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Hey everybody, welcome back to the show! Today, I’m with my friend Casey and we are going to talk about focusing on what you are good at and what energizes you. Also, we’ll discuss outsourcing and delegating what you are not good at.

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    [00:00:00] Mike: [00:00:00] Hey, everybody. Welcome back to the show. I’m excited to talk about, uh, what we’re gonna talk about today, which is kind of focused and really outsourcing and delegating what you’re not good at and focusing what you are good at and what energizes you and my guest today is case and she’s. She has been going through a lot of these same things as well.

    We were just talking about it a bit and we’re excited to share it with you.

    Professional real estate investors know that it’s not really about the real estate. That real estate is just a vehicle of freedom. A group of over a hundred of a nation’s leading real estate investors from across the country meets several times a year at the investor fuel mastermind. To share ideas on how to strengthen each other’s businesses, but also to come together as friends and build more fulfilling lives or all of those around us on today’s show, we’re going to

    Casey: [00:00:53] continue our conversations

    Mike: [00:00:54] of fueling our businesses and our lives.

    I’m glad you’re here.

    [00:01:00] Hey, Casey, welcome to the show. Hi, thanks for having me. Good to see you. Good to see you. It’s always interesting. I guess, lately I’ve had a number of people on that are in the DFW market as well, where I’m at. And so we’re effectively, you know, on one way or another, neighbor’s relative to the average person watching the show, I guess.

    So, uh, anyway, excited to excited to see a neighbor.

    Casey: [00:01:27] Yeah, I know. Right. And whenever you have a. Meet at the, uh, what is it? That coffee place we love to go to all the

    Mike: [00:01:33] time

    Casey: [00:01:34] around the corner. Yeah. It’s amazing how close

    Mike: [00:01:36] you actually are. Yeah, you’re really close. Yeah, you’re really close. Um, and so you guys, we’re going to talk about today is in, Casey’s been through this or her businesses evolve, my businesses evolve in a lot of ways where we find some things that we like to do and we’re good at.

    And we both actually, you know, coincidentally totally different things, but turn them into services to help other real estate investors. And allow them to focus on what they’re good at and outsource other things. And so what we want for [00:02:00] you guys is to really focus on what you’re good at, what you enjoy doing, focus on what energizes you and get rid of the stuff that’s kind of bogging you down so he can kind of set you free a little bit.

    And part of that we’ll be learning about, about Casey’s, uh, Kind of story and I guess path. So, so tell us a little bit about your background case. You kind of hide how you got to where you are.

    Casey: [00:02:18] Yeah, so I have a pretty colorful background. Um, I had nothing to do with real estate, uh, for several years, uh, honestly like in politics, media analyst, whole different life.

    Um, it wasn’t until, gosh, a few years ago, gosh, it’s probably been about five years or so. I actually got into sales. Um, locally with, for, with windows inciting. And it got to a point where I was kind of sitting there and I did pretty well. I did pretty well at it, and we did like one call closes. So we were going into people’s houses, all the uncomfortable things that most investors kind of hate or start out hating.

    Um, and then I realized like, there’s a cap. So you kind of look at the house and, you know, look around and back. I wonder if I just sell the whole house. Um, so I ended up getting licensed. With the intention of going into [00:03:00] investing. Anyway, I thought it was more creative, a little bit more fun. Um, so I kind of entered a local, you know, Rhea, um, kind of got plugged in and started networking and, uh, just decided to kind of go all in about, gosh, it’s probably been three years now.

    And so I’m fairly new to the space. Yeah. I’ve been only the DFW market, but you know, we did about 40 deals or so our first couple of years, not bad for newbies mixture of assignments, fix and flip. Stopping foreclosures listings, things like that. Um, and I kinda just got well versed in every aspect of it because I was in acquisitions.

    I had come from sales, it was something I was really good at. So I know what it’s like to be in that position. I know how they think. And then of course you have to dispo it too when you’re, you know, doing it on your own. As we all know, we kind of sit in every single seat and after about a year or so, I started to feel that like, That like pain of, is this what it’s like?

