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Hey, welcome back to the show! I’m here with my good buddy, Brandon Smith, and today, we are going to talk about cash flow. Brandon has been big on cash flow for a long time and what his model is turning his rentals into owner finance. He’s trying to owner finance more and more because at the end of the day ,you can only go so far with wholesaling and rehabbing. If you want to get paid forever, you have to do more of what we are going to talk about today. Let’s get started!

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    [00:00:00] Mike: [00:00:00] Hey everybody. Welcome back to the show today. I’m here with my good buddy, Brandon Smith down the road a little, but I’m in Dallas. He’s in Houston. Um, that’s a Texas joke by the way. He’s a little bit further than down the road, but, um, today we’re gonna talk about cashflow and brain has been big on cashflow for a long time.

    I am. If you’re not, you should be. And, uh, there’s a lot of, uh, what brain’s doing in his model is it’s kind of. Turning his rentals into owner finance and trying to own a finance more and more because at the end of the day, you can only go so far with wholesaling and rehabbing. If you want to get paid forever, you got to do more of what we’re going to talk about today.

    Professional real estate investors know that it’s not really about the real estate. That real estate is just a vehicle to freedom. A group of over a hundred of a nation’s leading real estate investors from across the country, several times a year at the investor fuel. You want Steve mastermind to share ideas on how to strengthen each other’s businesses, but also to come together as [00:01:00] friends.

    And builds more fulfilling lives for all of those around us on today’s show, we’re going to continue our conversation of fueling our businesses and our lives. I’m glad you’re here.

    Hey, Brandon. Welcome to show.

    Brandon: [00:01:20] Hey Mike. Thanks for having me here and appreciate the invite.

    Mike: [00:01:24] Of course. Good to see ya. And, uh, so I’m excited to talk about this because you know, You and I have both made a lot of money. We could have never done it without wholesaling and rehabbing. And we obviously still do those things too.

    But I think a lot of real estate investors, if they’re not keeping rentals or they’re not owner financing, or they’re not doing something to kind of create recurring revenue, they look back and wish they had. Right. And I’m sure you look back and even say, you know, I kept this many rentals, but I wish I would have kept like five times that or right.

    But, uh, you know, hindsight is 2020, right?

    Brandon: [00:01:56] Yeah, no, absolutely. I mean, you and I kind of got started at the [00:02:00] same time there and Oh, nine, 2010. When, you know, we probably all wish we had more capital and more houses to buy in certain areas of our city. Know, now those housing prices have at least doubled, probably tripled in those houses.

    We could have bought we know back then, for sure. Yeah.

    Mike: [00:02:16] Yeah. It’s crazy. If you look back, uh, like, Oh eight Oh nine, 2010, probably even up to 2012 where I’m at in Dallas and a lot of markets around the country, but you could have probably bought, I mean, there were a lot of houses available under a hundred K at that point, right there.

    Those are much harder to find now, but back then, you could have probably bought. A hundred houses a month straight off the MLS paid full retail price. And you look like a freaking genius right now, but then you were like, who does that? You know, why would anybody do

    Brandon: [00:02:42] that? But yeah, I mean, that’s how we initially got started.

    It was MLS REO and in Oh nine, I mean, I remember going to the North side of KT, which is, you know, Katy, Texas. Yeah. Oh, the North side is a good suburb, lots of brick houses, good working class folks and knocking on doors and [00:03:00] offering, you know, 54,000 and they owed 56 and we walked away from the deal and I went two houses down.

    They made the same offer and got that house, you know, back then there was really no sales pitch or acquisitions pitch. It was. Hey, could, can you help me out? Can you get me out of this situation and you either had the money or you didn’t back then, you know, and, um, yeah, I’m still kicking my rear end on. I wish I would’ve bought more back then.

    Mike: [00:03:26] Yep. Yep. Well, tell, tell us a little more about how you got started. So you, you started in around Oh nine, it sounds like. So tell us a bit more about like what you did before that and how you got into real estate.

