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Welcome back to the show, excited to have you here today! If anything that’s happened here with the COVID-19 stuff is it’s given us a lot of time to reflect on how we can get things better in our business. Today, I got my buddy Erik Latsha and we are going to talk about leadership. Specifically, how to build a team, how to truly build your business, and how to be a better leader.

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    [00:00:00] Mike: [00:00:00] Hey, everybody. Welcome back to the show. Excited to have you here today. If anything has happened through all of this cov itself has given us a lot of time to reflect on how we can do things better. Probably. And today I’ve got my buddy, Eric Lashaw here. We’re going to be talking about leadership, how to build a team, how to truly build your business and how to become a better leader.

    Professional real estate investors know that it’s not really about the real estate real estate is just a vehicle to freedom. A group of over a hundred of a nation’s leading real estate investors you from across the country meets several times a year at the investor you’ll estate mastermind to share ideas on how to strengthen each other’s businesses, but also to come together as friends and build more.

    Fulfilling lives for all of those around us on today’s show, we’re going to continue our conversation, fueling our businesses and our lives. I’m glad you’re here.

    [00:01:00] Hey, Eric, welcome to the show.

    Hey, thanks Mike. I really appreciate it. And glad to

    have me on one of the things I’ll say, uh, the timing will be off on this a little bit, but I always love having it. You’ve got your own, your own show and we’re going to do your show right after this. I love doing back to back shows with people I’ve actually done it.

    It’s like so many with other podcasts. It’s like, that’s the thing you do is like, Hey, let’s be on each other’s show. You know?

    Erik: [00:01:25] It’s great. And yeah, I heard about it. So having you as a guest on it, so many people listen and you’ve taught and helped so many people. No just basics and even way deeper dives than most people can even imagine talking about.

    So being able to present your, your intelligence and your leader, your, your leadership to people on my podcast, I couldn’t be more thankful

    Mike: [00:01:48] for it. Appreciate that, buddy. I’m glad that I’m glad to have you here too. So, um, Hey man, so I’m excited to talk about this topic today. Cause I think, you know, a lot of us, uh, you’re in the investor fuel mastermind.

    Probably one of the biggest topics we talk [00:02:00] about is, is how to become, really become a leader. I mean, how to, how to basically be less involved in your business. I think if there’s a common theme for successful real estate investors, we all, we all, all, because of course we always want more leads so we can do more deals sure.

    And make more money. Uh, but a common theme is we all want to work less and, and. It’s not that we all want to sit on the beach, but we want to move on and be able to grow. And the only way you can do that is by building a team and having people run more of the day to day so we can pull it ourselves out a little bit.

    So that’s a great topic to talk about today because I think, or a lot of people are gonna resonate with, with, you know, what, what you’re thinking about and what. Uh, they want to do as well

    Erik: [00:02:40] with sure.

    Mike: [00:02:40] In terms of leadership. So before we jump into the, Hey, man, tell us your background, like how you, how you found your way into real estate.

    Erik: [00:02:46] Yeah, no, that’s a good question. So actually I’ve, I’ve been in the restaurant business this, uh, since I was 14, I started at McDonald’s, uh, worked my way up, um, was, you know, kind of one of those kids, wasn’t sure if really college was for me, [00:03:00] what I wanted to do. Um, I, I like to have fun. Um, I’d like to be a socialite in the restaurant business, kind of gave a little bit of both of that.

    Um, if you know, bartending and serving tables, uh, that’s kind of a life of its own kind of take care of everybody else while they’re having a good time. And then your good time is that after they all have a good time. So, um, but, but honestly, I, I stayed in the restaurant business. I got to a point I was just pretty much serving and.

    And bartending and doing things until I had found out, uh, my wife now was pregnant, um, when I was like, uh, okay, and what do I do now? So that’s the only thing I knew. So I got into it, the management field, I got lucky, I got a first, my first job. And, um, then really just worked my way up about every year and a half, two years, uh, kind of took a step forward in the right direction, managing people managing, um, at the restaurants until, um, my last job, I was the food and beverage director at the country club in New York.