    You know, like, this is

    Mike: [00:03:56] tough, better than this. Yeah.

    Casey: [00:03:59] Yeah. [00:04:00] Those wins and those that joy, but I mean, yeah, it’s a grind, as we all know, to keep that consistency in that pipeline. So it really wasn’t until I had actually met Gary and started looking at, Hey, everyone in our group. Talk about how to do marketing better, how to, how to do sales closes, yada yada, yada, but nobody really talks about a lot of the other areas like, you know, how to delegate or how to arrange the business or how to do your processing.

    And so it wasn’t until I started learning about that side of things that I started to kind of really look at my operation and think, what is it that I really wanted to do? Um, what is it that I’m actually good at that energizes me? And so, yeah. That’s when I made the switch to transaction coordinating, which isn’t the most glamorous.

    Um, yeah, but it kind of build my brain because it’s so creative and so different and it looks different. Um, and it got to a point where I knew so much about, about the closings and whatnot, how to stop the foreclosures. Cause I kinda did everything titled did before I knew what title [00:05:00] could do. Right. And it got to a point where I started consulting.

    Other investors just on how to go, how to clear title and get around some of the more complicated issues as we all know, that’s where most of the money is. So kind of found a little bit of a niche there and kind of decided to go there.

    Mike: [00:05:15] Yeah. Now you’re doing a transaction coordination for other real estate investors all over the country.

    So yeah, that’s amazing. Honestly, it’s, it’s interesting how we all have, you know, real estate investing. Like nobody really teaches you this, you just kind of find out, ultimately, like I said, even if you have a coach or a mentor or somebody, um, they often just talk about. Lead generation and sales or dispo high level stuff.

    Right. Kind of the bookends of the business, but there’s a whole bunch of stuff in the middle that is like the back office stuff. And it’s just necessary. Right. It has to happen. In fact, it’ll kill your deals if you don’t do it well. And, um, I think, you know, what we did just like you is a, we invested for a long time and I coached for a long time.

    And the single biggest challenge that every real estate investor [00:06:00] has is consistent high quality lead generation. And I kind of joke, like the most asked question on the planet of the earth at least asked to me is like, what’s the best. Lead to what’s the best list to market to it’s like, like there’s the silver bullet and there’s not, it’s just like grunt work and consistency and getting it done.

    And so ultimately I’m like, you know what, I’m tired of answering this question. Uh, we’re just gonna create agency and generate leads for people. And so that’s kind of what we’ve done. And I think over time, too, whether it’s short period of time or over a long period of time, you start to find things in the business that you enjoy.

    That you’re good at the light. Problem solving or whatever it might be. And then for some people, um, that ends up becoming a service that you can provide for other people and, uh, help other investors out. Right?

    Casey: [00:06:44] Yeah. Honestly, it’s almost identical. I kind of realized that, you know, people kept asking me, Hey, how do I clear this?

    Hey, do you mind just reviewing this? Can you read this title? Can you tell me what I can do? And I thought, okay. I just charge people for that.

    Mike: [00:06:57] Or sometimes I’ll like, you know, I’ll pay, you I’ll pay you for it. Would you help me just [00:07:00] answer some questions for me? And you know, like eventually you’re like, huh, I could get paid doing this.

    Okay. But

    Casey: [00:07:05] yeah, it was crazy to be honest, it started cause I couldn’t find anybody to do my transactions that, that knew the breadth of what I did simply because I was in it all day every day. And I think that if you’re, you know, we talked about this a little bit before. If you’re going to hire out something, you either need to be in it to know what to expect.

    You know, or to train or you’re going to have to hire someone who just knows. They just, this is their wheelhouse, this is their expertise. Let’s not reinvent the wheel. I don’t have to spend time training them. I just need to train them a little bit on how maybe I want my etiquette done or how I want my follow up.

    But I’m finding that a lot of my clients are asking me now, like you do consulting. I said, that’s technically what this is, you know, like, At the end of the day. So it is, it’s kind of, it kind of really opened my eyes about how, um, well, first of all, we all know we can’t do [00:08:00] everything as much as we like to think we can as entrepreneurs.

