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What’s up, everybody?! I’m excited to have my buddy Preston Letts here with us today! He’s a member of the Investor Fuel Mastermind and he builtĀ a very large property management company, sold it off, recreated himself, and failed a lot along the way. That’s what we are going to talk about today! Failures are stepping stones on your way to success.

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[00:00:00] Mike: [00:00:00] Hey everybody. Welcome back to the show. Excited to have my buddy press and let’s hear where the study is. A member of investor fuel. He also built up a large, very large property management company and sold it off recreated himself, failed a lot along the way. That’s what we’re to talk about today is kind of feeling your way.

Forward to success. Failures are just a stepping stone on your way to success.

Professional real estate investors know that it’s not really about the real estate backed real estate is just a vehicle of freedom. A group of over a hundred of a nation’s leading real estate investors from across the country meets several times a year at the investor fuel real estate mastermind to share ideas on how to strengthen each other’s businesses.

It all starts to come together as friends and build more fulfilling lives or all of those around us on today’s show. We’re going to continue our conversation of fueling our businesses and our lives. I’m glad you’re here.

[00:01:00] Hey, Preston. Welcome to the show.

Preston: [00:01:09] Okay. Hello, Mike. Thanks for having me.

Mike: [00:01:11] Good to see you, buddy. So, um, I’m excited to talk about this today. We talk about this all the time. I think that’s one of the beauties of our mastermind and getting around a lot of people that have had. Varying levels of success. As you start to become, uh, your skin toughens up, you’ve got some more wounds and all those are really lessons to help make you better, uh, in the future.

And so that’s a great topic. I’m excited to talk about it with

Preston: [00:01:35] you today. I’m looking forward to it. Yeah.

Mike: [00:01:38] Yeah. So tell us a little about your background. How did you, how did you get into real estate, which was really a lot of property management to begin with, right?

Preston: [00:01:47] It was, um, so first thing I always started is nobody gets into property that, you know, very few kids, uh, when they’re little, um, you know, when they’re talking about what they want to do, um, very few kids, if any, ever say, well, I want to grow [00:02:00] up and be a property manager.

So most people fall into property management, some way shape or form. Um, I was, mine was, uh, I owned a business. Um, I was in financial services, owned it with a couple partners and, uh, you know, the partner thing, um, was working out great. Um, and one of the partners was my father. And so, uh, uh, when we had kind of, we started as four partners when we, my father and I finally fired off.

You know, to have the Ford, it was just me and him. I was kind of like, you know what, I, I love my father and love working with them, but I was kind of just itching to want to get into and do something else. And so, uh, kind of give the business to him and let him take over and run it. And I got into real estate kind of real estate, really, um, more on the kind of the brokerage side and, um, wanting to sell, you know, work with clients and helping them buy.

Uh, cashflow producing properties that was kind of, you know, something that I had been doing for awhile [00:03:00] at that time and something that I had led interest in. So got into that and then, uh, started my real estate business in 2006, which is perfect timing, uh, based on the market. Uh, I got into it, had a great first year and then, you know, really the market crashed.

And so really the next. Few years, we’re just all about figuring out a way to survive and, you know, just, just coming up with different ideas, ways to generate revenue. And, and as we were going, and I was working with clients, um, and helping them buy property, they, you know, they. Uh, one of them came to me and said, that was probably too far away from where I live.

Would you mind managing it? And I was like, yeah, sure. I’ll do that. I had no idea what I was going to do. No idea how it was going to work, but I was like, yeah, absolutely. You know that $50 a month and you’re going to pay me. Sounds like a great idea. I’m glad they do that. And so, uh, then my thought was, well, gosh, if I’m going to sell people property, why don’t I just sell it as a package deal, I’ll help them buy a property.

That’s cashflow, producing properties, single family homes, duplexes, four units, [00:04:00] six units, and then I’ll just offer to manage it. So I did that first few years and we literally started off, we were tracking rental income by spreadsheets, not the amounts if it came in, but just check. Yes, that came in. Um, and then if somebody, he didn’t pay the full amount of rent that month, it really screwed up our system.

So we realized we needed to quickly change. Um, And so, uh, did that for kind of a couple more years and then realized that the brokerage side of business really wasn’t, you know, just wasn’t working for us. And I, you know, realized if I was going to really grow a business, I needed to focus on more of the property management side.

So we had about 150 doors. That was probably about 2011, probably had about 150 doors through managing and. Between 2011, 2017, grew up to 1500 doors and sold it to what is now. They just made a big acquisition. What is now the largest single-family or really, you know, private third party, property management company in the country.