    Um, it’s a platinum club, one of the top hundred clubs in the country. Um, [00:04:00] and I got, I got to run their food and beverage program and it was. It was great. I enjoyed it. Um, but at that time I was having my second kid, we got a new GM really didn’t see eye to eye on things. Um, he gave me a three month severance package and I was like, you know what, this nights, weekends, holidays thing, uh, these, this no, never being around for mother’s day Valentine’s day, every Friday, Saturday, Sunday, without a shadow of a doubt.

    You know, I get the day off. I was just like, I’m done like, and so, yeah, so I took that. I mean, I still do it now, but it’s different. Um, you know, you’re not clocked in and doing things, but you can take a little bit more time and do a little bit. Broader range of things. It was just there. You had to be there, you dealt with all the times that you wanted to be out doing something, taking, you know, your wife or family to dinner.

    You were always there. So I was over it, um, gave me three months separate packets. I was like, what do I want to do with my life? You know, at this point, like I’m [00:05:00] 26, 27 years old, uh, what what’s next? And I was like, you know what? Like I sold cars for a summer a while and I crushed it at it. Like I was just.

    I naturally I’m I’m money-driven dude, like, so somebody says, Hey, go do it. And someone was like, do you know what you should get into real estate? I knew nothing about houses and you know, it was just like, I was actually bartending part time when, when I got into real estate and, uh, somebody sold me on it there lined me up with Keller Williams.

    I just became an agent. And I started doing like, they wanted me to start off being a commercial agent cause they didn’t have one. And I was like, what? Like, I don’t even know what I’m doing. Um, and, and that’s a whole different world, so yeah, I just wasn’t ready for it. God, in a single family, uh, had first year in real estate, I sold 66 houses.

    Um, when I was just like, okay, like, this is really cool. I’m making a lot of money at it. And from there I just, you know, moved into a company that had [00:06:00] agents and. Real estate investing. Um, I was one of their buyers agents then moved into an acquisitions position, then ran the acquisitions department. Um, and then, you know, here I am,

    Mike: [00:06:11] the rest is history.

    Yeah. Yeah. It’s interesting. There’s so, I mean, honestly, almost everybody I know in this industry, it’s so common that we all found our way here. Through, uh, recreating ourselves like, Hey, I don’t like what I’m doing anymore. Or I lost what I was like minus I got, got fired and lost my job. So w whatever it is, you kind of had to like, say, Hey, this, this is like a real estate is kind of like the ultimate kind of do over a

    Erik: [00:06:34] hundred percent

    Mike: [00:06:35] at a it’s, whatever you do, job wise or business wise, for sure.

    So, which is, which is cool. Nothing wrong with that. So for sure, I know we were talking a little ahead of time, and I know, um, you know, you, you ultimately went out on your own. Started doing your own investing, but you’ve grown a team you guys are doing quite well now. And we’re talking about leadership today.

    So kind of what to, what I wanted to realize is like how, at what point did you realize that you wanted to build a bigger business, [00:07:00] which inevitably you’re going to need a team for versus a, sorry.

    Erik: [00:07:04] Oh, man.

    Mike: [00:07:06] Uh, versus, uh, um, just. Hustling and doing, doing your own thing, right? I mean, that’s where a lot of real the semester started, but at some point people realize like, wow, I mean, you’d already been working late nights and doing all this stuff, you kind of realized, okay, You’re probably over some level I can hustle, but I’m kind of over that.

    Right. And the way to move forward is to ultimately build a team. So when did you kind of realize that you wanted to kind of be bigger and build a team versus solo?

    Erik: [00:07:33] Yeah. No, that’s a, that’s a good question. So when I actually left, um, I left with a team of two. Uh, well, three people including myself, but two other people that, um, left left with me and still with me, and I wouldn’t be able to do without them.

    Uh, but it was, we all had our jobs and we wore six hats, but it was just, Hey, We know we can buy houses and we can sell houses [00:08:00] because it was literally what we did. Uh, and I was like, alright, well, you know, if we want a different environment, a little bit of a different lifestyle than where we’re at like this, I can do so.

    So they all trusted me with. Little to no expectations of, Hey, we know Eric can buy houses, so let’s, we’ll re we’ll go with them. And you know, it is what it is. It felt like a little bit like, you know, in Jerry McGuire, like when he said who’s coming. No, no, he was it. I honestly, they. I was there and we were just hustling and grinding and hustle and grind.

