know, he’s looking at the day-to-day bank account and, uh, you know, making, um, you know, smart decisions and, and he’s kept me out of a ton of fires.

Because I just want to go, you know, and he’s on the gas and he’s the brakes, you know, it’s, uh, You got to have that. You have

Mike: to have them both, right? Yeah. You gotta have both. Yeah. So I, one of the things I know you guys, you guys do a lot of holding and you do, you wholesale and you fix and flip, but you do your goal is really to, to, to build wealth through, buy and hold.

Right. And I think, um, you know, again, there’s a lot of other, uh, newer real estate investors that. Don’t do enough volume to be able to keep they just like, well, I have to, I need the money now because I have to pay for advertising or I have to pay for some of my costs. And you know, when you start, when you’re doing a deal or two a month, you can’t always keep one.

If you’re doing five a month, you might be able to keep one or two, if you’re, if you’re playing the game writer. And so, um, maybe talk a little bit about kind of, I think, [00:17:00] you know, I was talking to you up front. I had an, another, a friend of ours is an investor. Fuel was we were talking about how. Some people have asked me recently, and we’ve all probably all been asked of you, can you sell a wholesaling company?

And I was like, well, there’s really not a lot of assets. You know, you got your inventory, but the knowledge is probably mostly in the owner’s head. And, uh, the teams are small. So the transition to a new owner would be probably devastating. Um, and you don’t, we don’t, none of us really have proprietary systems we’re using off the shelf, you know, Podio platforms or whatever, which are great for us, but it’s.

What’s the, what is the asset you’d be selling? Right. And, and I, we were talking about that, uh, recently with TJ and one of the. Discussions was what, the real asset that we build in our businesses that we’re putting stuff aside, which is buy and holds for us. Right. That’s, that’s how you really build wealth, because I think all of us want to build a business that we can make money off of without getting out of bed.

And I know that buy and holds are never passive. Right. We kind of know that, but that is the asset that [00:18:00] you can leave behind is the buy and hold property. Right.

Bryan: I definitely agree. And, um, you know, we, we do wholesale and we do some fix and flips and I always say there’s an income part to the business.

And then there’s a passive cashflow part of the business, your active income and your passive income. Right. And, um, you know, I, sometimes I got to look at, uh, my active income and say, uh, I, I D I S I’m just like any other human being, I need an income. I got bills to pay. Uh, I got, wants and needs. We got charities and stuff we want to donate to.

And, um, you know, we want to make our impact, but over here, I want to build this cashflow thing. And, and, you know, in order to do that, you’ve, you’ve got to almost look at it as two separate businesses. So, uh, the income side actually feeds the passive income side. So we, we do the wholesaling and fix and flips and whatnot in necessity that covers, uh, whatever income that we need.

Um, but I think one of the things that we do that, um, might be a little bit different than the way some people do it is we create what we call [00:19:00] partnership, LLC. So we, uh, We have a very specific avatar, very specific box that we look for somebody that would want to partner with, uh, my companies again, and investments and, um, uh, Zach and I’s company.

And so we look for the specific investor. That’s willing to put a half a million dollars with us that trusts us to do it. We don’t want to be that’s in it managing every little thing that we do. Uh, we always report anytime we buy a house or sell a house, uh, we give monthly reports to show them how their money is doing.

But, uh, we create a partnership LLC, where they own 25% of the portfolio. They do go on paper with us. So, uh, one of the other parts of the avatar of this box of investor is that they’ve got a $10 million or better network and willing to put in about a half a million dollars. So, uh, or more would always take more.

Right. But, uh, uh, right now, I mean that allows us to only have three key investors that we work with. Um, they’ve got enough money with us enough trust in us. [00:20:00] We’ve built out these relationships. Two of them came over when my partner and I moved from our old company and, um, uh, they just know us and they trust us and they like what we do.

Uh, I like the fact that they can get a little bit of income because if we make income, they make income. We create passive opportunity. They get that opportunity and that portfolio grows with them. Um, but then, you know, that’s all kind of plugged into this operational company and, uh, you know, we have a system that’s very specific on how we operate and try and raise that capital.

Mike: Yeah. And again, it’s a very systematic approach without getting into a lot of details there. I’m sure that the reason that those investors trust you is you have a very systematic approach to how you do things. It’s franchised ask, right? It’s got like, this is exactly how we do everything. And that gives people a lot of confidence.