Mike: [00:04:57] Awesome. Awesome. So, um, it’s interesting. [00:05:00] So the property management, do you think you, you saw some parallels with whatever you were doing on the financial management side? I mean, it’s kind of client management, financial management, a lot of people that are, you’re a property manager for it, it’s an investment for them.

So were there a lot of parallels in what were, what you were doing before you got into real

Preston: [00:05:16] estate? There was just the overall general dynamics. It’s, you know, you know, you’re working to obviously go out and get and obtain a client. And then, you know, that’s a business where there’s a heavy client service side.

It’s not like you’re, you know, they’ll do business with a client, then you’re moving on. It’s, you know, obtain a client service the heck out of them. Try to keep them around as long as possible. And, you know, just kind of adding, adding layers of clients on top of that.

Mike: [00:05:41] Yup. Yup. So along the way, and you said you were managing this stuff in spreadsheets, even us in our business.

When we first, we started in 2008. Yeah, all investing, but you know, back then there weren’t, there were not investor CRMs. There were no apps. There were no apps for real estate. I mean, there were, there was nothing, right? So [00:06:00] we’re all using spreadsheets or some other CRM that we’re kind of bastardized to fit our use case and stuff like that.

And throughout all those things you learn and you grow. Right. I think that’s, I think a lot of people that are watching us today are probably real estate investors and some successful ones, for sure. But as an entrepreneur, You know, nobody wants to fail, but we view it as more of like, it’s like Fe it’s like, what is this?

What do they say

Preston: [00:06:24] when

Mike: [00:06:25] or learn? Right. So when you fail, it’s a, it’s a learning opportunity of how to do it better or differently. Right.

Preston: [00:06:32] Oh, absolutely. And it definitely is. And you take even just something simple as is, you know, your system for tracking rent or your system for whatever is, um, it’s funny.

When I first started in business, I’d get really upset and take it really, you know, really hard on myself if you know, my business failed in some aspect, and that could be losing a client or, you know, not doing something the right the right way. And then after just a lot of. You know, a lot of reading and just [00:07:00] talking to other people quickly realized that, you know, the minute that I feel like the minute that my real career catapulted forward was the minute I looked at those failures as that’s an opportunity to learn, and that’s not true to get better.

And, um, and, and taking time. Throughout the month and week to look at those failures and go, okay, what did we do wrong? And how do we fix that? And what systems should we tweak as a result of that? Or how do we need to take that and get better? Um, my, my staff hated it, but every time we lost a client, we would do a, you know, we had a weekly call that would go over.

Why do we lose them? What did we do wrong? What? And basically we really analyzed it really deep to figure out. What do we need to do better as an organization? And I feel like a lot of people, and I know some of those, um, just, you know, just businesses, they look at that as well. It’s the client’s fault, or, you know, they don’t run a really analyze the business.

And what made us more successful as we went was just [00:08:00] analyzing those failures as, Hey, we got to take this as a learning opportunity. We got to get better as result.

Mike: [00:08:04] Yeah. Yeah. I think one of the things that we do as entrepreneurs and you’ve been in the business for a long time, and this is why so many people fail when they’re newbies, because.

They are overthinking. Well, what happens if I fail and we know I’m going to fail lunch, so let’s just get this, let’s get this lesson over with, you know, I mean, failure is part of it’s, like I said, it’s a stepping stone to success, right. Or on your way there. And so once you’re not afraid to fail anymore, it really opens up a lot of opportunities.

We can run into something head on, instead of thinking about, well, what if something goes wrong because we know something’s going to go wrong and let’s just, we just don’t know exactly what it’s going to be yet.

Preston: [00:08:39] Right. Oh, absolutely. It’s so funny because my philosophy now is I want to fail as fast as I possibly can.

And, and you know what, I’m, I’m kind of on my, you know, really this is my third business that I started out. I started two businesses and technically sold two. And so this is my third one, and now my whole philosophy and everything is how fast can [00:09:00] I fail at this? And how and how. How can I try as many things?

How many, how can I use fail as you know, or succeed at those? And then use that as kind of our pathway to, okay, this is how we’re going to do this moving forward. And I actually get frustrated when we’re not failing. It sounds really stupid, but I actually get frustrated when, you know, if we’re not trying enough things or, you know, things tend to be kind of moving along and kind of cope.

Aesthetically is okay. Well, you know, Th the all of business and all of success comes from, you know, trying something, figuring out it doesn’t work and be like, okay, let’s not do that anymore. Let’s try it like this, keep moving.