    And six months in, I was like, I’m doing the same thing that I was doing. I’m working 80, 90 hours a week to try to make sure everybody’s okay. Uh, while also managing and leading people, dealing with different emotions and different everything. So not only was I just buying houses, I was, I was trying to run a company, work on operations, you know, look at processes and systems.

    And I was [00:09:00] like, you know, We can’t physically operate like this for, for long. Like we could do it well, but what’s going to happen is it’s going to come bust. We’re just going to blow up and everyone’s going to be exhausted. And 10, you know, there’s going to be tension and anger. And I was just like, Hey, like we can’t sat down.

    I was like, guys, we got to bring some other people on, what do we want to do? How do we wanna do this? How do we want to bring them on? Um, and at that time I was like, you know, I’ve told them from the beginning, Hey, this is a career. This isn’t like a shortstop. Like we’re going to be here for a long time.

    And to be anywhere for a long time, you have to do it the right way because you can hustle and grind. I still know people that have hustled and grinded for 20 years doing random things. Like I have a buddy that like he has. He does like seven different things, details cars, but like, he’s been doing that for 15 years.

    She’s absolutely exhausted. And yeah, he’s 38 years [00:10:00] old. It looks like he’s 50. Uh, so he’s just cause you can’t like just stress that, that adds to your life worrying about where that next job and paycheck and deal is coming from. Um, without anything, I was like, ah, that’s not what I want for the people that work with me.

    And it’s not what I want for me and my family either.

    Mike: [00:10:19] Yeah. Yeah. I think, uh, and I, I know you’ve already said a couple of things that for me, like early on, and this sounds this bad, cause it was bad, but I want, I used to hire people. I just, I kind of early on, I just thought it’s a necessary evil. Like I’ve got to hire people that I didn’t really put a lot of thought into.

    How to motivate and inspire them. I’m like, I need you to do what I need you to do without a lot. So there was very little leadership. It was kind of like, I’ll employ you, but I never said that, but I know looking back now, like I didn’t really think about, like, I probably never asked anybody early on, like, what do you want to get out of this?

    Like, what are your goals? And helped me understand how I can. Accomplish what we need to accomplish here in the [00:11:00] same time serve you. And, um, it sounds so natural now, but back then, it was just like, you know, do your job. I pay you and I need you to do this. And whether it was administrative people with salespeople, whatever, and for salespeople, I think that sometimes, okay.

    Cause they’re usually money motivated. Like I pay when you do a good job, when you’re successful, we all win together. But for administrative type folks, it was more of just like. You know, they were motivated differently and I didn’t think that way cause I’m money motivated too. Sure. But just talk a little bit about, uh, you know, some of the leadership skills that you’re aware that you have, and that are kind of required to show that a team successfully,

    Erik: [00:11:36] uh, I mean, first and foremost, I’d say with that, like I’ve always, you know, I’ve, I’ve played a lot of team sports.

    I’ve done a lot of things growing up. Uh, uh, even in my group of friends, like I kinda. I I’ve never had an issue making the decision and having people follow. And even if it’s the wrong decision, I’ve always been the type of person that like, [00:12:00] Hey, it was my bad, we shouldn’t it in, you know, but, but I’ve been there able to have people gravitate and.

    Listen to the things that I have to say. Um, and, and I make a lot of, I mean, I probably argue too much. Um, I don’t mind confrontation, but like I, I try to make valid points in the same way that I was always an objective person to people telling me what to do. Um, I always wanted like, answers of why I got to do that.

    So I always made it when I w was my leadership that I had those available. I wasn’t ever going to be a. This is what I, this is how I, this is it. I don’t care what you got to say. Um, do it now, granted there’s times where it comes down, where, you know, that confrontation, you might just say, Hey, you know, I understand what you’re saying.

    I hear it, but we’re going to do it this way. Uh, but in, in general, those leadership qualities. So some of them have, [00:13:00] have just been with me for awhile. But when I got into business, I was like, man, like, Um, what am I doing with these people? Like these, aren’t like your friends that have the same interests as you.

    And, you know, you’re trying to get them to go to a baseball game, a doubleheader on a Sunday that no one has the money for when you know, but you think it’s going to be a great time and you guys should tailgate and stay at this hotel. And everybody just listens to what you’re saying. You know, they’re letting you handle it.