    It is not possible. So you have to figure out I’m either going to reinvent this wheel because I feel like I can do it better. Or I’m just going to find the people that can fill in my blanks and I’m not going to focus on my weaknesses. I’m just going to focus on those strengths. Um, and you’re going to go a lot further.

    Mike: [00:08:21] That’s what most, that’s the problem with a lot of small businesses, probably this isn’t unique to real estate, but one thing that is a little bit different in real estate is we’re also cheap. Like we just like, we’re kind of, cause it all starts with trying to buy properties at a deep discount, right.

    It’s like, okay, in order to make any money, I’ve got to buy it cheap. I’ve got to find a cheap contractor. Like everything we try to do is cheap. And then what ends up happening is, you know, uh, along the line where like, well, I’ll just do it myself. I’ll do it myself. So we try to do everything right. And if you really look at a real estate business, if you were to kind of compare it to, you know, any other business out there, um, I guess a lot of other [00:09:00] businesses probably fall into this, but it’s, it’s like a bunch of businesses kind of bolted together.

    Sales and acquisitions upfront is a unique business. For example, you could just buy from other wholesalers and close deals and just be a rehabber and you don’t do any marketing or Legion or acquisitions activities. You just are willing to give up that margin. No different than Walmart is willing to pay Frito lay to, you know, be a supplier to them.

    Even though FritoLay is also making money. Right? And so I’m on the list. Oh side, you know, there’s a lot of ways you could do that too. You could just list everything on the MLS and make it easier. Or you could hire a dispositions person to help build your list of who to market, to and help go through the sales process.

    And so it’s like a bunch of little businesses that are bolted together. And inevitably, like you said, there’s stuff that I think, yeah, every real estate investor enjoys more than others and they tend to focus on what they’re good at. Unfortunately, a lot of them are so cheap. They never try to outsource or delegate what they’re not good at because they don’t, they feel like they can’t afford it.

    Um, which is kind of the [00:10:00] kiss of death in terms of growing your business. If you try to do everything yourself and you can’t afford to add a team, then you don’t have a business, you have a job at best, right.

    Casey: [00:10:09] Yeah, exactly. And it’s funny you say that it’s like, we are, you know, we’re cheap, but at the same time, we always want that quick, easy money.

    So it’s like, we’re we’re but we don’t want to hire out to make it easier. Yeah. So what if your margin goes down a little bit, but you’re not working as hard for it and it become then you’re then you have to think about what is my cost per hour. Really that I’m making, right? Like I’m actually making like a hundred bucks an hour, $150 an hour.

    Like you got to kind of look at, I think people have to reset their mind as you’re just retraining your brain to think of it differently. How much do you want to cry at night for that $20,000 check? That’s fine. People really. They post pictures of their checks and whatnot, but you don’t know how much of that is really going in their pocket ever.

    Um, And so I ha you know, I spoke with someone who really, honestly, I spoke with a very successful investor. He’s probably [00:11:00] worth about 10 million or so at this point. And he kind of made his, he always talks about transactional risk. And we had a conversation where I kind of had this idea to do this, and he really incurred, he looked at me and said, I didn’t even know people like you existed when I was doing deals, I would get back into it.

    Simply if I had someone that could manage it and have the knowledge. And I thought that was interesting. Cause I’m like, you’ve gotten to 10 million net worth and didn’t have a single person handle your transactions like that. That’s stressful. That was one of the big reasons he left and started doing other things was just, the stress got too much.

    And he was like, you know, you’re you think about it? Every single transaction you make is a risk. So, I mean, legally, um, you could have you think about how many parties you have involved, you know, if any, one of them comes back or an error, you know, claims fraud or anything like that knew they can find a name for that was associated with that transaction.

    So. You know, there is risk in all areas. You’ve got risk on [00:12:00] your calling, your DNC lists. You’ve got risk legally with documents, not maybe a title company didn’t do something, right. I mean, you cannot trust really anybody. And nobody’s going to care about your deals as much as you. So you have to ask yourself how much, like, what do I want control over and who am I going to trust to control the ass?