    Brandon: [00:03:35] Yeah, so I was in the patch and, uh, you know, I was a head Hunter where you were recruiting, you know, executive level also guys and engineering and all that.

    Um, you know, oil took all went from, I think it was one 47 that day, all the way down to 80, you know, we thought 80 was the crash back then and, you know, things just got real tight. So, um, also kind of during that same period in my father-in-law was heavily invested [00:04:00] in the, you know, the market and. Things obviously were not going good on the market side.

    So, um, I happened to be listening to local radio here in Houston and they play up in Dallas and, you know, on my lunch break and they say, Hey, well, you know, initially we were only gonna buy two houses, cash and retire. Right. Well, that didn’t exactly happen. But, uh, you know, we’re still here today, buying houses, flipping houses, and then, uh, you know, we’ve got a few rentals and obviously the seller finance note side.


    Mike: [00:04:29] Yep. Yep. So let’s talk a little bit about mix, like your, what are your thoughts on everybody has their own goals, right? And everybody has their own, I guess, resources to be able to have a different mix. But, um, we used to, we used to kind of keep about 10, 15% of our houses as rentals usually. And then.

    Rehab, probably 75% of the rest wholesale, like 25% of the rest. But, you know, I think as you get more mature in the business, you generally want to find ways to get paid more than one time from those houses. Right. Yeah. And so, [00:05:00] uh, talk, talk about that. Yeah. Kind of mixed from your perspective, maybe what it used to be versus what it is

    Brandon: [00:05:03] now.

    Sure. Sure, absolutely. So, you know, initially we got started in heavy, heavy rental model. I mean, every house we took down, it was, it was, you know, buy, rehab it and either refinancing at a local bank or, you know, or have a bank established line of credit, put it on a line of credit and then term it out. So, uh, you know, my first year in the business, we think we bought 36 houses, a brand new rookie and all that.

    And then, uh, You know, we happened to meet a local bank and that bank, you know, we, we got our, I think we got 750,000 was our first line of credit. We filled that up with those 30 odd houses or so. And then they called us back and say, Hey, do you want another mill? We go, what? You know? And then, uh, so we, we just kind of continued down that path.

    Um, we got into flipping kind of late, you know, 2012, and then we’ve been in heavy flippers ever since then. So, um, you know, we still do accumulate some rentals, of course, just by default, [00:06:00] you know, a wise person once told me a bad. You know, a bad rehab makes a hell of a rental, you know, so, yeah. But, uh, but yeah, so we’ve had as many as upwards of 90 rentals, uh, we’ve slowly slowed off, you know, sold a few.

    I think you’ve sold a few over the years to, um, You know, the rental game as, as we talked about, yes, it is cashflow based, but at the end of the day, you know, you’re kind of looking at, at best break, even in my opinion, after if you kind of end up taxes, insurance, and maintenance. Uh, but they do appreciate, you know, we were told way back when in Oh nine to 2010 that they didn’t appreciate.

    Well, lo and behold, we all know that’s the direct opposite. And that’s, you know, when we saw some of the values that we were getting as is, you know, so we decided similar to you start selling off a few. So, uh, we’re in the low fifties right now. Um, but also on the other side of that is. Is we’ve taken on more on the seller finance side, you know, creating cashflow through the note receivable, or I don’t have maintenance, I don’t have the [00:07:00] property tax issue.

    I don’t have the, you know, we still got to govern the insurance and make sure it’s all caught up, but, you know, it’s a more opinion. It’s, it’s, it’s a, it’s, it’s a passive, more established, sustainable, uh, you know, model. And especially with the craziness that’s going on nowadays, you know, my business has continued to probably.

    Uh, we talked about through COVID and all my rentals. They probably paid about 85 to 90% over the last couple months through those wants to hit, you know, we didn’t know, are they going to pay, are they not going to pay? Then I got my bankers calling me, Hey, are you going to be able to make your payment?