Mike: [00:09:36] Yeah. And then, and then sometimes, obviously some great lessons to learn from are modeling other people or whatever.

And so we talked about this a little bit upfront. I know that sometimes, uh, I used to, I’m an idea guy. I have a lot of ideas, but the reality is, is I try to keep my ideas high level. Then I’m like, let me find somebody else that’s doing what I want to do. And just kind of model them or, um, you know, uh, learn from their [00:10:00] mistakes.

Cause clearly, uh, that’s one of the benefits you get to being a part of a mastermind is you can learn from other people’s mistakes too, right? Like what worked, what didn’t work. Oh, this guy, you know, I talked to somebody and he said, yeah, never do that. That was a terrible idea why I should, I was about to do it.

I’m glad I had that. So talk a little about kind of, you know, modeling other people or other software that’s out there that works without always having to kind of recreate the wheel and how that’s had an impact on your business so far.

Preston: [00:10:24] So to be honest with you, it’s is. The, the two biggest things that I would equate to building a business and selling it for, you know, very high, multiple, you know, especially in that industry and, and, and is, would be, you know, failing my way to success.

But then also is not having the mindset of, you know, that I want to be the, the creator or having a pride of authorship. I have zero pride of authorship. My whole goal is I’m a Hunter. I’m out finding. What works best, um, finding out who’s successful and what they’re doing, and then trying to [00:11:00] swipe and deploy as much of what they’re doing into my own business.

Um, and that really probably be, you know, you know, 50 50 along with the failure component is, is the best ways to grow a great example. I’ve use it. This is, you know, my property management business. I built that business by there. Wasn’t. Unfortunately, there is no investor fuel for the property management world.

Um, there’s some associations and things like that, but there’s nowhere where you can really go and freely, openly talk to people that are being success are successful, how they’re running their business, you know, how they’re structured, et cetera. So I would go to the association meetings and literally just.

Grab somebody pull them aside. Hey, how are you doing this? And just take feverish notes and just take all of that. Bring it back to my business and implement it when I’ve, you know, in changing businesses and now really focusing more on the investing side. The first thing I did the minute that I realized this is a business that I wanted to pursue.

As I started looking [00:12:00] at what are all the different ways and opportunities where I can get information, uh, masterminds classes, I call myself an information junkie is where can I find that? And, um, I was really fortunate, uh, to, to actually stumble on investor fuel and. You know, basically the first, my first investor fuel my wife and I had basically flipped a couple of houses and I was like, yeah, this is a business I want to do.

And I’m there. And I’m hearing people talk about wholesaling and all these, you know, just different things and how they’re running their businesses and I’m sitting there. And, um, you know, I was the biggest newbie in the room by far. But it was great because it helped me to, you know, basically take that, you know, in a year from really doing no business to actually having a legitimate business that’s producing revenue, you know, and, and at a pretty good level.

And, and, but. You know, it all starts with just having that mindset of go and find a person that’s doing what you’re doing and just try to get as much information from [00:13:00] them and, and, you know, do it on your own. Yeah.

Mike: [00:13:02] And clearly you had a ton of real estate experience. It was just a different kind of parallel, right?

It was.

Preston: [00:13:08] Yeah, I do. But it’s also one of those things. So I take that, I know individuals that, and I could name a few of some good friends. That would say, well, look, I’ve already had success and kind of, you know, take their ego and go, well, I’m, you know, I’m smart enough to go and figure this out. I have zero ego when it comes to business.

I think I’m the dumbest person in the room. I’m definitely the dumbest person on this call. And, uh, it’s one of those things where I’m going to look for the smartest person in the room. I don’t talk, I just ask questions and, and just do as much as I can to. Um, and so, you know, and it, it does take a little bit swallowing your ego because you’re talking to individuals that are brand new in business, or they’ve been in business for a couple of years, then just might be in the area that you want to be in.

And, you know, um, uh, you know, I can look and go, well, I’m generally overall much more successful, [00:14:00] but they’re a heck of a lot more successful in, in the area that I want to be in the area that I need to learn. And. I need to just absorb all of that knowledge and, and, you know, be able to take it and move forward with it.


Mike: [00:14:12] Yeah. It’s just, it’s just, I was, I was talking to somebody a couple of days ago about it’s a coaching program that I’m thinking of buying that’s in the marketing space and, you know, Um, when I was talking to the guy, I think I even said it out loud was like, look, I, I’m not afraid to buy my way up the learning curve.