    Um, but this, this was more of like these people or depending on me to make decisions that are going to affect their lives. And I think that was the biggest growing point for me is just taking the natural leadership capabilities that I was blessed with. Uh, and then saying, how do I, how do I effectively run a business and help people with these leadership skills?

    Um, and. Honestly, that that’s where it started to go was I was listening to, I mean, there’s tons of leadership [00:14:00] stuff out there on YouTube. I mean, enough motivational videos for, you know, a year worth listening to, if you want to go find it, but. You know, for me, it was making sure, or that the people that I had, that I supported that believed in me to lead them.

    I knew what was important to them, because like you said, I’m money motivated as well. That really motivates me. Um, but like my administrative assistant, she, she likes to make money. She needs to make money, but like what motivated her to, she was like, I need my three weeks of vacation. And I was like, cool, that’s fine.

    Like, I know how important that is to her. Um, and being able to spread out, out, out over the, like, everybody has different things, you know, Scott’s a little bit, he’s my brother friend, but like things pop up, um, with his kids or different things like that. And they live in different cities is his, his accent, him and his, he likes to know that.

    As long as he’s open and honest with what’s going [00:15:00] on that I’ll, I’ll make it as possible for him to be able to adapt to whatever changes are. There are in their schedule. And that’s really important to him. Uh, he’s also money, but so those things were things that when we first started, I was like, you know, How, how can we make this advantageous to you guys?

    Um, and I have to follow up on that, like give him a Pat on the back to the people that need it. Um, and you know, motivating, but giving monetary bonuses out to people that are motivated by money, you know, there’s, there’s different things out there. So, um, for me, for me, I’ve started to transform my leadership growth, uh, with my team.

    Um, almost similar to. The way I think of a, of a father. Um, and, and, and it’s, it’s interesting because leading, leading a team in the way that you treat them in the way that you reap the rewards on the back end is very similar to, you know, the way you deal with kids as they grow. It’s a [00:16:00] learning experience.

    I don’t know how, how would your kid,

    Mike: [00:16:03] my son, we just have one and he’s a 13.

    Erik: [00:16:06] Yeah. I mean, I can guarantee you probably. 12 years ago, it was totally different parenting choices then 12 years later.

    Mike: [00:16:14] Yeah, I won’t say what, but just to be clear, we figured nothing out on how to be a better parent,

    Erik: [00:16:20] but

    Mike: [00:16:20] we can try from here.

    We’ve been trying for 13 years.

    Erik: [00:16:23] That’s fair. That’s totally fair. No, honestly, that’s kind of where I’ve gotten with it is that, you know, I have to have almost that same mentality. Obviously it’s a little different when it’s your kid, but the same mentality that I take to fatherhood is trying to Excel and be better.

    Um, it’s the same kind of mentality I take into my business. Um, and I, and I think when you care that much about it, uh, just to grow and be better is, is really what, in my opinion, uh, We’ll eventually make a great leader. You might not be a great leader [00:17:00] right now, but that mentality that you’re willing to do, anything that you can for that those people is what eventually will, will put you

    Mike: [00:17:09] in a position.

    There is a lot of weight just being there, being aware, being present, and really, truly ultimately caring. It goes a long way. Right? I mean, for sure. Yeah.

    Erik: [00:17:18] Without a doubt.

    Mike: [00:17:19] Yeah. Yeah. So let’s talk a little bit about, um, uh, by the way, you don’t make people that work for you call you daddy, do you

    Erik: [00:17:26] know? Oh no, no, no.

    But no, honestly with that, it’s more about that. Uh, you know, leaders eat last mentality, but you know that, that EV everybody, yes. Do you usually, as the owner of the company, you, you make the most money. Okay. In most cases, I mean, there’s, sometimes you’ve got a sales person out there and it’s just crushing it.

    But you know, you usually see in the back end of the profits of how your business, how your business is operating through systems and [00:18:00] processes. But my biggest thing is it’s the same way with my kids. When I sit, you know, the, I don’t make them call me daddy, but Oh, I know, but, but I honestly, uh, That I individually care and listen to them the same way that, you know, it’s, it’s a task for me to, to take time and sometimes listen to what my five year old is upset about.