    The other aspects of it, because. You know, they’re, this is an exhausting business and there’s a lot of anomalies. Yeah.

    Mike: [00:12:24] Yeah. That’s, that’s one thing that I would say a lot of real estate investors. I mean, you, you know, inherently, there’s a lot of people that come and go, right. And you see the market is shifted.

    We’ve got all this COVID crap going on and stuff, but you’ve seen even aside from that, you know, people that used to be bigger players that are nowhere to be found now. And, you know, people that you didn’t know a year ago that are crushing it right now. It’s just like, you know, so I think what happens is there’s a.

    What people don’t really figure out. They never really take into account is there’s a high level of burnout and turnover. Yeah. And it’s because they get into this business. One of is because they don’t outsource a delegate, anything they’re trying to do everything and they get burned out. [00:13:00] And so how do you decide kind of where to.

    W where to delegate or outsource or whether you should delegate to an internal person or outsource it to a company or a vendor that does those things, like, how do you kind of start that process?

    Casey: [00:13:13] I would say, cause honestly I reached that burnout cause I’m kind of one of those really weird profiles that can sit in any seat.

    So I’m like a chameleon type. Yeah. Um, and so it was hard for me to discern that everybody said, know what you’re good at? And I was like, I have no idea how to figure that out. Like I remember going to Gary Harper, he tested me and I said, so what now? And he goes, you can sit anywhere you want. I said, this doesn’t help me.

    So they didn’t know. I had to honestly sit in all of them. So that, that was a decision I made. I said, I’m going to spend some time and every single seat until I can really figure out what drains me and what energizes me. And then what’s that grid that we talk about. Sometimes it’s like, make makeup, make a checkbox where in one it’s everything that you are good at, that you love.

    Everything. You’re good at that. You [00:14:00] don’t like everything that you, uh, don’t like, and aren’t good at, you know, and then you, you delegate anything that’s below that line. So

    Mike: [00:14:08] if you’re not good at it and you don’t like it, like those are usually the fun, that’s the first thing you should get rid of. You’re not good at it.

    And you don’t even like it. So why do it?

    Casey: [00:14:16] Yeah, no, exactly. And you’re not good at it, or maybe like you like it, but you still aren’t good at it. I mean, Guides this BS of like working on your weaknesses, forget it. Like, you know, like in, when it comes to like your, your that’s, you were designed and built to, to fill a very special niche.

    And a lot of people wish they had, you know, so let, let, don’t try to be what you’re, what you’re not, because do they, and you’re just kind of approaching things like. What’s that word, like lukewarm with lukewarm passionate. And we know that if you’re going to be grinding yeah. Every single day, you gotta make sure that it’s not motivation, you know, all the time, it’s the discipline.

    Cause it, you know, having the understanding, but at the end of the day, you’re going to be energized by what you’re building. And I think that’s the most important. So. If you don’t know yourself, [00:15:00] first of all, try to do that. So tested, like, you know, disc or, or PI was really eyeopening for me. Um, I was told so for so often then I was like an integrator detailed type and I can focus like nobody’s business.

    I can look at it Peter for 12 hours and not eat and not move and not know what is, but if I do that for too long, I’m going to be very drained and not great. When I’m in a room, talking ideas with people, I found I was actually loved it. And so I kind of, I kind of found out I’m actually a little bit more visionary than I thought, um, with an ability to sit in the seats.

    So for me personally, How I figured it out was doing that. Um, I got knowledge from everything and then I just decided, well, what is it that people really aren’t good at that I am really good at. And that’s when I kind of found that little niche to focus on. Um,

    Mike: [00:15:51] that’s great.

    Casey: [00:15:52] And then for me, it was kind of like what gets me up in the morning, every day for me, it’s because I’m accountable to other people’s [00:16:00] deals.

    Mike: [00:16:00] Yeah.

    Casey: [00:16:02] I just have one personality where, you know, I’m going to get up for you and I’m serving you and it’s on my shoulders. That’s why it’s kinda like Atlas, Atlas, shrug, you know, you carrying the weight of the yup. Um, and it’s important. Yeah. And, and, and I’m held accountable to you and that’s what gets me up.