    You know, we made it through all that, you know, and. But really, and truly at the end of the day, my seller finance notes, I mean, they just crushed it. You know, they, they paid basically everybody paid except for one or two, you know? Yeah. It’s

    Mike: [00:07:47] the mentality. They’re there they’re owners versus tenants. I mean, it’s a different, it’s a different mindset, right.

    When people know, I mean, for the most part, I mean, clearly people default on loans as well, but I think, uh, the mindset [00:08:00] of being an owner, you know, they’re, they’re probably taking better care of it. They’re probably fixing, fixing it up and doing some things. I don’t know if you’re. You know, a lot of our owner finance deals, we didn’t even fix the houses up.

    We kind of sold them as is just because I was kind of following Mitch Stephens. You are the people that kind of, that worked for them. I was like, man, that takes a lot of load off of me if I don’t have to do that. And honestly, they probably gonna improve my collateral. Um, so kind of go down that route, but.

    Um, but that’s what we’ve done, but I’ll tell you. Yeah, we haven’t had many issues. We had one issue on one of our notes where the guy was like, you know, there was so much noise in the media too. Like, well, you don’t have to pay your mortgage anymore. Like banks have. They just, they assume we’re all like billionaires and big, like bankers, like a monopoly man.

    Right? It’s like, Hey, we’re just. You know. Yeah. Obviously you and I are really, really cool dudes, but end of the day, we’re not the monopoly man. Right. So, but I think after you set the expectation of like, Hey, you’re an owner, you’re responsible, these things. Uh, people just kind of figured it out, right?

    Brandon: [00:08:56] Yeah, absolutely.

    You know, I mean, it was, you know, with the news put out and what the [00:09:00] government put out, you know, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, you know, deferment and all that. I had that conversation multiple times with media tenets and they still could not understand it. I have that same conversation with a seller finance note guy and he gets it.

    Oh, okay. Yeah. I know. You know, I do know my note is that a local community bank, it’s not Fannie Mae. You know, Freddie Mac back in and I don’t have the deferments. Oh, I got, I do need to pay, you know, and I think that’s the mindset you talked about

    Mike: [00:09:26] before. Yeah. And most, most, uh, you know, most folks that are owners that you’ve owned finance too, they they’ve got more skin in the game.

    Right. You required a down payment upfront and they, they probably, in some instance, at least in mine, I’ve improved the value of it. So they’ve got skin in the game. They don’t want to lose more so than I think a lot of tenants, this is kind of sad for us as landlords. Right. But a lot of tenants. They, they assume that their deposit is gone.

    The moment they pay it, because they’re in this cycle of like either getting evicted or they generally cause so much damage to the house and never get it back anyway. So they’ve [00:10:00] already kind of discounted that. So they have nothing to lose, right. For a lot of tents, unfortunately.

    Brandon: [00:10:06] Yeah, no, I, I would second that now at the same time, uh, you still always have a handful of tenants that do, you know, do respect your problem that do take that in.

    You know, as, as we kind of talked about a little bit before, there is always a possibility maybe to, and we’re looking at this, and this is part of our model for 2020 to kind of finish up. It’s taking that tenant. That has a good history that has probably been in the unit. I mean, some of my guys have been in the unit five, seven, eight, nine years with on time payments and sitting down with them and saying, Hey, can we convert you to an owner finance note?

    And here’s, you know, he, here’s what you’re going to be gaining, you know, the tax benefits, you know, the equity and, you know, kind of going through versus paying me. This is now and urinate and kind of setting up that model longterm. So I anticipate us probably to do you know, of our 50 rentals that we have kind of sitting on the side that we’re still.

    [00:11:00] I have today that we’d probably like to take down 15, 10 to 15 of those and convert those good tenants into note receivables for the, for the remaining part of the year.

    Mike: [00:11:09] Yeah, we, you and I were discussing that before we started recording, but that is one of my questions. Cause I I’ve always assumed when I sell my rentals, which I’m not in a rush to do that.

    That’s kind of our retirement. Fun, you know, if you’re a part of it, for sure is like, well, when I do that, uh, you know, it’ll be well probably seller finance them off. And that was one of the questions I’ve had this conversation with my property manager too. Like are the tenants that we have, the people that we want or would even qualify to be an owner finance, uh, you know, a customer, I guess.