    It’s frustrating. Like it he’s five, like it, I don’t care about your Nintendo switch. Like go find the charger, but like, To him. It’s a, it’s a big deal. Right. And everybody that supports your business. Yes. You need to take time to figure out what, you know, what makes them tick. What, what, why, why is this situation such a big deal for you when you’re looking at it?

    I get a text that I know the answer in 13 [00:19:00] seconds. Like how do you not know it? And it’s frustrating sometimes, but like, you have to pull your. Your knowledge, your understanding of it, and really focus on that person on why you haven’t either taught them how to be successful with that question and why they’re still coming to it with you, because it’s probably a teaching problem.

    Then you probably didn’t educate them the way they need to be. Right. Or like maybe it’s okay. A personal, emotional situation for them dealing with something that’s going on. And why is it. Causing this much. And it’s the same way I look at my kids because you know, my son gets extremely frustrated with losing my eight year old, nine year old.

    He’s extremely frustrated and it’s a him thing. Like he could go give it his all. And I’m like, Hey man, good, you, you wrestled tough today. You gave it your all, but like, he didn’t win. So like, that’s how he’s motivated by getting his hand raised at the end. So then it’s like, Hey, what do we need the duty?

    Get you. To that, [00:20:00] to that position like that kid’s putting in the off season work that kids do in the extra workouts that kids go into this practice that kid’s doing. That if you want to beat that kid, when you meet him, you gotta, you gotta do that stuff. And it’s the same way. The same way I look at my employees.

    Mike: [00:20:13] I just recorded a video today, by the time people are watching this video, it’ll be several weeks later, but I just put one out today on, um, like, you know, how you win. Right. And I, and I think there’s so many people that, and this has to do with, uh, you know, we’re, we’re kind of, for the past couple of decades, you’ve been in this participation trophy era of like

    Erik: [00:20:32] everybody,

    Mike: [00:20:33] everybody gets a trophy.

    Right. But what, you’re not a winner. Right. And the problem is, is yeah, people, there’s some people that do just enough, just enough to get by just enough to, you know, Not get too fat, whatever it is like just enough to like to do average.

    Erik: [00:20:48] No surprise.

    Mike: [00:20:48] Then they’re surprised when they’re, when they don’t do above average.

    Like, why aren’t, why am I not winning? It’s like, well, you’re just doing enough to get by. So to, to do, to be a winner, you have to do what winners do, right? I mean, you can look at athletes and [00:21:00] entertainers and entrepreneurs. You can look at people, uh, that have a track record of success and just say, do you think they were doing average?

    They were always going above and beyond. That’s why they’re winning. Right? So a hundred percent.

    Erik: [00:21:12] Yeah. All, all the best ones. They, you know, Oh, we talk about that all the time. And actually I have this argument with people all the time. I’m a wrestling coach. Like the, the kids that just do enough are the ones that, you know, you can tell at a very young age, most of the time, like the mentality of some of these kids and then the ones that do that, all that extra work, just because they think that that’s what they need to, to do to succeed.

    Um, you know, at a young age, sometimes athleticism steps in and does some extra stuff. And just like in life, there’s people that have different talents that help them be a little bit successful,

    Mike: [00:21:48] more successful,

    Erik: [00:21:49] but that work ethic on the backside of it is his hands down.

    Mike: [00:21:53] No doubt

    Erik: [00:21:53] is a game changer.

    Mike: [00:21:55] So what, what, what role do you think kind of culture plays in?

    Cause I know you’re, you’re, we’re always [00:22:00] focused on this and I think, uh, It’s not something that I always, you know, that I always thought about in terms of my own business or businesses. I think a lot about it now, like an investor fuel where you’re a member, like you have a very distinguished kind of culture, a hundred percent, like we’re a family.

    We care about each other. We help each other, no BS, like we’re there for one another. Right. And not every business is like that. And my house buying business, which, you know, wasn’t really like that. And some of it’s because we’re just a small team. It’s hard to build. I I’ve always used the excuse. Well, it’s hard to build culture in a small team.

    Uh, cause there’s only a couple people, you know, but sure. That’s not a hundred percent true. It was just a way to not say I don’t have to worry

    Erik: [00:22:37] about that.

    Mike: [00:22:38] What role do you think kind of culture plays in building a team and kind of being a leader?

    Erik: [00:22:43] Sure. No. Uh, I honestly think it’s, it’s almost. One of the most important things to, to operate at a high level.