    And I love that because I am a piece to your business that you really aren’t going to be able to do well, and it gives you peace of mind. And so I like that.

    Mike: [00:16:25] That’s great. Yeah. That’s whether you’re a service, bro, not everybody’s gonna feel this way, but whether you’re a service provider, what you just said, I literally have never heard of it.

    I say that and I feel that way. And I’ve said it before is a cause in one of my businesses now our main business, that’s actually blowing up, um, a investor machine. I have a business partner and that, and, and I think for the first time, and one of the things that I said is that one of the reasons it’s taking off is I have effectively an accountability partner.

    It’s the same few JV with other people. And not everybody’s going to resonate with this probably, but some of you might. One of the benefits of having a partner or being a service provider to other people [00:17:00] is like, I refuse to let people down, but I’m good at letting myself down.

    Casey: [00:17:06] Yeah.

    Mike: [00:17:06] You know what I mean?

    But it’s like, well, it’s not gonna hurt anybody the other than me, but like, I’ll be damned if I’m going to let anybody else down. So that’s one of the things that I, and honestly it makes me a better business person. It makes me a better person. Cause I’m challenged more. To never disappoint anybody, but I don’t really have a huge problem at disappointing myself.

    I mean,

    Casey: [00:17:24] yeah. Yeah. I think those people are honestly like that. And I think we think of ourselves last and ironically, the way I started thinking about it was okay, we all, we always sit here and I don’t like this. I’m one of those like anomalies that hate the, what is your why question? Because. I, you know, I didn’t know for so long and I still am not super for sure.

    The only thing that seems, you know, in stone for me is I really like serving and helping people figure out problems. Yeah. I think what’s interesting is people say, well, why are you in real estate? Or why do you do this? Oh, for the freedom, but [00:18:00] freedom to do what. Like exactly that you want the freedom to do.

    And is the freedom, the results, or is the freedom? The process, right. So we want them because we have the job to, or, or the business, and maybe we get there too to go when we want it, the appointments when we want, et cetera, et cetera. Well, I put myself in a position. Yeah. I don’t fully have that freedom because I, I worked during tidal hours.

    Right. But I still can. Do what I need to and delegate. But the point being is that freedom is honestly happening now, right? It’s not necessarily in the future. And I think people miss that. So in order to get there, you have to ask yourself these questions. What can I delegate to have that freedom, which is the purpose of me even starting in real estate.

    And then you get it. I realize how locked down you are doing every single position, every single job. And you’re exhausted. You’re like, man, This, they said, this would be fun. They said this is free. And they said it would get big checks. And then that reality hits. Uh, and then that’s [00:19:00] why some people don’t make it.

    But I think if you reoriented your brain to think it that way you might. Have an easier time delegating.

    Mike: [00:19:06] Yeah. Yeah. For me, we talked, I talked about this, I talk about this all the time. Like for me, freedom, isn’t like sitting on the beach, like doing nothing. Like that’s not me, but it’s like doing what I like to do.

    Right. So it’s not, it’s never a job. Like I don’t think about retirement because. I don’t even know what that means. Like retirement for me, it’s doing what you want when you want with whom you want. Right. And so it’s like, but for me, it’s not, it’s not, not working because I enjoy working. I enjoy the challenge.

    I mean, that’s like my hobby. It’s like, I’m not in the Sudoku or crossword puzzles, but I’m into solving business problems or talking about business problems. And so doing what I do and getting to hang out with you and people like you, that energizes me, right?

    Casey: [00:19:44] Yeah, for sure. And I love. I love, I actually chose to only work with investors.

    Um, obviously a lot of investors are licensed and, and work that way, but it’s a different breed, like yeah, you’re working with people that think outside the box. So with you, you know, [00:20:00] that are, uh, figuring out well, things that really, like you said, well, I wild West, it’s the wild, wild West, and we figure out creative ways of doing it.

    Um, And I love working with clients that are like, Hey Casey, like, how can we figure this out? Like, let’s, let’s make some phone calls because that’s fun for me rather than just the regulatory, make sure you have this document and this document and this document, you really are approaching their business and saying, well, Hey, what are you seeing in these markets?