    Sure. And so, yeah, so you kind of said, Hey, find the best tenants, the ones that pay on time. Cause that’s obviously an indicator of, you know, if they don’t pay the rent on time, they’re not going to pay a loan on time either. Right?

    Brandon: [00:11:50] Sure. Absolutely. And I, you know, my, my, my kind of gut feeling says about 15 to 20% of your portfolio probably is, uh, As a is at least a [00:12:00] ballpark that would be potentially a good fit financially.

    They can afford it and then they have the history of it. So, yeah. Um, one of the things we did not talk about before that, that my company happened to be going through before COVID at all, uh, we finally got our tenants to start all paying on online in paint or an app. And, you know, I mean, there’s a lot of good quality services in there since that.

    You know, when we started in Oh nine, we used to always to we’ll just mail your tent, you know, mail your payment to me, or come in the office. And those people have had that mindset for so many years. It was very difficult converting them to an online system. Right. And so now we’ve been online now on payment, said, Hey, don’t come in the office pale, I’m paid through the app.

    And I tell you what it is. It’s working out pretty good over. We’d done. We started about two and a half, three months ago.

    Mike: [00:12:46] Yeah, that’s great. Yeah. We, you know, it started investing in some, some large, uh, apartment communities over the past couple of years through, and usually with my buddy Corey Peterson, your, your friend too.

    And that’s one of the first things that they do is they go in and [00:13:00] they’re, if they’re not already doing it, they require the convert to, um, to auto debit. And so when COVID hit, he’s like, you know, they didn’t get hit that bad. Cause they, they had, they had, they just took the money out of their account.

    Like they didn’t, you know, they didn’t have to wait for somebody to drop off a check and even think like, should I deliver this or not? It’s like, we’re just taking it out now, you know, that lasts a month or two, somebody could call their bank and disconnected I guess. But yeah. But yeah, it helps a lot.

    Right. It helps you operationally it helps you a lot to not have to think about, uh, well, did the check get lost in the mail or all the other crappy here? Right?

    Brandon: [00:13:34] Yeah, I mean, automatic ACH payment is a way to go. We do offer a discount for anybody that has an ACH payment. Okay. I mean the, the, the cost to pull it out of the bank is relatively cheap.

    When you know, it doesn’t matter if you do one or a hundred, ACH is at least in my bank that it’s all one flat fee thing. Seven, eight bucks. I mean, it’s incredibly cheap to do an ACH if you set it up. So, yeah. Yeah.

    Mike: [00:13:57] So, so let’s talk a little about, um, [00:14:00] w converting more to the, uh, owner finance model. One of the challenges a lot of people have with that model is that you gotta have the pockets or have access to deep pockets.

    So. You know, you never have enough cash, right? And so, uh, you’re obviously not using your own cash for this or not all of it. You got to have some underlying finance. So, you know, obviously people are keeping rentals there. A lot of people that are listening to this probably have rentals go, you go to a bank, local community bank, some of the national lenders, even Fannie and Freddie, if you don’t have.

    You know, more than 10, you can get that underlying finance to finance a rental property. Right. But to say, I’m going to borrow money from you and then I’m going to relend it to somebody else and they’re going to pay me and I’m going to pay you every month. It’s it’s just a different animal. So talk a little about kind of who, who you use and how you you’re set up to provide that underlying finance to operate on owner finance model.


    Brandon: [00:14:50] Absolutely. So, um, the way we’ve always done in the past, since we’ve gone to local community banks, and first of all, you know, establish a line of credit up front, um, [00:15:00] because it’s very difficult to, you know, put on MLS, Hey, we take owner finance notes and owner finance is available. If you don’t have the backend financing, if you don’t have the backend financing, it’s very difficult, you know, to start stacking your notes up, you know, before you take them to the bank, you can do that.