    And I would say that the culture culture to me starts at the top, [00:23:00] starts at the top and goes to, you know, works its way down the ladder. Um, almost like anything else, in my opinion, it, if you. What you want people to see the culture of the company needs to come out through, through the leader of the company, because those people are going to emulate.

    They, they respond to emotions. They respond, respond to, you know, everything that you do. Um, And the same way that investor fuel, um, has that family mentality where, you know, me, I joined investor fuel, you know, four or five months ago. And I’m sitting here on a podcast with the guy that runs investor fruit.

    You know what I mean? I mean, like, it’s that type of connection where you can have the conversations. Most people are like that, that ladder people are scared to touch it. They feel like a lot of times, you know, the owner of the company doesn’t want to talk to the new guy. Um, you know, and Gary V you know, does it very [00:24:00] well.

    I like watching some of his stuff because like, I, I like when he brings new people in that have been there for three months, like he runs a huge company and he’s like, Hey man, tell me about yourself. Like, tell me about you. Um, and that’s the kind of culture I really try to have, like open and honest, uh, just.

    You know, joking, having fun, we work hard, play hard, hard. Uh, you know, if Mike, if my guys do really well and we have a killer month, like, you know, on the 31st of the month, like, Hey guys, like I got dinner, let’s go invite your significant others. Uh, let’s go have a happy hour. You know, that type of thing where.

    I’m all about celebrating successes. And when you continue to celebrate, you know, even the minor successes, when things do go wrong, it doesn’t feel like you’re just pointing out, like all the bad shit that’s happening. Uh, sorry. Uh, but like, you know, the, the bad stuff, there’s going to be things that pop up.

    But if that’s all you focus on you, everybody’s kinda [00:25:00] just, it changes the way people feel when they go to work. It feels, it changes the way they, when they get up and. Out of bed and they think about what, what they have to do that day. Uh, you know, even just saying thank you and, and making sure that, you know, you’re spending time.

    If someone goes out of their way, that’s something outside of their daily job description, um, and they’re helping you cover it and do it that you’re acknowledging it and recognizing the value there. Um, and, and honestly, I that’s, what has made us successful in my opinion, in the short amount of time, is that.

    We all believe in each other, we all trust each other. We all will hold each other accountable, you know, from my administrator. To an office manager will hold me the owner of the company accountable for something. And she knows that there’s no like backlash to that. Like I’m not going to be mad. I’m going to be like, thank you.

    Like, I probably would’ve forgot that, you know, you know, my weaknesses. So, you know, it’s really important. And I don’t think [00:26:00] we’d be without, without the time. One

    Mike: [00:26:01] thing that changed for us too, as we went through a, like an EOS implementation about three years ago. And at the time it’s not that we didn’t have a culture or we didn’t know.

    What, um, what kind of defines us as a company, but I kind of allowed my team to kind of come in and like, let’s decide these things together, you know? And I think that bringing them in and then truthfully saying like, Hey, once and for all, yeah, no, call me out on stuff or tell me know or call, you know, when we have goals.

    Cause I’m the type it’s like, Hey, these are our goals. Then the next week I’m like, Hey, let’s go do this other thing. And they’re like, Hey, that’s not, that’s not on our list. Right. And then just being able to kind of, honestly, it helps me, um, stay focused too. Cause I sure when we get shiny objects in them sometimes, so it really helped me kind of focus inside of like, this is what we’re doing.

    We all agree. We’re on the same page. Let’s run in that direction. Yeah. W and everybody has a voice. Anybody can say anything to me, and I’ve never like fired anybody or reprimanded [00:27:00] anybody for. Like sure. Telling me that maybe I’m wrong on something, you know? Yeah. In the past, I, you know, I haven’t done that, but I’m like, you know, they say that again.

    They’re gone.

    Erik: [00:27:10] No, I

    Mike: [00:27:11] I’ve grown as a leader. Hey, I need, I need feedback. I need a feedback loop. Like just a hundred percent. I need to listen. I need to listen to right. That

    Erik: [00:27:18] that, and that’s sometimes the toughest thing. Like, uh, I would say one of, one of my biggest challenges was that, is that, you know, yourself, just like you said, like usually when you’ve made those decisions and you feel comfortable and confident in making those decisions, like, you feel like I wouldn’t say it if I wasn’t, right.