I know. Um, I, and I know you’ve done some stuff in the multi-family space as well, and there’s a lot to learn that you can learn from the multi-family space, the team-based approach, raising money and all that, and apply it [00:21:00] back into single family. Right.

Bryan: It is. Yeah, and we don’t it’s, our system is similar to a syndication, but, but different.

Um, and really the way we explain it to, if I’m talking to an investor and we’re sitting in front of a whiteboard, uh, we draw a system that we call pelt onto the board. Uh, it’s pace, equity, leverage, and team. And those four elements are, get a return on investment to our investors. So. Um, obviously if, if our target is a four month term, so when they put money in, we purchase a property, we fix it, uh, within four months, hopefully we’ve got the property, uh, sold, um, either turnkey, retail, or we decide to refinance it and put it in into a portfolio, the money freeze back up, it goes back into the next, next asset.

So, um, you know, if we can get, uh, uh, you know, an 8% ROI for our investor, uh, on every deal, Uh, that’s great because we can do it three times in a year and next time, next thing you know, that [00:22:00] investment turns into a 15, 20, 25% ROI for our investment. Uh, so pace is super important. Equity, obviously buying properties that already have equity in them separate just like any other investor or mortgage, typically distressed properties.

We can buy them at pennies on the dollar, put some money into them, end up with an equity position in the end. Uh, leverage is the third pillar. So, um, obviously, uh, if you can leverage, uh, let’s take a thousand dollars and you can buy one property or you can leverage it and buy three properties, even though your ROI on the one property is a little bit less, uh, it’s at least double because you’ve now leveraged that money.

Um, and then the, the, the fourth one is team, the team that we put together. Uh, we, we run a pretty, where I used to have 20 employees. Um, In our last real estate investing company, uh, we built this company to where we don’t need as many employees. And we partner with who we are instead of trying to build the best company in the industry.

We find the best property management company. We [00:23:00] find the best title company. We find the best realtors, the best wholesalers, even we buy from other wholesalers, as well as having our own wholesale company, uh, or acquisitions company. So team is super important and when we can. W properly leveraged those four elements.

Um, we can really do well for our investors.

Mike: Yeah. That’s awesome. That’s awesome. Well, I think sometimes it’s just, it comes down to just thinking bigger too, right? I mean, I think your, your background with McDonald’s and the corporate world, the franchising type world, um, Plays well into thinking bigger, like how do we do things bigger?

And a lot of real estate investors, I think thanks to small. I mean, probably most people would say I’m a big thinker, but I often ask myself, am I thinking too small about this or that? And yeah, I think everybody gets shit. Just sit down, whether it’s with a cup of coffee or a margarita or whatever it might be for you.

And just like somewhere where you got five minutes to think and just say, Am I thinking big enough, you know, what can I do to take this, whatever I’m doing to the next [00:24:00] level. So, um, in terms of thinking big, we’ve got a bunch of those big things. There’s like you that are in the investor, fuel mastermind.

We’re super excited to have you as a member of the group. Would you mind just kind of sharing your thoughts on a investor fuel? You’ve been a member for a little while now. We’ve known each other for years. We actually met in another mastermind. We’ve known each other for quite some time. Would you mind just kind of sharing your thoughts?

Bryan: Uh, I love it. I, I have nothing but good things to say. And that’s, you know, in full transparency, um, uh, we got to a point last year where, uh, after COVID we, I, I run a couple other companies that are not real estate related and, uh, one of them kind of pulled us out of real estate for a little bit. When we came back in very tough to find inventory, uh, I was not actively in a mastermind at the time.

And, uh, Mike and I of course have stayed in touch and, and, uh, um, I’ve always really impressed with, uh, Mike and, and. Just how he operates and really a true passion for education. And I knew he had a bunch of guys in the room that were, that were, that were [00:25:00] doing, that were building acquisitions companies.

Uh, we needed to build one inside of our company. And this is November where I say, I’m either going to go be a carwash franchisee and jump ship completely. Or we’re going to build up this real estate company and do this again. Um, but I need to know how to do acquisition to it again. And, um, uh, I mean, I went to the first investor fuel meeting, I think in November of 2020.