    You can stack all your notes up. You know, using private money and then take a bulk, you know, five, six, 10 notes. So a bank trying to get them to finance. I would recommend trying to set the lineup first. So it’s more of a turnkey situation. So when you do list that house on MLS, when you do post it to Facebook, um, you know, that that note receivable line is already set up with the lender.

    So. Um, you know, I know we have to talk about financing within, you know, your fuel in the group and all, um, the local community bank is probably going to start you just below two, a million dollars, uh, is kind of the ballpark, you know, a lot of deals. And that’s how we set up business over the last 10 years.

    You know, we’ve got about eight to nine different local lenders and, you know, they kind of start [00:16:00] tapping out at 1.8, $2 million. Um, However, since this kind of pandemic got going here, I met a gentleman and, and I’ve done all of the banks, you know, Bible stuff, and going on, knocking on banks, I met a broker that is a commercial broker.

    He specializes in retail apartments, and obviously he got hit hard with the COVID stuff. And so he reached out to me and say, Hey, Brandon, what do you really need? What’s the max, you can go. And we started talking and I’ve never done. I’ve never paid a fee to go out and do acquisitions, but. Um, I said, you know what?

    Let’s shoot for the stars. Let’s see what you can do. You talk a bit game, here you go. So, you know, we’re, we’re in conversations with the local community bank, through the broker, uh, on a $5 million line of credit for our seller finance notes. And that would really set up my into 2020 going into 2021. And, you know, I I’ve.

    I’ve never worked for a broker, but so far it’s been a pretty good, pretty good experience. And you know, I mean, all these guys do is [00:17:00] they look at, you know, the UBS, the PR report. We talked about that a little bit, you know, they know what banks are lending and what their lending limits are. You know, this is a whole new spectrum for me and what I normally do versus me going on and Oh, who look at that community bank, go and knock on the door, look at that here.

    And you ain’t go, you know, these guys kind of have their relationships already preset up, you know? Yeah. So. But, uh, so that’ll be an interesting experience if we’re able to get that done in the next coming weeks to month.

    Mike: [00:17:26] Yeah. And that’s, you know, some of having, having some experience scaling up, and I know, you know, part of your, uh, bank Bible that you talked about, and we talked a lot about it, an investor fuel about building relationships with banks.

    Part of that is, is kind of having a

    Brandon: [00:17:39] portfolio

    Mike: [00:17:40] of what you’ve done, right? Like this is my, this is, this is about me. These are, this is about our business. Here’s our financials. There’s a number of deals we’ve done. It’s basically just like your portfolio of you kind of rate your business resume in a lot of ways, right.

    Is to say, Hey, here’s why you should work with me. Which a lot of people don’t have that. I mean, it’s kind of like when you have [00:18:00] a job, when you’re, when you post for a job and you get hundreds of applications, you gotta. Weed people out some way. And you know, it’s

    Brandon: [00:18:07] like one way to

    Mike: [00:18:07] weed people out is the person,

    Brandon: [00:18:09] the people that,

    Mike: [00:18:10] um, you know, gave a halfhearted attempt at best to try to get your business, like, look, the people that really were polished and really thought this through before they came to us.


    Brandon: [00:18:18] Yeah. And I think, I think kind of going through this is kind of opened up my eyes, you know, we’ve, as I talked about, we kind of been in that $2 million right. Range line of credit. We’ve never really asked for five, well, if I get five, can I get 10? You know, I know, I know you, Corey, I’ve always asked, you know, even Corey raised a lot of money, you know, and I’ve just, I’ve kind of never thought about going to that next step.

    And this has kind of opened my eyes at, this is possible. This is doable with what we have. And, uh, just, you know, trying to get that deal closed longterm.

    Mike: [00:18:47] Yeah. I think a lot of people that when they raise money, you know, it’s real easy to go from. I don’t know how to raise money to even thinking mentally questioning whether you can, to being able to raise way more than you could ever need.