    Like I wouldn’t bring it to, you know, like what you’re pitching it, because you feel, you believe in your pitch. Um, and you know, the struggle for me is that like, maybe I’m just. Maybe I’m just absolutely wrong. And I’m pitching and being able to have people that are there, you know what, like, I don’t, I hear you, but I don’t, I think that that’s the best way [00:28:00] that we could do this.

    And, you know, as a leader to sit back and be like, tell me why and listen to what that is. I mean, it’s, it’s one of my biggest hurdles, but also, you know, something that I’ve. Also see all the time and I work on because you know, there’s so many people that are smarter than me and so many different things.

    So like why wouldn’t their opinions be just as valid.

    Mike: [00:28:24] Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Awesome buddy. Well, you, like you said, you joined investor fuel a few months back. Um, can you, would you mind sharing just your, your impression of the group so far, uh, of being a member.

    Erik: [00:28:37] Oh, definitely. No. I mean, I’ve, I’ve been to one, one meetup and it was actually a.

    About half the size of house. Assume what it usually is. Coby has been, uh, a little bit painful, but you know, we had people online, but honestly the meetups are great. I love networking. I love meeting people, you know, all around the country that are doing different things. Um, but all in all, like just the [00:29:00] access to so many people that are doing it at a high level, um, in all different categories, you know, everybody has.

    You know, they’re they’re little niches, but like a lot of times people have all, a lot of people in real estate investing have taken a similar path. You know, I started here, I started wholesale and I started flipping houses. Then I started like, multi-units now I’m in the commercial, whatever it is, it’s usually the money goes up as you get there, but everybody’s in there.

    Some people just plan on staying where they’re at, they found a good niche. And, but the feedback and the interaction interaction between the group, I mean, yeah. I can’t tell you how many things, just in the short amount of time that we’ve had, I’ve communicated with different people in the group, um, for, for guidance or, or talk to people.

    You know, we had somebody that was worried about, uh, how to get, um, a flood cert the other day. That was, it was in the group and I, you know, walked them through that. Cause that’s something that we, we deal with Pennsylvania is a real weird place. It’s like mountains and then, you know, valleys the next, [00:30:00] you know, next, next town over.

    So, uh, things that we need to deal with, but yeah, The, the intelligence and the work ethic and the mindset and the, the willingness to be humble enough to grow and learn from other people. And even if you’re at the pinnacle of where your success is so far in your career, almost everybody there is, is willing to still learn.

    You know, there’s been guys that have been doing it for, for a year, and there’s been guys that have been doing it for, you know, 30 years. Um, and everybody is willing to say, Hey, you know, I’m willing to help you. I’m willing to learn from you. And. I’m willing to be available for you. Um, even though they’re not the ones getting paid, you know what I mean?

    They’re, they’re just part of, they’re paying to be part of a group and they’re giving of their time, which is just like, when you think about that, they can be doing tons of other stuff. They’ve already [00:31:00] paid their they’re hoping to get information by paying. Like, that’s the goal of most people, but really it’s, it’s not even about that because everybody gives everybody’s a giver.

    Every man is going to. These three months, my two new acquisitions agents, the growth of my company, my marketing. So I’ve left there, um, to get back on here in 12 months and tell you how investor fuel has changed. My changed my business, because I can almost guarantee you we’ll be looking at a whole different, different setup in 12 months.

    And a lot of it will just be surrounded by the people that are, that are involved.

    Mike: [00:31:34] That’s awesome, man. That’s amazing. Thank you for sharing that. Yeah. And I think, you know, the giving thing that you said, one of the things that’s really great about our group is people give a lot and I think it’s usually because they’ve been given a lot.

    Right. And so it’s kinda like with, you know, when you’re a part of this group, you w the way we look at it is you have a great risk of responsibility to give, because you’re going to get so much in return. And we don’t, we say that we don’t like. You know, harp on it. But I think a lot of people come, especially when they’re new to the group, they’ll come in, [00:32:00] this has happened.

    Many times people are going to present, they’re gonna do their hot seat presentation.