And, um, I mean, I can’t even describe how I think I took 13 pages of notes. I mean, I was writing down everyone’s KPIs and it was just, it was amazing what people were doing in the room. And we literally took what I learned in that room started an acquisitions company hired on a team in December, went through a training with another gentleman in the room.

Uh, we, uh, you know, kicked off our direct marketing, uh, January 5th of this year where the acquisitions company and are scaling, uh, unbelievably. I mean, I just, uh, I I’ve, [00:26:00] I’ve started a lot of companies and I would have to say, this is the, the one that’s gone as planned, uh, better than any other company I’ve started.

And I honestly have to give it to investor fuel for that. I mean, we, we copied and modeled what other people are doing in the room and, um, it’s been awesome. I mean, the ton of support. Um, I, I think I’ve made a lot of very quick friends in the room, just being to, to events, um, feel like super comfortable.

Uh, there’s some awesome guys in the room. We have a lot of fun. Um, and learned a ton and shared a ton too back and forth. So, um, I love it. It’s phenomenal. Awesome. It’s a great culture. Thanks

Mike: for the kind words. Um, yeah, at the end of the day, I mean, I think that’s the, that’s one of the beauties of, of investor fuel is you.

You can you hear what somebody else is doing? And you can sit down at lunch or talk in the hallway or at dinner or whatever, and say, well, tell me more about how you’re doing that. Um, and just, it’s really just modeling each other and trying to learn from each other’s mistakes and things we’ve overcome.

And I think because [00:27:00] everybody in the room has, even if they appear to be wildly successful right now, They’ve had ups and downs. Of course, and everybody does. And they were able to go ask for help from the group. And so it’s just this well of knowledge you can pull from. And you’re always happy to give, because you’ve gotten so much out of the group and that’s, that’s how it’s supposed to work.

Right. And that’s, that’s focused, real hard on making that a, the core of what we do is giving and when somebody is in need, like help them. And when you have the ability to give and give, that’s just how it should work. So excited to have you there. My friend.

Bryan: Yeah, so grateful to be there.

Mike: Yep. Hey Brian. So if folks want to, uh, learn more about what you’re doing, connect with you in any way, what’s, what’s a good way for them to do that.

Bryan: Uh, Bryan, B R Y a N G E N E N T Um, anyone wants to connect directly. Uh, we’re not big on advertising. We’re not big on, um, you know, if you go to Janette, you’re going to find our Facebook page and probably not a whole lot of content on there. [00:28:00] Uh, we’re not big marketers when it comes to marketing or company, because we are very niche in who we choose, um, in our investor, uh, model.

But, uh, anyone that’s in Memphis, little rock Chattanooga, you want to partner and do some deals. Uh, certainly hit me up. Um, I’d probably entertain doing them in my back door in Springfield, Missouri, but, uh, um, we were actually so established in these other markets. It’s tougher to do a deal here. And it goes over there, but, uh, um, yeah, I’ll always look into Parker with new people and

Mike: awesome.

Sounds good. Well, we’ll add that down below in the show notes. So, Brian, thanks for spending time with us today.

Bryan: Thank you, Mike.

Mike: And again, especially on your birthday, my friend, I think that might be a first week. I think I’ve done like over 1500 interviews. I’m not sure if I’ve interviewed anybody on their birthday before, so it’s an honor.

It might’ve happened. Maybe I just didn’t know. But what are the chances here? Yeah. Well, everybody hope you got some good value at the end of the day. You know, you should be running your business more like a business. And that’s what we talked about today. I hope you got some good value from that. If you haven’t yet checked this out, go to investor

You can learn [00:29:00] more about our amazing community. In fact, we just announced here recently that we have some new groups for multifamily and commercial investors as well. We’ve, uh, coming up on our four year anniversary this fall. And, uh, we’re primarily focused on single family investing and that’s still going strong.

We have amazing groups there, but if you’re a multifamily investor, if you invest in self storage or mobile home parks, anything commercial like that, uh, you should check out investor field account. We got some new groups called the cashflow groups, uh, for commercial investors. So excited to, uh, hopefully meet some of you soon, go to to learn more.

Otherwise, we’ll see you on the next show. Take care.

Mike: Are you an active real estate investor? If so, and you want to latch onto the power of surrounding yourself with over a hundred of the nation’s leading real estate investors, all committed to building stronger businesses and living richer fuller lives. You should jump on a call with us to learn more about Investor Fuel, simply visit to get started.


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