Like I know I could figure it out. Like I’m resilient, I’ll figure stuff out, but it’s like, how do I figure this out in like a month? Through learning it from somebody else versus a year of my own time. And that opportunity costs loss of not doing it right. For however long it takes for me to figure it out is, is expensive.

That’s, that’s the most expensive ways to do it wrong for

Preston: [00:14:49] a while, you know? Oh, absolutely. Yeah.

Mike: [00:14:53] Yup. So talk about, um, you know, I think one of the, you sold your property management company kind of starting over in a lot of [00:15:00] ways. Um, and I think one of the. Beauties of a lot of people that are in our mastermind or not a lot of people are selling their companies or even have, but it’s this, I think a lot of people, they have sometimes what they’re about newbies, newer people kind of fail because they’re afraid of failure.

But I think there’s also this fear of like, well, what if I have to start over? Like, what do I have to go back to a job? Or what if I have to do something else that I think after you built a business up. Uh, and you operate a certain level. You get confidence from being around the right people. You’re not afraid to start over whatever that means.

If it means selling a

Preston: [00:15:35] business and starting a new one,

Mike: [00:15:37] or it means losing everything and fighting your way back or whatever it might be.

Preston: [00:15:40] It’s this kind

Mike: [00:15:41] of idea of look, if I had to start all over again, I know that I can get back to where I was in a small fraction of the time that I did at the first time, because I have the blueprint now.


Preston: [00:15:54] Oh, you know, it’s funny. I. I would love, I have this a great idea for a reality show and [00:16:00] it’s to take a super high level successful person. Um, and I, I used to use this example to people I’m like take Donald Trump, stripped him of all of his contacts, all of his money. Uh, I used to say this, you know, 10 years ago when he wasn’t president, but take him, drop him in the middle of nowhere.

And I can assure you that he’s going to build a business or be able to replicate or recreate himself. And, um, And, and I think a lot of that comes back to, you know, businesses, a lot of just figuring out how to do things, what to do, what not to do. Um, You know, I’ve always been an information junkie, been, you know, involved in masterminds and, and read a lot and all that.

And a lot of it is I’ve always viewed it as I’m making, you know, my business was really an extension of me, the better of a business person. I was the better my business is going to be. Um, and subsequently, you know, the worst of a manager, I am, you know, the, you know, the more my business is going to struggle in certain areas, you [00:17:00] know, et cetera.

And so I’ve always used that as kind of my. My goal when I’m looking for information or when I’m learning is it’s just building me, which then my business is really a reflection of me. And so like even now, and starting over, I knew I would have success, you know, as long as I didn’t go and jump into an area that I, I really couldn’t take my skills and transfer them to.

I knew if I stayed somewhere within that. I would be able to recreate success because I’m just doing this, you know, I’m really just transferring skills into another area. And I also think a lot of that comes too with just time, you know, there’s a lot of confidence that comes from that. Um, but no, my philosophy in starting, this was, well, I’ve done this before.

I can do it again. Um, and I can do it even better. I can do it faster. And so when you take the idea of like, well, no, you lost everything. No, I know. I would be able to. Um, definitely be able to rebuild and recreate and, and that’s a lot of what I’m doing. I’m [00:18:00] starting from, you know, I had a good business, a really good income sold your income stops, and now it’s like, okay, figure out a way to generate income to live on.

So. It’s um, you know, we’re, we’re doing that again and it’s definitely not without challenges and frustrations, but, um, I can definitely see, you know, every day that goes by, we’re just one step closer to getting to our goal and, and things are moving much quicker now than they, you know, they did, you know, uh, before.

Mike: [00:18:28] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Some of that is because we probably wouldn’t have your last business on some level, you get a little comfortable. Right.

Preston: [00:18:33] And now,

Mike: [00:18:34] now you’ve got to, you got to build it back up. So you’re like, you don’t have the luxury of. Time, because you’re trying to, you know, build it back up to where you were beyond.


Preston: [00:18:44] well, no, and that’s the funny thing. I was probably the most miserable I’d ever been as a person. The, when I sold my business, I had to work for them for three years. And really the last two years I was just absolutely miserable because I was totally complacent. [00:19:00] Um, Uh, I was getting a paycheck which showed up every month and, you know, it’s never different because you know, this was good or bad.

It was, it was a really challenging time for me. Um, it was the time where I was, you know, sick financially the best off I’d ever been, but I, it was also, I. My just, just overall happiness and my wanting to jump out of bed and attack and attack work wasn’t there. And I was miserable. I hated it and had to get out.