    And we get to get super creative. And that feels me every single day. Like I love it. I love being able to tell someone we’re clear to close after five months. Yeah,

    Mike: [00:20:32] that’s awesome. On the transaction manager. I think one of the things that, that happens a lot and I’ve never outsourced my transaction management, we always did it.

    We’ve always done it internally with like an admin. Right. But the thing is, is even that admin, I have them doing like everything. And so it’s just one of the things they do. And, you know, we’ve had, we’ve lost deals over time. And I think a lot of real estate investors lose deals because they’re just not great at communicating or they’re not great at, you know, I guess what I’ve had a tendency to do.

    [00:21:00] Is to throw it over the fence to my title company. And the truth is, is we’ve always tried to work with investor friendly, kind of use my air quotes here, again, investor friendly title companies, because they usually will deal with our crap, you know, as investors, but not all title companies are that way.

    And so sometimes you find out honestly, and I’ve had some, some really good title people. So if they’re listening right now, I don’t want to throw anybody under the bus. A couple of them, I don’t have a problem throwing under the bus, but we won’t name any names, but it’s that, uh, They never cared about my deals as much as I did, but I didn’t, I didn’t.

    Act the way that I just said by just throwing it over the fence and allowing somebody else to deal with it. So what happens is the communication is usually not the clearest to the seller. So sometimes the sellers, like I haven’t heard from anybody in like a week and then all of a sudden somebody else offers them more money or whatever.

    And they’re just like, decide to like, well, let me just contract it with this person. Cause they don’t really know they shouldn’t do that or whatever. It’s like stuff goes South. If somebody is not. Like responsible for that on, even though it’s [00:22:00] not necessarily a full time job for an average investor, but, um, if they don’t treat it, like it’s, it’s, you know, a white glove approach,

    Casey: [00:22:07] right.

    Yeah, for sure. And I think it’s an endless thing. Like. You might be super great at marketing and closing deals and whatnot, and you literally lose a spread just because that exact thing happened. Most of these sellers don’t really go through this process. So they’re

    Mike: [00:22:24] in the dark the first time for them probably, or some of them for some of them, it’s the first time in decades, like selling a house.

    So they don’t, we take it for granted, but they don’t know. Right.

    Casey: [00:22:33] The number one thing though, is trust. You might get their trust at the closing or at the signing table, and that’s all well and good, but we all know that it could be. I’m seeing like a gotcha, like a 30 to 60 day roll on closes right now because of everything that happened.

    Instead of you got to give them comfort and maintain that trust you can’t, you have to earn it. So having someone in that seat. Is super important because I think I was telling you [00:23:00] before this call, I’ve got a client up in New York where there’s a lot of extra parties involved. It’s an attorney state. So you’ve got attorneys, you’ve got an agent you’ve got well or a buyer.

    I mean, there is like, there’s twice as many parties and simply one person is not telling the other person what’s going on or what they want. And they’re just waiting and for somebody of call column, and then the other, person’s like, well, nobody’s paying attention. Why wasn’t this done? You know, I know how long these things take.

    So. It’s like weeks go by without certain just got in. Oh, why didn’t they just call me? I would have told them that this is the situation and then we can move forward. So I think in that role, if you’re doing any kind of volume of you’re going after certain lists with certain issues like affidavits or consistent or tax issues or things like that.

    You gotta have somebody that can actually talk to your sellers through these issues, because some of them, all they see is your, you told me you’d buy my house and this is taking forever for, and then I can get on the phone and be like, well, actually, here’s what happened. And you know, do you have any insights in this?

    And then they start going, Oh, that’s right. My brother, you know, he’s in [00:24:00] prison. And you know, then he started to like piece it together. Yeah. But if you don’t know how to talk to them after you get it under contract, or even during like, these are questions, you can ask people, um, you have huge chunks of your story missing, and you’re just relying on title company.

    Who’s only looking at document that may or may not have been recorded and they’re just sitting on their hands because they’re expecting you to figure out a problem. I see it as such a huge piece of the puzzle of the problem solving side. You can maybe give them the solution to get them to sign, but if you don’t actually solve them.