    Erik: [00:32:03] And they’re like, Hey, can I change

    Mike: [00:32:04] some of my gifts? Because I feel like I need to step it up. Right. And so, um, and it’s just this reciprocal, like. I give a lot and I get a lot and I’m constantly giving and whenever I need something, those resources are there for me, whether it’s other good members of the group, whether it’s coming to me, your sense in or whatever, like we all, or even if it’s like, we’ll take you outside of the group and say, Hey, they’re not a member of the group, but I know these people that can help you with your problem.

    Right. And it’s just, just this amazing kind of library of information and resources that, uh, just kind of help each other, wherever, wherever any members needed at. Right. So.

    Erik: [00:32:38] A hundred percent. And every conversation you’re thinking about as a real estate, luster has either happened or is going to happen in that phase a group.

    So like, you know, having access to that, like there’s questions that people get asked and I’ll see Stinson go on there and tag tag a conversation from a year ago and be like, Hey, look at this. You know, so there it [00:33:00] is. It’s a, it’s a never ending library information and, uh, people that are always willing to give their time and.

    Uh, reach out and help you.

    Mike: [00:33:09] I appreciate that, buddy. So tell me, uh, if folks wanted to connect with you, just say real fast, where are you? Where are you operate at? Just to people kind of give some context and then how do folks, um, connect with you one way or another? You’ve got a podcast and what else, what else can they go to find you?

    Erik: [00:33:23] Sure. No, definitely. Um, so I operate in central and South central, uh, you know, a lot of people that don’t know Pennsylvania, they all all know Hershey park. Um, so, you know, in that about anywhere within about 45 minutes to an hour, uh, the sweetest place on earth, uh, is, is, is, is, is where, you know, I’m at, I go home.

    A little bit in Maryland, in Northern Maryland, but most of it is Lancaster York Adams, Cumberland dolphin, uh, and Lebanon County is where I do most of my business. Um, and if you are, [00:34:00] if you’re to learn about real estate, if you’re, if you have questions about it, please, please. We asked tune into our podcast.

    It’s on Spotify and iTunes, uh, coffee and cash deals. Uh, we are usually live, um, except for yesterday we had a hiccup, but, uh, you know, um, we are usually live at, at 9:00 AM Eastern time. Um, and, and we field live questions on there and really just have people that we’re hoping, just bring. Bring you more information and help you with your challenges that you’re dealing with?

    Uh, it’s really not just a real estate show. We have other business owners and entrepreneurs on there, just dealing with the struggles and challenges that go along with that roller coaster ride. And then you can always reach out to me on Facebook, Eric J Latshaw. Um, and then you can also. Uh, find me on Instagram at Eric Latchell.

    Uh, so guys, please don’t hesitate to reach out at any questions, anything like that. And obviously if you have something to buy or sell in the area, don’t, [00:35:00] don’t mind throwing them my way. I JV on deals with God, with if you’re beginning investor as well. So, uh, I’ll do anything I can do to help.

    Mike: [00:35:07] Awesome, buddy.

    Thanks. Thanks for sharing your story today and sharing some, uh, some tips and some nuggets on, on leadership there. I think a lot of. Real estate investors are on their journey of kind of growing their business. Right. And so I think all of these things help

    Erik: [00:35:19] definitely, man. And I appreciate you having me on excited to have you on our show as well.

    And, um, I love talking about the group. So anytime you need a plug on an investor, um, I’m here, I’m here to talk about it cause it’s cool. It’s definitely changing my life.

    Mike: [00:35:34] Awesome. Awesome. I appreciate that. And everybody, thanks for joining us. I hope you got some good value out of the show. If you haven’t yet subscribed to us on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, wherever you might be watching or listening right now, we’d love it.

    If you do that, of course, you can find all of our shows by going to investor If you want to learn more about investor fuel, you can also go to investor and schedule a call with us to see if you might be a fit for our amazing group. So appreciate you a ton. We’ll see you on the next show.

    [00:36:00] Erik: [00:35:59] Are you an


    Mike: [00:36:01] real estate investor? If so, and you want to latch onto the power of surrounding yourself with over a hundred of the nation’s leading real estate investors,

    Erik: [00:36:09] all committed

    Mike: [00:36:10] to building stronger businesses

    Erik: [00:36:12] and living a

    Mike: [00:36:13] richer fuller lives. You should jump on a call with us to learn more about investor fuel, simply visit investor fuel.

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