And I’m the worst employee. There is. My former boss can tell you that. Um, because, um, you know, I want to attack stuff. I want to get up and go. And the idea of being patient all, let’s worry about that six months. That’s just not me. It’s like, no, let’s go. Let’s get after it. And, uh, um, Yeah, that’s the one thing I’m really enjoying is I feel like it’s kind of my second career and, you know, definitely enjoy, enjoy starting over sometimes can be tough because you’re like, Oh, I didn’t use to have to deal with this.

I actually have to, you know, do administrative stuff. That’s really, you know, not that [00:20:00] I don’t enjoy it and like it, and, but I also know that it’s, you know, it’s just a part of,

Mike: [00:20:06] but you’ve got effectively like creative control, you know, like you can determine your fate, your destiny. And somebody said, instead of somebody saying.

Here’s a list of tasks I need you to do, right?

Preston: [00:20:15] Yes. Yeah, absolutely.

Mike: [00:20:17] Yeah, I’ll talk a little bit about kind of bolting on, cause I know you, you, you, you, uh, soldier company had to work there, started doing some real estate investing. And then I know you’ve kind of seen, cause now you’re starting another property management company.

Preston: [00:20:30] You can kind of seeing,

Mike: [00:20:32] uh, like how, how they compliment each other. And there’s a lot of people in this industry that. Our property managers and investors there, they own brokerage and their investor, they play a few different roles, but a lot of these businesses can compliment each other. Well. Right. So talk about the value of if we’re talking to start right now, that’s like a broker, but not really an investor or even a property

Preston: [00:20:51] manager

Mike: [00:20:52] and not really doing much investing just how some of those things compliment each other and kind of how you think about those things.

Preston: [00:20:58] Well, [00:21:00] what I really look at right now is synergy is where is there synergy in a business and, um, You know, I, I look back now as I analyze, you know, my, you know, my former businesses and, and business, and one of the things that I kicked myself for the most. Was not finding really synergistic, you know, really good synergies that I could have plugged into or additional revenue streams that I could have easily added on with not much additional time, energy, et cetera.

And so. As I’m building our business and, and my, you know, kind of long-term vision for it is, is, you know, some people call it vertical is my goal is to be as vertically integrated or as synergistic as possible. And, and, and using that, whether it’s increasing just overall net profitability or being able to buy or, or.

You know, have an infrastructure as a result of it. My whole goal and reason for [00:22:00] having a property management company is no more than it allows me to build an infrastructure that other investors like myself wouldn’t be able to do because of just the, the cashflow dynamics, the, the structure of, of, you know, the real estate investing business, et cetera.

It’s just not really, you know, not really there in my eyes. So to me, it’s, it’s, you know, That infrastructure allows me to step more and more away from the business allows me to spend more time on the, really the higher producing activities, whether it’s raising capital or working on our marketing, et cetera, and getting out of the day-to-day weeds and, and just the, you know, the, the kind of stuff that is integral to the business, but also, you know, just takes up a lot of time.

And so. Really to me, it comes down to, is there synergy, is there some synergistic way where there’s a, you know, Hey, we’ve got this current operation. If we just add this position or add this additional role, uh, et cetera, it all stays [00:23:00] within the same, you know, just all stays within the same business. I’m not, you know, recreating the wheel.

I’m not adding, you know, something that’s going to take a lot of time and energy or our thoughts or focus off. Um, and I also think that. I think the one thing COVID has taught everyone. Is two things. Number one, you always have to be in a really good financial position. Uh, you know, the people that are going to get through COVID and do well are going to get through because they’ve either got a really good brand.

They built a really good business. It’s on sound principles, it’s got good foundation and they’ve got a lot of cash and they’ve been smart and, and, and, you know, socked away a lot of cash. And, um, and I think that. Adding those synergies onto business allows for, um, you know, allows for additional stability that would not be there.

Um, if, uh, if not put on.

Mike: [00:23:53] Yup. Yup. Awesome. Well, Hey Preston, you, you talked a little bit about, we talked a little bit about investor fuel throughout. You’re a member of the master fuel group. You [00:24:00] joined a little over a year ago. You were San Diego. Was that your first? Uh,

Preston: [00:24:03] it was

Mike: [00:24:04] okay. So that was like last summer, I guess.

So a year and a half ago or so, but would you mind just kind of sharing a little bit of a testimonial for investor fuel, how it’s kind of impacted you so far?