    Mike: [00:24:35] Yeah. Especially with the types of deals that we buy, they’re usually messy, right. Or they have a tendency to have messy, uh, you know, some skeletons in the closet and all that stuff. So

    Casey: [00:24:44] I can honestly tell you that out of the deals that I have, or that I’ve closed, I think I’ve done about 400 in the last.

    Eight or nine months. I can honestly tell you. I’ve probably had clear to close on 1%. No joke. It’s always something, but that’s the [00:25:00] nature of who we are. Right, right.

    Mike: [00:25:03] Yeah. Well, speaking of who we work with, so Casey, you’ve been a member of investor fuel for a little while now. Huge giver in the group.

    Would you mind just kind of sharing your thoughts on, on what, uh, your. Three. What’s your experience been with investor fuel

    Casey: [00:25:15] fuel. So, you know, people ask me if I do any marketing or anything like that. And I say, absolutely not because it’s all about my network. Um, you, I think investor feels right. One of the most, I mean, honestly, yeah.

    I would like to use the word elite because it truly it’s like without being elite it’s elite it’s, it’s people in that room that are really doing deals in several markets. That’s what I love. It’s not just like a local mastermind. It’s national. So you get insight into people. Well, operations and what’s working, not working with, and ideals are doing laws, things like that.

    And we live in a virtual world now. So I think that’s huge to be able to communicate and network with people like that. And if you ever have the opportunity to go into another market, people drop everything. I mean, I’ve gotten more recommendations for title companies and [00:26:00] attorneys just through investor fuel that have honestly gotten me to where I am today.

    I mean, it’s probably one of the most solid networks I have.

    Mike: [00:26:08] Awesome. Awesome. I appreciate that. So we’re always here to help you too. Yeah, we have a fun group for sure. So, uh, so, so Casey, you run a transaction management business. Uh, if folks want to learn more about that or they want to get in touch with you, where can they go?

    Casey: [00:26:22] Yeah. So if you want to learn kind of about our services, you’re just curious. Um, even if you’d like to see what a transaction coordinator handles, and even if you want to hire in house or something like that, you can go to my website. It’s just WW dot Atlas, TC Um, you can get an idea of how we price things.

    What are some of the tasks we do, what markets we’re in. Um, so you, it kind of gets your juices flowing that you can do this virtually and. You don’t necessarily have to have it in house. Um, I’m on Facebook. I have a Facebook page, Atlas transaction coordinator services. Um, just my name, you know, is pretty unique.

    You can find me on Facebook. Send me a message. If I don’t, I probably won’t see it. Um, or email me. It’s [00:27:00] [email protected]. Uh, if you want to have a chat and I’m happy to also just start out there. If you guys, I just want insight, how many transactions somebody should handle, could handle, or you want to know those kinds of things.

    I’m an open

    Mike: [00:27:10] book. Awesome. Awesome. Well, good stuff. We’ll add the, those links down below in the show notes for anybody that missed it, or if you’re listening when you’re driving. So, Casey, thanks for joining us today.

    Casey: [00:27:20] I’m happy to be part of the family.

    Mike: [00:27:23] Always good to see you and everybody, hopefully you got some value from this.

    You should really outsource or delegate what you don’t get joy from and what you’re not good at, for sure. Right? So you can focus on what you are good at. That’s where you’re going to see the most growth in your business and in your bank account. Most likely is when you focus on what you’re good at and.

    Yeah, and find a way to get the rest of it done without necessarily you so, uh, hope you got some good value from today’s show. If you haven’t yet subscribed to us, uh, you can subscribe to us, honestly, wherever you’re watching or listening right now. So appreciate you a bunch. We’ll see you on the next show.

    Are you an active real estate investor? If so, and you want to latch onto the [00:28:00] power of surrounding yourself with over a hundred of the nation’s leading real estate investors. All committed to building stronger businesses and living richer fuller lives. You should jump on a call with us to learn more about investor fuel.

    Simply visit investor to get started. .


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