    It kind of goes from one [00:19:00] end of the spectrum of the other. Right? So you find somebody and they’re like, well, I could give you a 5 million or line. And you’re like, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. I

    Brandon: [00:19:06] only need 80,000. Like,

    Mike: [00:19:07] can you just put the rest in an account? They’re just sitting there for me in case I need it. So, you know, people that have money.

    Especially, you start to talk to brokers and more institutional people like what they really want. It’s not, it’s not so much the return. It’s like the ability to keep their money busy. Right, right. Cause return, doesn’t matter if it’s just sitting in a pile somewhere.

    Brandon: [00:19:26] Yeah. And that’s actually been the banker’s number one concern say, Hey Brendan, if, if we do this for you or are you going to be able to deploy it?

    You know, deployment is a very, you know, cause. I mean the, the particular bank we’re using for this type of line. I mean, we’re at the very top they’re lending limit, you know, so, I mean, we’re going to senior loan committee and all that other stuff, I mean, and that. That’s a viable question. I’ve never thought about that.

    I mean, right now, as you know, I’m an active agent, you know, here in Houston and you know, I mean, I’ve got 13 houses on the market. I’ve got another nine coming. I mean, can I deploy that? [00:20:00] Let me try,

    Mike: [00:20:02] right? Yep. Yep. So talk a little about when you’re talking. One of the things we were talking about up front is when you talk to banks about rentals, and then you start talking about, Hey, this owner finance model, it’s like, again, you

    Brandon: [00:20:12] know,

    Mike: [00:20:13] I borrow from you.

    I lend to them, they pay me, I pay you. Uh, it’s it’s a little more complicated. So one of the things you were talking about is just some of the terminology and they use a bunch of acronyms and things that are different just to kind of how to have a different communication, uh, with lenders that think a little bit differently.

    If it’s an owner finance model, sometimes we use words in our industry that are different than what they use. Right. So maybe just talk about kind of bridging that gap with how you communicate with

    Brandon: [00:20:41] lenders. Yeah. So I would say most community banks when you kind of walk into them, they know a little bit, yeah.

    At least on the commercial side, the commercial community banks, they at least know a little bit about, you know, single family. They kind of know apartments and cashflow loan to value that, you know, they already know that type of [00:21:00] stuff. Right. In that conversation. When I used to go pitch to the banks, that conversation was.

    Was was pretty easy to convey and you kind of get in the niche of doing it well with the seller finance stuff. You know, the terminology is just a lot, you know, is this going to be a QM loan? Is it a non QM loan? You know, Are you going to have an RMO true underwrite, which do you know? So, um, okay. So I get that.

    So how do you, how do you monitor, you know, do you use a professional license escrow company? You know, I mean, these are, these are newer terms, you know, for bankers that are in commercial banking, that they don’t understand what an RML lo is, you know, and you literally have to walk them through. You know, Dodd-Frank compliance disclosure.

    Oh, I use this professionally licensed escrow company to manage the insurance taxes and then they turn around and pay, pay you slash pay meat, you know? So it is a lot, it is a more complicated conversation with mr banker, but, but it’s doable kind of once [00:22:00] you learn it.

    Mike: [00:22:00] Yeah. And at the end of the day, they, they have their collaterals a little safer.

    Now they’ve got, of course they’ve got the house and they’ve got. You’re your ultimate buyers on the hook. And you’re, you’ve obviously personally guaranteed stuff too. So if you could get that through and help them understand it, like your collateral, your, your money is safer in this model than a, even a rental.


    Brandon: [00:22:22] Right. Yeah, absolutely. And it was funny. We were in a meeting, I think last week and then the banker was, uh, so with rates being so low, we talked about, you know, What, what are your, what is, what is my lending limits? Who am I in buyer? You know, right now with rates being so low, not to get predatorial, you know, we’re between nine, nine and a half, you know, in that area.

    And he looks at me and he goes, well, on interest, you’re going to make more money than I am as the banker, you know? And he kind of sit back and kind of shook his head, but said, I get it. You know? So yeah, because you get to realize that the bank line we’re talking about is that X amount of interest, and I’m going to turn around.