Preston: [00:24:13] Absolutely. So I’ll say a few things. Number one is, is the information share and the, the willingness for all of the other individuals to openly want to share openly, want to give information, um, you know, are generally concerned about, um, you know, others, businesses, um, same thing for you.

Uh, Mike and, and Stenson. I mean, you know, you guys have always been. So gracious with your time and, you know, just being willing to talk through scenarios and, and help. Um, that’s been incredible. I’ve been a far of, a lot of masterminds and, you know, a lot of them tend to feel like people are just there, um, in terms of what can I get out of this and what can I take away?

And most entrepreneurs want to [00:25:00] just talk and love talking about their business and how smart they are. Um, what I love about investor fuel is. There’s a lot of people that love to listen and, you know, and are very open and, and, you know, interested in offering great advice. Um, I’ve got, you know, I probably name, you know, 10 people that I’ve, you know, connections I’ve made over the last year.

That I can pick up the phone at 10 or 11 o’clock at night and be like, Hey, I’ve got a real big problem. Can you help me with it? And they would absolutely do it. Um, which that’d be really, the second thing that I think is fantastic about investor fuel. And I think a lot of it starts with you is, um, the relationships that are built out of that are tremendous.

Um, you know, you are a very, you know, you’re a relationship guy and, you know, it’s one of those things where, um, You know, I’ve been a part of other groups where it just feels like somebody is just there to happy to have you as a client. And that’s, it is the general caringness, um, we’ve made great friends out of it.

I mean, friends [00:26:00] that we’ll have, you know, if, if investor fuel was gone tomorrow, which definitely hope, you know, and would be, you know, devastated. It was, but friends that we would have, you know, for the rest of our life, um, and just great people. And so it’s a very unique group in the sense of when you take into account the willingness to share the information, the tremendous knowledge, there’s some.

I was blown away. Um, I kind of went in with an ego and was like, yeah, you know, I’m, I kind of know what I’m doing, you know, I get kind of caught up and then, you know, after a year I’m like, God, I’m really stupid. Like, I don’t know, you know, a fraction of what, you know, others there do. And so that information and what it’s done for our businesses tremendous, but then also the, um, the relationship we built, um, has been just phenomenal.

And so it’s one thing I knew. It’s like, it’s the most important. To me, it’s the most important build that goes out the door every month, because it’s our investment in, you know, having a great business, a great life, et cetera.

Mike: [00:26:56] Awesome, man. I appreciate that. Appreciate all kind of where all the kind of words.

So, [00:27:00] um, and you know, one of the things that you said is, uh, that everybody there is a giver and, and open to sharing, and the truth is, is they wouldn’t be that way necessarily if you weren’t that way. So thanks for being a great member and always being able to share your knowledge too. So awesome. And so, Hey, if folks want to, if folks want to connect with you in any way, uh, what’s the best way for them to reach

Preston: [00:27:20] out.

Uh, Facebook’s easiest way. Uh I’m I’m uh, just, you know, Preston lets on Facebook, um, and uh, happy to reach out, happy to connect. Um, and uh, I love talking business. I love talking, you know, growing businesses and, and uh, um, you know, definitely not the smartest person when it comes to business, but you know, happy to help in any way I can.

Mike: [00:27:43] I appreciate that. We’ll we’ll uh, we’ll, uh, add a link down below in the show notes for, uh, your Facebook Academy and wants to check you out. So thanks so much for sharing your time with us today. Sharing your story.

Preston: [00:27:52] Absolutely. I appreciate it. Looking forward to

Mike: [00:27:54] seeing you next week at investor fuel, actually coming

Preston: [00:27:56] up.


Mike: [00:27:58] Thanks for joining us for today’s show. Hope you got some good [00:28:00] value here at the end of the day. Uh, you know, don’t be afraid to fail that fear. It’s just a, it’s just a stepping stone on your way to success. It’s actually part of the process. There’s no way that you can get to any level of.

Sustainable success without failing a bunch of times. And that’s okay. So hope you got some good value. We’ll see you on the next show.

Preston: [00:28:22] Are

Mike: [00:28:22] you an

Preston: [00:28:22] active real estate investor?

Mike: [00:28:24] If so, and you want to latch onto the power of surrounding yourself with over a hundred of the nation’s

Preston: [00:28:30] leading

Mike: [00:28:30] real estate investors. All committed to building stronger businesses and living a richer fuller lives. You should jump on a call with us to learn more about investor fuel.

Simply visit investor to get started. [00:29:00] .


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