    Mark it up, of [00:23:00] course, charging and buyer. And, uh, he, he kinda thought that was a pretty interesting little joke there.

    Mike: [00:23:05] Yeah, yeah. Yeah. If only, only he knew how much harder it would be for him to go do that directly. Right. Everybody thinks that everybody thinks what we do is easy.

    Brandon: [00:23:15] So

    Mike: [00:23:16] awesome. Brandon, you’ve been you and I have been friends for a long time and you’ve been a huge giver.

    You’re obviously a member of the investor fuel mastermind. Would you mind, you’ve been, you’ve been a member we’re coming up on three years here. You remember pretty early on. I don’t think you were at the first meeting. You might’ve with the second one.

    Brandon: [00:23:31] Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So, uh, you know, originally came over from big yellow and then came over to fuel directly after, um, you know, we love to be independent and then you started the group and a lot of the guys, I kind of knew in between I started getting wind of what.

    Fuel was doing what you instance and were doing and just the community. Right. I’ve been to pretty much, I think I’ve been to every meeting besides one and you know, I’ll be up in Dallas for this upcoming week. Uh, [00:24:00] I’m a hands on guy. I like to sit down and get those golden nuggets, you know, it’s, it may not be the, the big presentations, but it’s the, it’s the small things.

    It’s. So it’s the DM messages that you get from Stinson or yourself, or, you know, Hey Brandon, can you call John? And in Oklahoma or acute, he called Erin in Florida to discuss seller finance, you know? Um, and, and that’s what it’s about. You know, we’ve done all those sayings and, you know, and, and it’s about sharing ideas, everything from.

    Acquisitions to Todd swagger D and Mel pieces, you know, to okay. Is texting, working or not, you know? So, um, it’s basically, it’s the community, it’s a collaboration. And, you know, we, we ought to say alleviate your ego at the door, you know, and that’s kinda what it’s been.

    Mike: [00:24:45] Yeah. There’s a lot of, we’ve got a great group there and appreciate you being here,

    Brandon: [00:24:48] so.


    Mike: [00:24:49] Awesome. Awesome. Well, Brandon, if folks, if folks wanted to connect with you, obviously you’re in Houston, do a lot of business down there. I’ve done a lot of deals. Want to do a lot more. Uh, so folks, you know, might be [00:25:00] looking to do deals together or JV or partner, or even sell to you or connect with you in any other way.

    How would they connect?

    Brandon: [00:25:06] Best thing is just click the link below or find us at priority house buyers, uh, dot com, and you can submit your information. Uh, we’re all over Facebook and been in the investor community a while. So. No, there’s only a only a handful of beautiful bald men out there in Houston.

    Mike: [00:25:23] Yeah, there’s a, yeah.

    Yeah. There’s a lot of Baldwin, but not beautiful. Not like you, my friends. So.

    Brandon: [00:25:28] Cool. Well, we’ll add,

    Mike: [00:25:29] we’ll add those links down below and, uh, thanks again for sharing with us today. Thanks. Good to see you looking forward to seeing you just a couple of weeks here at investor fuel.

    Brandon: [00:25:36] All right, Mike, I appreciate you guys.

    We’ll see you shortly.

    Mike: [00:25:38] Awesome. And everybody, thanks so much for joining on the show today. I hope you get some value out of these. We’re bringing a lot of my friends, a lot of members of investor fuel to talk to you, to learn a little bit more about what it takes to perform at a high level and what it takes in this instance to generate more cashflow.

    So if you haven’t had subscribed to the show on iTunes, Stitcher, Google play anywhere like that, wherever you’re watching this right now, we’d love it. If you subscribe and leave us a [00:26:00] positive review course, you can access all of the shows on investor. have a great day. See you on the next show.

    Are you an active real estate investor? If so, and you want to latch onto the power of surrounding yourself with over a hundred of the nation’s leading real estate investors, all committed to building stronger businesses

    Brandon: [00:26:22] and living richer fuller

    Mike: [00:26:24] lives. You should jump on a call with us to learn more about Bester fuel, simply visit investor fuel.

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